Chapter Nineteen

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"Come on, Romeo, don't make this any harder than it already was."

Savannah knew riding Romeo at a moment like this wasn't exactly the best idea. Horses were sensitive and empathetic beings, and the horse would sense how emotional she was at the moment and start feeling the same way, not allowing her to get on him. However, Savannah had already done all her other chores and she didn't know what else she could do and she really needed to make herself busy.

Worry and fear were spreading through her whole body like a fatal infection travelling one's blood. She had never seen her father like this before, and she didn't understand why he was overreacting so much. She had expected him to be overprotective over her, he always had been that way, but this was a whole new level. She hated leaving him alone with Romeo. Why would he want that? What did he want to tell him, he couldn't say in front of her?

Savannah just hoped her father didn't make or say anything stupid or unreasonable decisions. She knew he would end up coming back to his senses and realizing how irrational he was being, all he needed was some time to himself.

Taking a deep breath and forcing a smile on her lips, Savannah patted Romeo's muzzle. "I'm alright, see? Everything will be alright..." She assured the horse, who didn't seem that sure of her words. He was more restless than usual. In a normal situation Savannah wouldn't try to get on him like that, but right now she wasn't thinking properly. "Let's give it another shot, shall we? Yesterday you were such a good boy!" She complimented. The last time she got on Romeo she managed to ride for a while, in the quietest part of the farm. She knew that her work on the horse was almost done, which made her a little sad. Soon she'd have to give him back to Michael's father, so he could sell the horse to God knew who. He would never be free again, and she couldn't help but feel guilty for that.

Slowly and carefully, Savannah got on Romeo, who neighed but didn't move. "Good boy, Romeo, good boy." The girl complimented with a pat on the horse's neck. "Let's walk a little, just like yesterday, okay?" She asked as she cautiously incited the horse to start moving, which he did.

Savannah and Romeo started riding around the farm. Everything was going well until Romeo's head flashed up at the sound of a car. Savannah immediately patted the horse to calm him down, but she herself had a bad feeling. Who could it be at that time, and in a car? That wasn't her father's truck, she was sure of that.

Even though part of her told her she shouldn't go see what was going on, that it'd be better if she just obeyed her father and worked until dinner, she started riding towards the sound, which came from the front of the house.

Parked in front of the house was a black car. Savannah narrowed her eyes to try see from afar who was getting in and slamming the door with all their strength, only to realize it was Romeo.

"No... it can't be..." Savannah said quietly in a weak voice, not believing what she was seeing. Her father was mad, but not enough to send Romeo away before time, right...? That had never happened before. More importantly, Romeo wouldn't leave without saying goodbye to her. Well, not that he had much choice if her father was making him do that.

The car started driving and Savannah woke up from her trance, realizing she didn't have time to paralyze and ask herself why all that was happening to Romeo and her. The girl made Romeo start running towards the car. It couldn't end like that. She couldn't handle never having some kind of closure. She couldn't handle her last memory of Romeo being of her father almost punching him. She knew all her father needed was some time to cool down, so she couldn't let Romeo go until then.

Romeo was extremely fast and soon they were catching up to the car. "Romeo!" Savannah yelled at the car, but she doubted the boy heard her. "Romeo!" She yelled again at the top of her lungs, this time louder.

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