Chapter Fifteen

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Savannah was very excited to share a song with Romeo. She had thought about it when she first learned he played the piano so beautifully and sang while he did so, but she finally got the courage to ask him. She didn't know why it took her so long to give him the idea, after all Romeo had been a fan of hers since the beginning and she couldn't see any reason he would say no. It didn't really matter, though, since he said he would love to play the piano for her song and they would try it out that day.

The redhead did her chores quickly and energetically that morning, thinking of the moment she would share her song with Romeo that afternoon. Even though the girl was always active and hardworking, Romeo noticed how eager she looked and found it adorable.

"What are you looking at? Get to work, silly!" Savannah complained, stopping work and placing her hands on her small hips when she noticed Romeo staring at her. However, despite acting the way she did she loved when Romeo looked at her like that: as if she was the only thing that mattered in the whole world. She never thought she would have someone look at her like that, and it made her heart flourish in one million butterflies.

"What's wrong, a guy can't appreciate and admire his girlfriend anymore?" Romeo teased, cocking his eyebrow up in an extremely sexy way.

Savannah playfully rolled her eyes at the boy and went back to work, even though the way he said the word 'girlfriend' made her smile.


After lunch, Savannah asked her father to take them to town with him and he accepted. They went to church, like Savannah had planned, and asked father Charles if they could use the church's piano.

"Of course, Savannah, Romeo, of course! It makes me very happy to know you two will be playing a song together for next Sunday. I'm sure everyone will love it. People always love your songs Savannah." The father told them with his usual warm smile. He turned to Romeo and his smile grew a little wider. "I didn't know you play the piano, son. I look forward to listening to it. Not now, though. I'll give you some privacy. I'd rather listen to it when it's completely prepared and have the 'wow factor'". He added with a chuckle as he put his jacket on and made his way to the door. "Be good, children. I'll be back in a couple hours." He winked at them and walked outside.

The door made a loud echoing nose as it closed and Romeo looked around with his hands in his jeans' pockets, his eyes landing on Savannah.

"It feels weird, being alone in a church." He commented, looking around. It was kind of creepy to be honest. With all the statues and paintings of people suffering in any possible way, churches were such cold and old places, not to talk about the feeling there was always someone you couldn't see present.

Savannah looked at him and smirked. "Are you scared?" She teased.

Romeo rolled his eyes. Of course he wasn't scared. That was a small simple church, it wasn't as cold and weirdly decorated as the ones he had visited in his lifetime. However, it was the first time he was alone in a church and it did feel kind of weird, as if he was somewhere he wasn't supposed to.

"Don't worry, Romeo, you're at the safest place on Earth." The girl added, her smirk converting into an honest smile. Even though Romeo didn't believe in church or God, Savannah's faith made him smile and almost believe what she said. "Anyway, let's get started, shall we? This is the song." Savannah picked the papers from her bag and handed Romeo the music sheet.

Romeo walked towards the piano and sat down as he read the music sheet, the music automatically playing inside his mind as he read the notes. It sounded like a beautiful melody, but he could see it was written while playing on the guitar. A few changes here and there would make it sound a lot better in the piano.

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