Chapter 1

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Nicks pov

Me and my brothers decided it was time we all take a break from the band and I was pretty happy about it so then I can do my own thing whilst they do theirs. I have decided to go into acting and working on my own sound for music I've been going in to the studio a lot lately and I already have half the songs written for my album. Olivia and I are going stronger than ever it's almost a year since we've been together and I want to do something amazing for our 1 year anniversary, so I decided to take her to Bora Bora she has always wanted to go there. I got home after the studio I walked in and shouted "Olivia? Baby where are you?" "I'm in the shower hold on I'm almost done" I heard her shout so I decided to wait in the bedroom with the tickets in one hand and flowers in the other, I sat on the bed and waited for her until I got a text from Demi "hey Nicholas how's it going?" "Hey Dems it's going good just about to give Olivia a surprise" I sent back and within seconds she text me back "oh what kind of surprise😉" "Demi not that! I'm taking her to Bora Bora for our anniversary!" After I sent the message she didn't message me back it was kinda strange.

Olivia's pov

I went shopping with Danielle and it was so hectic. We grabbed a starbucks before going back to her and Kevin's house "So how are you and Nick doing?" "We are amazing I love him so much plus he's working so hard on his music and his acting" I reply with a big smile. Until we arrived at her house we just spoke about me and Nick and how serious we are getting and it's only been a year. As we arrived at her house I saw that Joe was here I haven't seen him in forever we walked in and I shouted "JOE!!" I ran to him and have him a hug "hey Olivia long time huh" we both laughed and we started catching up. After a few hours I decided to go home luckily I left my car at Danielle's I drove home and got in the shower, 5 minutes later I heard someone shouting me and it was Nick "Olivia? Baby where are you?" "I'm in the shower hold on I'm almost done" I yell back. I shut the water off and step out to grab the towel I walk into the bed room and Nick looks at me and bites his lip "babe my eyes are up here" I laugh and he snaps out of his thoughts "baby it's almost our one year and I have a surprise for you" he gets up and walks up to me shows me the flowers and an envelope I open it and it's tickets to Bora Bora "OH MY GOD!!!" I scream and jump on him "Nick oh my god are you serious?!! We are going to bora bora?!" "Happy early anniversary baby" he says and I kiss him with tears streaming down my face I was so happy with him.

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