Chapter 10

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Nicks pov

After I got back to Demi's I ran upstairs and showered. I looked at my hand to see if there were any cuts but there wasn't it was only Wilmers blood. I got changed and went back downstairs I seen Demi on the sofa laying down on Marissa's lap.

I walked to the kitchen and got a bottle of water from the fridge when Marissa comes in "she's asleep so are you going to tell me what the fuck you did?" She whisper shouts "I didn't do anything" before drinking the water she snatches it out my hand "Nick don't lie to me! Did you go to Wilmers house?" I stood there and have her a smirk "Nick what the fuck! What if this gets out huh?! What if he gets you arrested" I walk past her to go into the patio. She follows me and shuts the patio door after her "okay Mar listen okay everything fine don't worry it was one punch only one he won't get me arrested for that. But I need your help" I whisper the end part.

She looks at me with a confused face "help with what?" She sits down and I lean on the concrete wall, I look at floor and took a deep breathe before I spoke "Demi and I. We can't happen. Not like this and not right now" her facial expression weakens she looks scared "but why? You two are made for each other!".

Marissa's pov

I can't believe what I was hearing from nick right now I was so shocked but also scared because Demi has never loved anyone like she loves Nick. I stood up and walked closer to him "Mar we aren't made for each other. This. Us. Me and her it's different" "oh come on Nick why won't you let yourself see it?! She's in love with you and you are in love with her just admit it already!!" I yell at him and his eyes started to water.

A tear leaves his eye and he quickly wipes it "Mar please don't make it harder than it already is I'm sorry but I can't do this right now. I just got out of a relationship which sucked okay. I gotta go I'm sorry tell demi I love her and I'm sorry." He walked into the house and went straight upstairs.

I sat down opposite where Demi was sleeping peacefully oh god I can't not do this to her. How am I supposed to break this to her. Nick came walking down the stairs with his bag "Nick don't do this please. She needs you. Other than me you're her best friend" "I'm sorry Mar. I'll call you okay" he walks over and kisses Demi on her cheek and leaves. As he shut the door Demi woke up.

Demi's pov

I woke up to a door shutting I opened my eyes and saw Marissa sat there looking at me "hey Dem" "hey. Where's nick?" I ask sounding groggy "he erh he left" she said looking down at the floor "when is he coming back? Has he gone to get coffee?" She shook her head still looking at the floor "Mar?" "I'm sorry Demi he's not coming back." What was she saying?! Was he leaving me for good?! Was he scared?! "what do you mean he isn't coming back?! I don't believe you!" I ran to my door and ran out of it I saw Nick driving off "NICK!!" I yell but it was too late.

I ran to my car and followed him I was driving like a maniac but I didn't care. I got to a red light at the end of my street and took my phone out and dialled Nick "Nick call me please let's talk about this!" I heard cars beeping behind me so I drove a little I looked to my left and that's when everything went black.

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