Chapter 12

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When I fell asleep I started dreaming of the day I first met Demi. Not only was it the day I met my best friend to be but I had met my soul mate.

I was sat on a bench at the camp site where we were shooting the Camp Rock movie. I was sat with My two brothers Joe and Kevin, we were talking about what an amazing opportunity this is for our band to be known a lot more by different kind of fandoms. Then all of a sudden I heard the most adorable laugh I have ever heard, I scouted around to see if I could find the source and then I saw her. She was so beautiful. Her hair was long and brown, with bangs stopping just above her eyes.

I stared at her for a while when suddenly she looked in my direction I looked at the floor in a quick motion, I looked back up at her I have her a small smile and she smiled back at me. She had a gap between her two front teeth. That smile was the best smile I have ever laid eyes on.

I heard Joe and Kevin laugh "well well well looks like someone is smitten brother" they both laugh again, I turn to the both and glare at them "I am not smitten" Joe looks at me and pats my back and says "little brother I know you better than anyone will ever know you and I know exactly when my brother is smitten okay. Plus won't miley be upset if she knew you were eye flirting with some chick you just met?" "I am not eye flirting with her or whatever I was being polite by smiling at her okay" he chuckled and said "whatever you say brother" I walked off to the snack and drinks table so I didn't have to hear them say them things to me.

I grabbed a can of diet coke and went to sit on a bench away from everyone I was shy when it came to meeting and talking to new people. I sipped my can and I started scouting through the crowds again to find the girl with the laugh. I finally saw her laughing with Joe I felt a pang of jealousy I don't know why because I had a girlfriend. Joe turned around and motioned me to go over I took a deep breathe and walked over "and this is my little brother Nick" I nodded and smiled at her "Hey I'm Demi it's nice to meet you Nick" I shook her hand she held out for me and i felt a little spark between us.

The dream flashed forward to 2012 when Demi and I performed at the Greek in L.A. I was waiting backstage waiting for her to introduce me as she was talking to her fans about me my heart started to pound I was getting so nervous and when she called my name I walked out and went straight into hug her. As we started singing don't forgot I knew at that very moment I was in love with my best friend.

The dream flashed forward once more to the Neon Lights Tour. As I walked out on stage the crowd went wild i went to hug her and the crowd started chanting 'Nemi' I looked out the crowd and saw Olivia she was there for me and Wilmer was there for Demi I was in such a love struck state singing with Demi again. After I finished my set I went backstage and waiting in Demis dressing room for a while. I heard footsteps outside the door and her contagious laugh all I could do was smile.
The door opened and Demi saw me "Nick? What are you doing in my dressing room?" "I just wanted to talk to you" I walked over to her I shut the door and locked it "I wanted to tell you how proud I am of you and how proud of how far you have come. Also I wanted to do this" I leaned in and my lips connected to hers she was shocked at first but after a few seconds her lips started to move in sync with mine that is until there was a knock on the door.

I felt a hand on my shoulder I lifted my head up and said "Demi?!" I looked up at Demi and she was in the same state as she was when I fell asleep. I looked next to me and saw Dianna "hey nick why don't you go home sweetie?" I shook my head "no I can't I want to ask Demi a question and I want to be the first one she sees when she wakes up, if that's okay with you 'Mrs. De La Garza." She stroked my back and said "okay sweetie, well do you want me to grab something from your apartment?" I shook my head because I had everything I needed right here. She moved to the other side of the bed and said "okay I'll go get us some coffees then" before she walked out the room I shouted "Mrs. D wait!" She walked back in and I said "please tell me you've found out who's done this? It can't have been just an accident. Just please do you know anything?" She looked at the floor and swallowed a huge lump. She looked back at me and said "Nick it was Olivia. She did it."

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