Chapter 9

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Demi's pov

As Marissa yelled that there were unwanted visitors, I stood up and waited for them to walk through the door and it was Olivia and Joe "what the fuck are you doing here?! You better leave before I kick shit out of you!!" Nick yelled as he walked closer to Joe. I stopped beside Nick holding his arm and stroking it. Olivia saw what I was doing and she walked over to me. "You better get your hands off of my boyfriend now. You boyfriend stealing bitch!" She tried grabbing my arm but I grabbed hers first "do not ever think you can come in MY house grab my arm and think you can tell me what to do! And plus he isn't your boyfriend anymore. You fucked that up and he moved on. To someone who will treat him better." I pushed her away and she nudged Joe abit making them fall back a little. She tried running towards me but Marissa grabbed her hair and threw her to the floor.

Marissa stood next to me and I laughed "Joe you better leave and take that bitch with you. I never wanna see you both again" Nick said sounding serious "bro come on we are brothers we aren't going to fall out over a girl are we" Nick stepped forward so their faces were inches apart "brothers? Oh we aren't brothers anymore you are not my best friend anymore. You are nothing. So leave now." Joe stepped back picking Olivia up from the floor. He looked so sad I felt sorry for him but I was on Nicks side. Like I always am.

A few hours passed as us three weren't talking at all I was just holding Nick close to me cuddling him and stroking his arm. We were watching Enews, I wasn't paying attention but I heard my name "Demi Lovato dumps Wilmer Valderrama for Nick Jonas?!" I sat up and let go of Nick and turned the volume up. "We have had some information shared from an anonymous source that earlier today Demi Lovato preferred to have Nick Jonas other than her long term boyfriend Wilmer Valderrama. Stay tuned for more Enews."

Nicks pov

After Demi, Marissa and I watched Enews Demi threw the remote at the wall and walked to the kitchen Marissa stood up wanting to go to her but I said "let me go okay" I gave her a wink and went after Demi. I stood at the door hearing her on the phone with someone but I didn't know who. She was pacing around the kitchen yelling "How the fuck can someone do that!! Do you have any idea who it can be?!" She paused for a second and stopped pacing "I think I know who did it. I'm going to kill them."

She hung up and threw her phone but luckily I caught it.

I walked up to her grabbing her by the waist making her stand still "Demi calm down okay we will sort everything out. I mean come on we aren't even together so it bullshit. Who do you think it was?" I ask looking into her eyes. She looks away and pushes herself away biting her nails "I think.. I think it was either Wilmer or.. Olivia.."

I shook my head "no they wouldn't do that. They can't do that. They don't know shit! They know we aren't together!" I yelled. I got my phone out my pocket and called Olivia. She picked up after the second ring "Olivia please tell me this wasn't you!!" I said yelling a little "what wasn't me?" She said sounding confused "telling Enews that Demi and I are a couple when we aren't!" "Wait wow calm down. I know we are on the outs right now but I wouldn't sell a story like that let alone talk about our break up to the news. It wasn't me Nick. Bye." She hung up. I looked at Demi, she looked so scared "it was Wilmer."

Wilmers pov

After I left Demis house I went straight home I was so pissed off at her picking that dick over me. I wasn't taking this any longer I decided to send an email to Enews "this will get them" I thought to myself. I told them Demi broke up with me to get together with Nick. Let's see how they will take this. A few hours passed I was watching and waiting for the story of Demi Nick and I and finally it came on.

About an hour later I had a knock on my door I went to open it and found Nick standing there "Nicholas what a pleasure. What are you doing here?" "You know why I'm here!! You did it didn't you!!" He yelled walking into my apartment "I have no idea what you're talking about" I say in my snide tone. He looked at me and his hand turned into a fist "you told Enews Demi and I were a thing didn't you!! Didn't you!!" "Ohh that ahh yes. Yes I did. I'm sorry wasn't I meant to do that?" I walked past him towards my sofa he spun me around and punched me.

I fell to the floor and he shouted "you fucking asshole! Demi and I aren't together! Why would you do that! You ruined everything Wilmer! I thought you were meant to always make Demi happy no matter what happened." I stood up wiping the blood from my mouth and said "this is my way of making her happy. So she doesn't have to hide with you like she did with me! I did you a favour." He turned and walked out of my apartment. He punches like a bitch anyway.

Marissa's pov

I waited with Demi whilst Nick went somewhere well we didn't really know where he went because he stormed out but I had a pretty good idea. We waited for around half and hour until he came back, I opened the door and saw he had blood on his hand "what the fuck have you done?!" I whisper shout "it doesn't matter where's Demi?" "In the living room" I say letting him in and shutting the door "okay, I'm going to shower and sort my hand out don't tell her you saw blood okay. It will freak her out." After he said that he ran upstairs.

I walked back into the living room and sat next to Demi "where did Nick go?" "He went upstairs he needed a piss. Don't worry" I can't believe I just lied to my best friend I never lie to her. But this was to protect her I think.

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