Chapter 5

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Demi's pov

Nick and I fell asleep on the sofa my head was on his shoulder with his arm around me and look who walks in. It's Wilmer. I woke up to him stood there and Nick said "it's not what you think" Wilmer dropped his bag and said "it's not what I think? And what exactly is it that I'm thinking" he shouted. I stood up before Wilmer went to punch Nick "Wilmer calm the fuck down! Nothing happened as you can see we both are fully clothed! I wouldn't cheat on you like you did on me okay!" I say as I grabbed his arms "wait he cheated on you?! When?!" Nick says standing up "Nick it was a while ago just forget about it" I knew Nick was angry and wanted to punch Wilmer but I couldn't have then two fighting. After 10 minutes of explaining everything to Wilmer he decided he would go to is place and calm down, as he walked out the door he turned around and kissed me "I'll see you tomorrow love" "bye baby" we kissed and he walked off. I shut the door and walked back to the living room Nick stood up and turned around "so he cheated on you and you're still with him? The fuck Demi!" He was getting worked up about it "Nick woah okay I forgave him the first time and why should I not forgive him a second time?" He looked at me and squinted his eyes "it was more than once?" I looked at him in a -oh shit shouldn't have said that- kind of way "do you want some coffee I need coffee" I walked past him to the kitchen he followed me in, I had my back facing him he walked up behind me and said "you deserve someone better than him" he whispered seductivly in my ear he placed his hands on my waist. His hands starting to move from my waist down to my front I turned around to face him, I looked into his eyes and he gave me a smirk he leaned in I was in shock and I didn't know what to do suddenly I felt his lips crash into mine for a second I didn't kiss back but then I felt his tongue kick my bottom lip asking for entrance I gladly gave in. We were kissing for around 10 minutes but then I realised it was wrong I felt how hard he was getting so I pushed him away.

Nicks pov

Half way through kissing Demi I felt so happy like it was meant to be the two of us. No one knows it have had a crush on her side I first set my eyes on her on camp rock set the first day we arrived. I looked into her eyes when she pulled away there was so much love and compassion in her eyes "I'm sorry I just.. I've wanted to that for a while now" she looked at me with confusion in her face, she walked away to the bathroom without looking back I stood there and thought 'did she not like it? Did I cross over the line?' I was confused I went and sat on the sofa to wait for her. My phone vibrated and it was Olivia the message read "I'm sorry about earlier you didn't tell me where you were and you lied to me saying you were still with joe, I got a little jealous but come home please we need to talk" I read the message but didn't decide to text her back. I got up after 5 minutes and walked to the bathroom but Demi wasn't there anymore "Demi? Dems where are you?" I shouted but no answer until I heard sobbing. I followed the noise and it led me to her room I opened the door a little and saw she was curled up in a ball crying on her bed, I walked over to her and sat at the edge of the bed "Demi what's going on? Are you okay? Did the kiss make up upset?" She turned to me and say up "no no it's not about the kiss" she said wiping her eyes "then what is it about?" I ask sounding concerned "I just. The kiss was amazing and I've always wondered what it felt like to kiss you. The reason why im crying is because you are with Olivia." "What do you mean by that?" I ask in confusion "you and Olivia are great together but something happened a while back with her. You know that week you went away to New York to work with some producers last year? Well Olivia Joe and I went out for something to eat, they wanted to go to a club I didn't want to but I did just in case" she put her head in her hands and started sobbing a little again "And?" I said grabbing her hand "and.. Half way through the night Joe and Olivia got drunk like very drunk and they.." "And they what Demi?! And they what?!" My voice getting all shaky as I said that "and they kissed and she ended up going back to his place after I went home" my face had no emotion I was shocked from what she said. She moved closer to me and sat behind me she rubbed my shoulders and said "I should have told you earlier when it happened but she begged me not to I am so sorry Nick" I looked at her and kissed her "thank you for telling me now. I have to go I'll message you later maybe I can come back here?" "Of course you are welcome any time" I stood up and she followed me to the door, I gave her a hug and kissed her cheek "thank you Demi" I said and walked to my car. I sat in the car for a few minutes I then messaged Olivia "we need to talk. Be back soon." I started the engine and drove to the house, I parked the car and walked to the front door before I opened it I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I opened the door it saw Olivia and Joe.

Olivia's pov

I couldn't believe Demi blackmailed me about what happened almost a year ago with Joe i never meant for it to happen I didn't want it to because I was so inlove with Nick it was one night well two. Okay maybe more but I didn't want any of them to happen. I sent Nick a message "I'm sorry about earlier you didn't tell me where you were and you lied to me saying you were still with joe, I got a little jealous but come home please we need to talk" he didn't reply so I decided to take a shower and watch TV. After I showered I went into the living room and switched the TV on and it was on E! There was a story about Nick, Demi and I "a feud between Olivia Culpo and Demi Lovato? Witnesses told us Olivia was recently at Demi Lovatos home on LA earlier and there was some hot and heavy conversation Lovato looked mad and Olivia was scared. What's the story between them?" I switched it off and threw the controller. I heard a knock on the door I ran to it thinking it was Nick but it was Joe. "What are you doing here?" "I wondered if Nick was back yet?" "No he's still at Demi's we had a misunderstanding" I let him in and we talked for around 2 hours about the past and now. Suddenly Joe moved closer to me and he put his hand on my bare thigh and started rubbing it slowly and moving up "Joe what are you-" I got cut off by his lips slamming on mine. I heard the door open and it was Nick.

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