Chapter 7

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Demi's pov

After I had a talk with Marissa she made me realise who I want and always wanted. As I was walking back to my room I heard Nick talking to someone I stood next to the door and heard "Olivia just stop calling me! I don't wana know you anymore you hurt me more than I've ever been hurt, just stop calling me we are done. Over for good. I'm moving on to someone who will never hurt me like you have." I heard him stop talking I looked through the crack of the door and he saw me "maybe it is Demi or maybe not but all I do know is I don't love you. I. I love someone else. Goodbye Olivia" he hung up and motioned me to go to him.

I walked to the bed and sat down on the edge "what did she say about me? Does she hate me?" I say with my back to him. He moved from the headboard towards me, he placed his hands on my shoulders and started rubbing them again "she isn't a hateful person Demi she just needs time." He kissed my neck and went to my sweet spot a moan escaped my mouth. I turned around pushed him down and sat on his crotch "before it happens again. I need to sort things out with Wilmer" I looked away as I said it so I didn't have to look him in the eye "Demi don't worry I will wait for you because that's pretty much what I've been doing for years" he kissed my lips softly but with so much passion we lay in bed I placed my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me and we fell asleep instantly.

I woke up the next morning with a smile on my face I looked at the side of me and Nick was there with a soft smile on his face, I slid out of his grasp got my sweats and shirt on and sneaked out the bedroom. I shut the door quietly and leaned against it, I bit my lip started to think of how amazing and right the day before was until Marissa took me out of my thoughts "Demi!" She quietly shouts "what?" She winked at me and walked towards the living room. She sat down and I sat next to her "so" "so what mar?" She raised her eyebrow and said "so how was he? You know in that area" I burst out laughing and she shushes me "Mar that is so inappropriate! He was so good!" It blurted out and I held my hands to my mouth "Demi! Oh my god was he better than?" "You heard me say it last night!! Mar it felt so right being in his arms and the way he was kissing me just wow it felt like I've been with him for years" I was love strucked by what had happened.

We were talking for a little while longer until I heard someone clear their throat I look to my right and saw Nick stood there just in sweats with a sexy smirk on his face, Marissa tapped my leg and stood up "I'm gonna go erh shower see you guys later" she winked at me and left "good morning Nicholas" I said standing up and walking to the kitchen. He followed me and stood leaning on the counter watching me make coffee "good morning beautiful" I started blushing.

Nicks pov

I woke up the next morning and Demi wasn't next to me I sat up grabbed my sweats and looked in her bathroom she wasn't there. I brushed my teeth and washed up I looked in the mirror and I couldn't stop smiling did this really happen? Did I really make love to Demi? The Demi I've been in love with since we were 14? I walked out of Demi's room and I heard Demi talking to Marissa I waited by the door and I heard Marissa shout "Demi! Oh my god was he better than?" Her voice trailed off which I knew she was talking about Wilmer, Demi replied with "You heard me say it last night!! Mar it felt so right being in his arms and the way he was kissing me just wow it felt like I've been with him for years" maybe we she was right I mean we have loved each other for a while I mean doesn't that count for something? After around 5 minutes I decided to chime in on them I walked through the door and cleared my throat "I'm gonna go erh shower see you guys later" she winked at Demi and Demi blushed.

Demi turned to me and said "Good morning Nicholas" she gave me a small grin stood up and walked to the kitchen, I followed her and leaned on the counter behind her she had such a nice ass I couldn't stop looking at it "good morning beautiful" she turned around and winked "are you getting a nice view of my ass from there or?" She said reaching up onto a shelf. I laughed and walked behind her, I grabbed her by the waist and whispered "I certainly was but I prefer to touch it than look at it" I squeezed it and she jumped a little she touched my hands as they moved down to her centre she started moving against my crotch and I felt myself get warm and harder as she kept moving but suddenly I heard someone clear there throat I turned around and saw Wilmer.

Wilmer's pov

I decided to go and try to sort things out from the day before. I had no right to start an argument for no reason because I know they're just friends right? Or was I wrong? I text Mar asking if Demi was awake and she text back "yeah she's awake but she is with Nick he's erh he had a bad night last night he stayed over" wait. He slept over at Demi's house was she serious! I didn't message her back I decided to just go over there. I had a key to get in the door I opened it and made my way towards the kitchen as I heard cups being placed down on the counter, I walked through to the kitchen and saw Nick stood behind Demi with his hands rubbing her centre as she was grinding against him. I cleared my throat and they both jumped "Wilmer! What are- what are you doing here at this time?" Demi asked walking towards me "I didn't sleep last night so I decided to come sort things out but looks like we don't need to." I snarled at Nick as he was looking away "wait you think? Me and Nick?" I looked at Nick and he looked sad from what she said and by the look in her eye she was upset she said it "oh I don't think I know" I walked towards towards Nick I walked passed at Demi and walked to Nick I whispered in his ear "take care of her or I will make you pay." I punched him in the stomach. Demi shouted "Wilmer what the fuck is wrong with you!! Why did you do that!!" "Do I have to have a reason?" I smirked at her and she slapped me in the face "fuck you! Get out of my house now we are done!!" She pushed me out the door and slammed it. This isn't the last she has saw of me.

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