Chapter 13

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After I got to the hospital Dianna told me what had happened and who had done it I was so pissed. My best friend can't die I'm going to make sure Olivia gets what she deserves. Nick came to the hospital with Kevin and Joe I had no idea why Joe was here. Nick ran into the room crying his eyes out it broke my heart even more, I knew he was in love with Demi I knew nothing could change that.

A few hours passed and Nick hadn't come out of Demis room I got a little worried "Dianna is Nick okay? He's been in there a long time" my face was emotionless I was sobbing whilst trying to get my words out "I'll go check on him" she let go of my hands and went into the room for around 10 minutes. Joe came over and say next to me "Hey Mar" I half smiled at him as he sat down "do you know who did this to Demi?" I nodded at him, his eyes grew wide and I said "it was Olivia. She's probably trying to get Demi out of the way so she can have Nick back" Joes face was shocked with fear mixed within his emotions.

He started crying and blaming himself "if Nick wouldn't have found Olivia and I all would be okay. Demi wouldn't be fighting for her life and Nick wouldn't hate me" he started sobbing I held him close to me and said "Joe don't dare blame yourself for what that bitch did! You're his best friend he will forgive you. He needs time you know that" he nodded slightly still crying, Dianna came out the room wiping at her tears and went to get coffee. I decided to go and confront Nick.


As Mrs.D left I started thinking how could Olivia do that? Did she think if Demi wasn't in my life anymore I would go back to her? She was crazy. My thoughts got interrupted by someone clearing their throat.

I looked up and it was Marissa "Nick can I come in?" I nodded my head, she walked in and closed the door. She came to stand next to me, she placed her hand on my shoulder and said "are you okay?" I turned to her and said "am i okay? Well let's see the love of my life is fighting for her life, my brother slept with my now ex girlfriend over a year ago oh and also my now ex girlfriend tried to kill my gir-" I stopped and looked at Demi "my best friend who I am totally and irrevocably in love with. So if that means I'm okay then I am." She rubbed my back and said "Olivia she's in this hospital she's okay she's only got a few scratches but this should be her. Demi shouldn't be fighting for her life because she should! I swear to god I'm going to kill her." I stood up so fast I startled her, she looked scared so I grabbed her in my embrace and held her whilst she cried "it's okay mar stay here okay I'll be right back." I let her go and kissed Demi on he pale forehead and left.

I went to one of the nurses and said "hey do you know where I can find someone named Olivia Culpo?" She nodded and took me to where Olivia was I don't know what I was going to say but I had to see her. I walked into the room where Olivia was she looked at me and smiled "hey there hot stuff" she winked at me and laughed. I closed the door and walked closer to her "do you understand what you may have done?" "Absolutely" she replied with an smirk "you could go to jail. If she dies I'm going to make sure you spend the rest of your life behind bars. Your career will be over. Your life will be over!" I shout and she doesn't even move. "You know I don't really care. Nick she came between us! She ruined the best thing in my life!!" "You ruined it after you fucked my brother!!" She flinched as if I just slapped her "okay yes I fucked him but I made love to you!" She yelled at me.

I laughed hard leaning my head back "Yeah well I've moved on and the love for you is none existence anymore. Actually I never loved you I was always in love with Demi and that's why I kissed her on the neon lights tour and that's why yesterday I made love to her. Good bye Olivia." I walked out the room slamming the door, I heard someone shouting my name it sounded like Marissa.

I ran back to where Demis room was I saw everyone crying. I saw Marissa sobbing uncontrollable, I ran up to her "Marissa what's happened?! Is she okay?!" She didn't look at me she was just staring into the room "Marissa is Demi okay?!!" I turned around and then I saw her beautiful brown eyes staring at me.

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