Chapter 2

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Demis pov

I just finished my meeting for my wold tour which I am extremely excited for! I went to twitter and posted "so excited for #DEMIWORLDTOUR tour is gonna be DOPE!!🌍😝😝" I went home and fond Wilmer asleep on the sofa I kissed his forehead and went into the bedroom got my sweats and hoodie on and watched the ID channel in bed I grabbed my phone and decided to text Nick hey Nicholas how's it going?" He messaged me back quickly "Hey Dems it's going good just about to give Olivia a surprise" "oh what kind of surprise😉" I laughed at what I sent to him and he replied with "Demi not that! I'm taking her to Bora Bora for our anniversary!" He seemed so happy with her well he had to be if he was taking her bora bora! I've always wanted to go Bora Bora and he was taking her?! I had enough I didn't message him back I decided to wake Wilmer up. I walked into the living room and slowly woke him up "baby wake up" he woke up and kissed me "hey sweetheart are you okay? When did you get home" he asked sitting up "I got home about 10 minutes ago and hey why don't we go on a little vacation before I go on tour?" He smiled huge and said "yeah why not! Just the two of us?" "Just the two of us baby" I kissed him and he asked "where do you wanna go?" "Wilmer where is the one place I've always wanted to go?" "Oh there? You wanna go Bora Bora babe?" He said holding my hands "yeah let's go there" after we planned it we went to bed.

Nicks pov

I woke up the next morning without Olivia she left a note "baby I've gone shopping for our trip with Danielle and Ariana so be back soon I love you xox" I smiled at it. I checked my phone and I had a message from Demi and Joe I read Joes one first and it said "hey brother I'm in town so do you wana catch up?" Then I read Demi's "Nicholas can you come over I want to ask you something" I replied to Demi's first "yeah of course I'll just shower and be right over" I jumped up and totally forgot about Joe's message I got in the shower I washed my body and was out within 5minutes. I grabbed my jeans, black t-shirt and my sneakers I grabbed my black leather jacket and phone an got in my car "be there in 10 Demi #X 😉" just to be safe. I drove to her apartment and knocked on she opened the door and have me a huge hug "Nick!" "Hey Demi wow what's with the hug?" She let go and she blushed "I missed you that's why come in" I walked in and took my jacket off "where's Wilmer?" "He's gone to his place to start packing we're going on a vacation together" "where dems?" I ask "dude that's not why I asked you here hah! I asked you here to ask you do you want to help with my world tour like you did on the neon lights tour?" I was shocked "absolutely oh my god I would love to!" I hugged her and then let go as I had a message "bro do you want to catch up or not?" "Oh shit! I forgot about Joe!" I shout "Joe? Wait he's in town?!" She asks so excited. I told her he's in town for a week or so and she says "invite him round here we can all have a huge catch up!" I text Joe and he agrees but I didn't tell Olivia I'm with Demi because she gets jealous

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