Chapter 6

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Nicks pov

I walk in the house and see Joe and Olivia kissing I stared at them and saw Joes hand move up Olivia's bare legs. Olivia saw me and stopped "Nick this is not what it looks like!" "It's not huh?" I gave Joe a look and he looked away "Nick I love you" "fck you Olivia!! I know what happened between you and that dick right there!!" I yell and her jaw drops to the ground "She told you?!" I walked upstairs into my bedroom, grabbed a bag and started packing she runs upstairs with Joe behind her "where are you going?!!" She yells "away from you! That's where I can't stay here with you anymore we are over! Done for good!" I yell as I throw clothes in the bag. Joe stands behind her and says "bro don't overreact" I dropped my clothes I clenched my fist and ran at him, I tackled him to the floor and started punching him "fuck you joe!! I would never have done this to you!" I punched him one last time and stood up I grabbed my bag and pushed past Olivia "you know I never wanted you I wanted Joe for a very long time" she said in a bitch tone "oh yeah well go for it I don't care what you do go fuck yourself you little bitch" I looked at her and raised my eyebrows and walked down the stairs "go to Demi let's see if she'll have you!!" "Oh she will" I slammed the door and got in my car I sat in it for a while before I started the engine.

Demi's pov

After Nick left I got in the shower and washed my body I was thinking about when he was kissing me and how real it felt. I didn't realise how much of a good kisser he was he has gotten so much better since camp rock days. I got out the shower and walked into my closet I grabbed my bra and underwear and put them on I heard a loud knock on the door, I grabbed my robe and went and opened it. I saw Nick stood there with his bag in hand "hey what's going on?" "Olivia and I broke up. I saw her kissing Joe" my jaw hit the floor "she what!!" As I held my hands to my mouth my robe came open a little and I saw him bite his lip I looked at him and he looked away I quickly shut my robe and let him in. We sat on the sofa an started talking "did you tell her I told you?" He looked at me and I saw his sexy smirk it made my whole body shiver "kinda" "Nick you ass!" I playfully slept him and he grabbed my hand, I looked at his hand in mine I looked up and he was staring at me "Nick we-" he cut me off by kissing me, he lays me down and gets on top of me he takes his top off and starts kissing my neck, he found my sweet spot and a few moans escaped my mouth he opened my robe more to revel the rest of my body he stopped kissing me he looked down and saw my tattoo on my rib cage. He kissed my neck again and slowly moved down to my tattoo he started kissing it and more moans came out of my mouth, I grabbed his pants and unbuttoned them he slid out of them I took my robe off and he unhooked my bra he took it off with his teeth and started massaging my boobs whilst kissing them he stood up, picked me up and carried me to the bedroom we didn't break the kiss. We got into the bedroom naked he placed me on the bed and climbed on top of me. He went down from my lips to my stomach leaving a trail of kisses he went down more and started teasing me "Nick don't.. Tease.. Me" I managed to get out, as I said it he stuck his tongue in and it was the best thing I have ever felt he really knew what he was doing, he stopped he moved back up to my lips and stuck himself inside me and started off slowly but he went faster each time I couldn't help it but I started screaming I stuck my nails in his back and left scratch marks, we both climaxed at the same time and he collapsed beside me breathing heavily. "Wow that was..." His voice trailed off "that was the best sex I have ever had" I said and he giggled "what even better than Wilmer?" He looked at me and I nodded "10x better" I then realised I just cheated on Wilmer. This isn't me. This isn't what I do. I say up quickly and covered myself up "what's wrong?" He says rubbing my back "I just. I just cheated on Wilmer" his face went serious "oh my god I'm so sorry I totally forgot. But Demi. I have loved you for so many years. I have never told you this but before I got with Olivia I was waiting for you but then you got back with Wilmer I just felt lost." "Wait? How long have you loved me?" "Since I first set my eyes on you" I turned around and looked him in the eyes I saw his eyes sparkle I have never seen it in anyone's eyes before "I have a confession too." I say looking away "oh what's that?" "I've loved you for almost 4years" when I said that I turned to look at him I leaned in to kiss him and I saw Marissa stood there "DEMI!!!!!" She yells.

Marissa's pov

I landed in LA to surprise Demi because I haven't seen her in around a month I missed her so bad I didn't choose to text her so it would just ruin the entire thing instead I text Wilmer "hey Wil is Demi home?" "Yeah she's at her place I think she's alone I don't know I haven't spoke to her" "okay thanks, aren't you talking to her?" "We had an argument and decided to give her space" I was confused for why they had an argument but I didn't ask him about it. I decided to go straight to her house, I had a key so I let myself in I heard noise from upstairs so I went to check it out I look in all the rooms but Demi's, it was open just a little bit so I saw she was in there with Nick, I opened the door and heard her say "I've loved you for almost 4years" she goes to kiss him but I open the door "DEMI!!!" She jumps up and covers herself even more "Marissa what are you doing here!" "I came to see you and I heard about you and Wilmer fighting but now I know why" I raised my eyebrow and folded my arms "hey Mar what's up" Nick says hiding under the sheet "hey Nick. Demi come with me" I motion for her to follow me with my finger. She followed me into the guest room I shut the door and stared at her "what? Why are you staring at me?!" She says getting scared I smiled huge and said "you finally admired your feelings for him!!!!" I whisper shout "yeah! But Mar I cheated on Wilmer" "oh fuck. What are you going to do?!" "I'm going to have to finish it with Wilmer. You know how I feel about Nick forever!" I hug her tightly and say "go back to your man and have fun sort it out with Wilmer tomorrow I'm going sleep I have jetlag but do me a favour. Keep the noise to a minimum" I wink at her an she blushes then runs out the room. I get my sweats and shirt on then get in bed i fell asleep instantly.

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