Chapter 4

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Olivia's pov

After Nick told me he was with Joe catching up he sounded guilty for some reason so I decided to call Joe. He picked up on the third ring "Hey Liv what's up?" He said sounding happy "oh not much are you with Nick?" "No but I was I just left he's at Demi's" after he said Demi I went into full jealous mode "he's what?! Are you serious he told me he was only with you!" I scream down the phone "hey wow calm down they were just talking about her tour and his album he's helping her with the tour like last time, nothing is between them believe me okay" after he said that i calmed down "thanks Joe sorry aha I get kind of jealous but thank you for everything, I gotta go but talk later bye" "bye Liv" I hung up and I decided to go to Demi's. I got in my car and drive straight to Demi's I looked at her house and took a deep breath, I got out the car and went up to the door. I knocked on and waited for about 5 seconds until she answered the door Nick was behind her "Olivia?" Nick said sounding surprised "hey I just wanted to come over and see how Demi was doing" I said in a bitch tone but they didn't notice. Demi was just stood there quiet and not talking "Nick are you going somewhere?" I asked giving Demi an evil look "yeah I was coming home but looks like you are going to be a bitch about it so I might just go to my parents or even better stay here" he said with a smirk on his face he looked at Demi and she giggled this bitch was not getting my man.

Demi's pov

Olivia showed up at my house and I was in shock I didn't say a thing. Olivia asked if he was going somewhere and he replied with "yeah I was coming home but looks like you are going to be a bitch about it, so I might just go to my parents or even better stay here" he said with his sexy smirk whilst he looked at me I giggled and looked at the floor. I looked at Olivia and she looked like she wanted to kill me, she walked towards me and whispered "do not ever think you can have something that's mine, he will always be mine whether you like it or not." "Oh he's yours?" She looked at me in a -don't you dare- kind of look "oh you don't want me to tell him? Then you shouldn't have done it then you whore now get the fuck out of my house before I reveal your secrets that no one but me you and someone else knows." I say and she backs off looking scared as fuck "Nick I erh I'm sorry I'll see you tomorrow stay here if you want I don't mind!" She says sounding scared and worried "yeah I will stay here bye" he said looking at her she then turns and runs to her car.

Nicks pov

We waited until she drove off to close the door "Demi what did you mean when you said 'you shouldn't have done it then you whore'? Did she do something with someone?" She looked at me in a -awe- way "Nick don't worry about it okay just know that i would never get jealous or even hurt you, because you're my best friend and I love you" did she say 'I love you' as in that way?! "You love me? In a friend way right?" She looked at me and said "yeah totally in a friend way" she said with her fake voice but I didn't let her see I knew it was fake. For the rest of the night we talked and watched movies together, we decided to watch Camp Rock 2 which was on TV and we laughed at all the things we did in the movie and we reminisced about what happened back stage between us both "Nick remember that time it was just us back stage and I was so nervous about the kissing scene with Joe?" "Oh yeah that time yeah I remember it's not something I want to forget" I winked at her.


"Nick i don't think I can do this!!" "Demi calm down it's just one little kissing scene it's nothing to worry about" Nick said trying to calm Demi down "but it's something serious! What if he doesn't like it and what if I do it wrong oh god!" Nick walked over to Demi grabbed her by the waist and said "practice with me" he said with his sexy smirk "what? Really are you sure?" He nodded and they both leaned it and kissed until they heard someone shout Demi "woah that was.." Her voice trailed off "yeah it was" Nick replied they both smiled and Demi walked off to do her scene.

After camp rock finished we both fell asleep for a few hours then we got woken up by Wilmer walking through the door "Demi I'm back sorry I took so lo-" he got cut off by the sight of Demi and me cuddling on the sofa i opened my eyes and said "it's not what you think".

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