Chapter 8

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Nicks pov

Wilmer punched me in my stomach I fell to the floor, I couldn't breathe. Demi slapped him and pushed him out the door and slammed it, she came running into the kitchen picking me up "Nick are you okay?! Ugh he's such a fucking idiot I am so sorry!" She helped me walk to the sofa and sat me down "Demi I'm fine just a little winded don't worry okay" she tried to get up to get me a bottle of water but I grabbed her hand and pulled her onto my lap "what are you-" I cut her off by smashing my lips against hers. She started moving against my crotch and I felt myself get harder and warmer, my hands started moving all over her body I moved them down to her ass and squeezed it she let out a small giggle.

One of my hands stayed on her ass as my other one traveled to her centre I started rubbing the outside of her panties and she started moaning in my mouth with turned me on even more. I moved her panties to the side and inserted two fingers slowly but then started moving then faster and faster, she bit on to my lip and pulled her as her head leaned back.

I pushed her on to the sofa and leaned over her I kissed her lips then went to her jaw line then her neck and found her sweet spot. I placed my body on top of hers and started grinding against her centre I felt myself get harder until Demi placed her arms on my chest to push me up "Nick stop for a second" she said in between moans, I stopped sucking on her neck and looked in her eyes "what's up? I'm sorry I shouldn't be doing this." I sat up and say at the end of the sofa "no it's not you shouldn't be! I mean I love it and I love the sex with you but. We need to know where or what we are first before it happens again. Plus you broke up with Olivia yesterday and I just broke up with Wilmer" I nodded at her whilst looking at the floor "i understand so we can't do anything unless?" "Unless we are together or even over our exs" she rubbed my arm slightly and it felt like electricity to my skin.

Demi's pov

As I told Nick we needed to stop because we should be together or at least get over our exs. He looked a little sad I felt incredibly bad "Nick trust my I've never wanted anyone more than I've ever wanted you." I say in a seductive tone as I crawled to him "but?" He says in a sad tone "what do you mean but? There is no but. I just want you. Here. Now. On this sofa" I crawled on his lap and kissed him so hard.

My tongue licked across his bottoms lip asking for entrance and he gave in, our tongues felt like they were fighting a war but I won. We were making out for around 10 minutes and we got interrupted by a knock on the door "ugh fuck. Can I not make out with a hot piece of ass?! Marissa get the god damn door!!" I yell and she comes out her room holding her eyes shut "is it okay if I look?" She says giggling "ugh yes we aren't doing anything." I say sounding pissed off I fall off Nick onto the sofa and lay down. Nick laughs and places his hand on my thigh rubbing it slowly, he moved his hand up to my pantie line and bit his lip I let out a small moan and closed my eyes. I just wanted him inside me at this moment in time. My thoughts got interrupted by Marissa shouting.

Marissa's pov

I stayed in my room after I showered so I didn't catch Demi and Nick having sex on the sofa because I heard moaning. I heard the door Knock and heard Demi shout me, I walk out and hold my eyes "is it okay if I look?" I say laughing and I hear the annoyed tone of Demi say "ugh yes we aren't doing anything." I laughed and walked to the door I opened it and it was Joe and Olivia "the hell are you two doing here?! It isn't a good time!" I whisper shout. I heard moans come from the living room I turned to look at Olivia and she seemed mad she barged past me nudging me so I fell back a little bit "what the fuck! Demi Nick company who wasn't invited!!" I closed the door and ran into the living room. Oh shit I can't believe this was happening was it a dream or was it real?! Shit just got real.

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