Chapter 16

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As we got back to the tour bus and I saw what Nick set up I was flabbergasted. I knew Nick was a romantic but I didn't think he was this romantic. I looked at everything that was on the bus I was stunned I had no idea what to say to him "Nick. I... Wow this is amazing, thank you" I went and embraced him in my arms and held on tight "no need to thank me love im just doing this because. Because I'm I love you with Demi. I know it may sound the same as it did when we were just friends. But please. Please know that I mean it more than I've ever meant it to anyone ever." I felt tears sting my eyes and I leaned in and gave him a passionate kiss "I know Nick, I love you so much it overwhelms me. I've missed you so much! And I've loved you since the day I met you."

He leaned back and raised his eyebrow at me in a confused look "wait you have loved me since we were 14?" I nodded "but you told me you have loved me for over four years?" I smiled at him and kissed his lips gently and said "I didn't know I was Inlove with you until four years ago. I've always had a feeling in the pit of my stomach I just didn't know what it meant. Until" his eyebrows furrowed and he asked "until what?" I raised my eyebrows and said "until I saw how hot and sexy you are and I felt my heart skip a beat when I spoke to you" I kissed his lips and I felt him smile against mine. As our lips were moving in sync with each other he pushed me towards the back of the bus to where I was sleeping on the road.

He shut the door and locked it as he turned to me I already took my shirt off and threw it over his shoulder I went to unclasped my bra but he grabbed my hands and gently moved me under him "you ready for the night of you life my love?" I nodded quickly and in a sudden movement he hooked his hands in my leggings and pulled them down with my panties with them. I sat up to kiss him hard and I saw he was already naked I gave him a smirk and whispered in his ear "fuck me" I licked his cheek and that's when he quickly entered me making me scream out in ecstasy. My hands made there way up to tug on his hair which made a small moan out of his mouth I clawed at his back harder than usual I think it was because I missed him so much over the past few weeks.

As we both climaxed together he laid on top of me nuzzling in my neck "I love you" I said quietly and I felt him sigh "I love you more than you can ever love me. Get up and get dressed I have food out there waiting for us before we head to the airport". After an hour we all headed to the airport to get on my private jet I shouted to sugar "hey Sug can you take a picture of Nick and I before we get on the jet please?" "Sure, you ready?" He asked we both nodded. After he took it I checked it out I said "wow we look a badass couple" Nick laughed as he was stepping onto the plane "that's because we are babe, now come on and get on the jet so we can catch up on sleep. We have a long flight ahead of us" I laughed and nodded.

As we stepped onto the plane I decided to post the picture on Instagram I knew my fans would go crazy over the Nemi photo plus we were going to be on top of all the entertainment news for the next few weeks which will not only test how strong our relationship was but only how strong our trust for one another was.

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