Chapter 3

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Demi's pov

I was so excited when Nick came and then he told me Joe was in town I hadn't seen them both in so long! I finally asked Nick if he wanted to help with my tour and he said yes which is awesome! I've loved Nick for a very long time as my best fried but also there has been them feelings there for almost 4 years and when he started dating Olivia it hurt me so much and that's why I stayed with Wilmer. I would pick Nick over anything and anyone he means so much to me whilst I dated Joe in 2010 Nick and I had something but he didn't act on it and when I wanted to but then everything happened and it changed. Nick, joe and I had such a long catch up Joe told us what he's been doing since he's been travelling and everything he's working on and we told him what we've been doing a few hours later Joe left to go run some errands and it was just Nick and I "so Nick how's the album going?" "It's going amazing I've already got a few songs written and recorded" he says sounding excited "oh really which ones? Can I hear some them?" I asked and he showed me. Numb was my absolute favourite it's got a great vibe and beat to it and plus Jealous had such a good jam to it "Nick wow this is amazing! Which one are you going to release first?" I asked getting us bottle of water each "well it's a choice between Jealous and Chains what do you think Demi?" Oh my god he's asking me for my opinion?! "Erh go for Chains and then Jealous, anyway what is Jealous about?" I ask in a low tone of voice.

Nicks pov

"Anyway what is Jealous about?" I don't know whether to tell her the truth or not so I'm going to give her half of the truth "it's about this one time me and Olivia were on a night out at a club and some guy checked her out and you know like I have his kingdom series coming out and I've been doing martial arts and shit? Well I got a little jealous and instead of fighting the guy I turned the other cheek and wrote the song" she smiled which I knew was fake but I let it go "oh wow Nick that was very brave and manly of you!" Before we kept talking I got a phone call from Olivia "Erm one second Dems" I walked in the other room and answered it "hey babe what's up?" "Where are you? I thought you would have been here when I got home" I'm not going to tell her the whole truth cause she will be pissed and jealous "Nick?" She snapped me out of my thoughts "sorry I've been with Joe catching up with him is that okay?" "Yeah just come home soon okay bye" and she hung up on me. I walked back into Demi and said "Demi do you wanna be on my album?" "Of course I would love to! Which song?" "It's called Avalanche it's kind of a love song but it isn't it pretty much sums up out friendship" for a few more hours we spoke about the tour the album and new music we both wanna do. "Wow look at the time I think I better go Olivia will be pissed ahah" "shit yeah Wilmer is coming over soon so I'll erh see you tomorrow in the studio?" She said walking me to the door "yeah tomorrow good bye Demi" I hugged her and my hands go to her waist we broke apart I looked into her eyes, then her lips and then back to her eyes we both leaned in our lips about to touch suddenly the door knocks "fuck" I mutter I move away from her and she opens the door "Olivia?"

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