Chapter 15

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A few months after the accident Demi and I moved in together it was one of the best things I had ever done. I was so in love with her it hurts.

We hadn't heard anything from Olivia for a while which we were grateful for because I knew if she came near us Demi would throw punches in her direction. It was a few weeks into November and Demi was on tour with Enrique Iglesias in Europe she had sent me pictures of the places she had been too. She was on her last show of the tour when I decided to surprise her, we hadn't seen each other for over 3 weeks it was the longest 3 weeks of my life.

No one knew about is being together yet but I had an idea to show we were so in love that people cannot not love us being together. I went straight to the arena when I saw Sugar backstage thank god he wasn't with Demi "Nick! What's going on man, what are you doing here?" Demis team knew about us being together so I asked sugar to help "I'm just hear to surprise my girlfriend. Can you help me?" He nodded and i was excited. I told him the idea and he loved it. He went around quickly as possible and he even asked Enrique to let Demi be on stage a little longer than she should be.

I heard Demi start singing Really Don't Care so after she finished her last song which was Neon Lights. I grabbed my guitar and walked on stage strumming it. I started singing our song we did for my album. "Words like a loaded gun... Shot out from a fire tongue.. Love lost from a fight that was won... And I can see you breaking down the end to a falling out..." I looked at Demi who was staring at me with a huge smile on her face "what's up Manchester!!! How yall doing tonight." I looked out to the crowd and all i heard was screams "if you don't know me I am Nick Jonas. I just wanted to come out on stage and sing this song. Which was sung by me and this gorgeous woman who I am in love with and glad to call my girlfriend. The one and only Demi Lovato." The screams were deafening but after Demi had stopped crying we sang 'Avalanche' and after it was over we made our way off the stage.

As soon as we got off stage I embraced Demi in a hug "oh how I have missed you" she let go and kissed my lips lightly "Nick that was the most romantic thing ever happened to me. I love you" I kissed her lips which lingered longer than it should have "I love you too my beautiful girlfriend. Come with me." I took her hand and lead her to her tour bus. God I hoped everyone set it out the way I wanted it to be.

As we got to the tour bus I saw rose petals on the floor so I looked towards Demi and she had a huge smile on her face "Nick? What did you do?" "You'll see" I pulled her towards the bus and held her eyes closed with my hands. "Watch your step love" she stepped up the steps as we reached the top I let go and she saw what I had everyone set up and by the way her smile turned into a huge toothy grin she liked it.

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