Endeavour's Mistake (Fem Reader)

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Disclaimer: Image I got off Google. I don't own any MHA characters. I own the plot


(Y/N) = Your Name

(Y/N) and Shoto were lounging together at Shoto's house. They were just on the couch, cuddling together and watching movies. His sister Fuyumi, was in the kitchen preparing lunch, while fangirling at the cute sight in the room next door. "I'm just going to the bathroom, ok love?" Shoto suddenly spoke up. "Alright babe." (Y/N) sleepy replied. He smiled slightly at his girlfriend's cuteness, kissed the top of her head, and left to use the bathroom. (Y/N) sighed in content as she snuggled further into the blanket, trying to regain the warmth her boyfriend was giving her before he got up. All of a sudden, a large, booming voice echoed throughout the house. "SHOTOOOOOOOO!!!" The voice yelled, clearly angry. (Y/N) just rolled her eyes, clearly not wanting to deal with her boyfriend's father's bullshit. "SHOTOOO!! ANSWER ME!" Endeavour yelled. The voice sounded like it was coming from the kitchen, meaning he was with Fuyumi. "Father, Shoto just left to the restroom, he will be back soon." Fuyumi answered. "Good, but he went to the bathroom without pausing the TV?" Endeavour questioned. "No father, (Y/N) is here." Fuyumi replied. "WHAT?! WHY WAS I NOT INFORMED OF THIS?!" Endeavour shouted, his face going red in anger. He stomped into the living room, only to find (Y/N) laying there. "Hey Endeavour, how's life?" (Y/N) asked, not showing any fear. "WHO SAID YOU COULD BE HERE?!" Endeavour yelled. "Shoto, and I gave myself permission, so yeah." (Y/N) answered, rolling her eyes at the end. Suddenly, quick footsteps were heard throughout the house as Shoto came into the living room. "Father, what do you need? We were busy." Shoto asked. "Shoto! Who said you could bring this piece of trash into my home?!" Endeavour questioned. "Excuse me? Trash? Looks who's taking you flaming piece of crap." (Y/N) responded. A giggle could be heard from the kitchen and Shoto tried to stifle a laugh. Endeavour just got more angry. "How dare you! You do realize who you're talking to right?" Endeavour exclaimed. "Yeah, I do. The worst dad in history!" (Y/N) replied. "Anyways, let's go Shoto, we can just watch the movie at my place." (Y/N) said. "Sure." Shoto answered. (Y/N) went to stand up, only to be grabbed by the shirt by Endeavour. "Hey! What do you think you're doing?!" (Y/N) yelled. Endeavour was holding her by her shirt collar, and keeping her high against the wall. "Father! Release her!" Shoto yelled, getting into a defensive position. "I'm putting this brat in her place." Endeavour answered. He then hastily released (Y/N) and gave her a push, making her head hit the wall. She slumped down, and hit the floor with a bang. Endeavour's eyes widened along with Shoto's. "(Y/N)! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" Shoto cried. He quickly ran over to her. He kneeled down, and cradled her body. She was gripping her head, and had a few tears running down her face. Fuyumi came running in. "I heard a bang, what happen-" She was caught off by her own gasp, shocked at the sight in front of her. "Shoto.... head... tired..." She whispered, eyes almost closing. "You stay awake do you hear me?!" He cried, a few tears running down his face as well. "Don't you dare close your eyes! Please! Come on!He cried. "Can't..." She whispered, eyes closing. "(Y/N) please!" He cried. "WHY?! YOU CALL YOURSELF A HERO! LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID!" Shoto yelled, his face angry and going red. "Shoto... I'm-" He started before getting cut off. "Don't even! Fuyumi, help me get her to the hospital." Shoto declared. Fuyumi ran to the door to get her shoes on and leave with Shoto. Shoto carefully picked up (Y/N), and gave one last harsh glare to his father, before leaving the room. Endeavour was left there alone feeling nothing but regret.

Time Skip

"Ughh, where am I?" (Y/N) groaned, eyes adjusting to the blinding lights. She looked over to her left, seeing her boyfriend sitting in a chair, head down and holding her hand. "Shoto..." She whispered. Suddenly, his head snapped up, letting her get a good look at his tear stained face. "(Y/N), oh my god." He cried, hugging her tightly. "What happened?" She questioned. He pulled away, and a look of grief struck his face. "My bastard of a father happened. I wouldn't be surprised if you hated me now." He whispered, a single tear rolling down his face. "No, babe, I love you. I don't blame you, I promise." She answered. He just smiled back. "Thank you, I love you too." He said. "I should let you know, you have a concussion from the incident." He explained. "Well that's just great." She said sarcastically. "Nevermind that now, come lay with me?" She asked. "Of course, my love." He responded. He climbed into the hospital bed with her, and just held her until the two drifted off into a peaceful sleep. 

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