Nothing Wrong Here (Fem Reader)

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Disclaimer: THIS STORY CONTAINS CHILD ABUSE. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. Some strong language. I don't own any MHA characters. I found the image online, I own the plot.


(Y/N) = Your Name

(Y/L/N) = Your Last Name

(H/C) = Hair Colour

(F/C/D) = Favourite Cold Drink

(F/M) = Favourite Movie

(Y/N) walked into class late, gathering the attention of everyone else. The whole class looked at her as if she had killed someone, while Shoto looked at her in concern. She was never late for class and she had never worn a scarf in the middle of April. "Miss (Y/L/N), nice of you to finally join us." Aizawa greeted, sarcasm laced his voice. "I'm sorry sir, it won't happen again." (Y/N) explained, making Aizawa roll his eyes. "Just go take your seat." He declared, returning to the lesson. (Y/N) rushed over to her seat in front of her boyfriend and pulled out her notebook and pencil. She began writing notes but stopped when she felt someone tap her shoulder. She turned around at was met with her boyfriend's face, concern in his eyes. "Are you okay? You never show up late." He asked. (Y/N) smiled at his concern and placed her hand on top of his. "I can assure you, I'm fine. I just missed my alarm." She explained. Shoto let out a breath of relief and smiled slightly. She returned the smile and turned her attention back to the front. The rest of the day went by with (Y/N) struggling to keep up and take notes, and Shoto getting more worried. When the day finally ended, Shoto quickly packed up and walked over to his girlfriend, who was chatting with Uraraka while packing up. When Shoto approached, Uraraka noticed and smiled. "I'll leave you two alone. I'm gonna go see Deku and Iida!" Uraraka explained, waving goodbye. (Y/N) waved goodbye and looked up at her boyfriend. "Hey Shoto, what's up?" She questioned. 'It's like she's ignoring the fact that something happened.' Shoto thought before clearing his throat. He contemplated questioning her about what happened, but decided against it. He decided to wait until she was ready to talk. "I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date. My father is out of town for business, so I have no training." Shoto explained. (Y/N) smiled and nodded her head. "I'd love to! You have his credit card, don't you?" (Y/N) questioned, making Shoto blush slightly and turn his head. "I have no idea what you're talking about..." He trailed off, slowly raising up a credit card. "I knew it! Anyways, lead the way Icyhot!" She exclaimed, grabbing his hand. Shoto sighed and gripped her hand back, beginning to walk out of the class. "Really, Icyhot? You need to stop hanging out with Bakugou." He declared. The (H/C) just giggled and continued walking with her boyfriend.

Shoto decided to take her to the shopping district for their date. The first stop they made was a coffee shop. They walked up to the counter and placed their order. "I'd like a (F/C/D) please!" (Y/N) declared. The cashier nodded and placed her order into the system. "I'll have a coffee please." Shoto said. "Iced or hot?" The cashier asked, trying not to screw up the order like he did to the previous patron. "Iced." Shoto answered. The cashier nodded and placed his drink. A few minutes later, both drinks were ready and Shoto paid. As they left the coffee shop, (Y/N) started to adjust her scarf. Shoto looked over and noticed the distress on her face. "Why don't you just take off the scarf? I don't understand why you have one anyways." Shoto said, making (Y/N)'s eyes widen. "No! I can't!" She exclaimed. Shoto looked at her with wide eyes, shocked at her passion for the scarf. "I'm sorry, it was just a suggestion my love..." He mumbled, looking at her confused. The (H/C)'s eyes widened and she quickly gave him a hug with her free arm. "I'm sorry, it's just that my penpal sent me this scarf. She lives in Canada and I told her I would try it out." She explained, making Shoto even more confused. "I never knew you had a penpal." He declared. "It was something my dad decided I should do. It's a good way to practise my English." (Y/N) said. Shoto nodded and the two continued their date. They ended up going to the grocery store because (Y/N) remembered she was grocery duty. The couple was just walking up and down the isles, grabbing whatever was on (Y/N)'s list, when they ran into her neighbours. "Oh (Y/N)! I didn't think you would be here!" Her neighbour exclaimed, giving (Y/N) a hug. "It's good to see you too Inko!" She exclaimed, returning the hug. "Mom! What did you want me to grab- Oh (Y/N)! Todoroki! Nice to see you here." Deku greeted. "Hey Izuku!" "Hello, Midoriya." The couple greeted. "Hey mom, is it okay if I stick with them until we leave?" Deku asked. His mom nodded her head rapidly and gave him a hug before leaving. The three teens engaged in conversation as (Y/N) and Shoto finished their shopping. After around fifteen minutes, a flash green came hurtling towards them, stopping just in front of the teens. "Izuku, I'm done! We should head out now!" Inko exclaimed. Deku nodded and walked over to stand beside his mom. "Before we leave, I had a question (Y/N)." Inko declared. (Y/N) looked nervous and Shoto looked at her, confused. "There was a lot of noise coming from next door yesterday. It was coming from your side. Was everything okay?" She explained. (Y/N) audibly gulped before answering. "Oh, that. That was just our TV. We had my grandpa over yesterday. He's starting to lose his hearing, so we had to turn up the volume." (Y/N) explained. Inko nodded and said goodbye to the couple before leaving with Deku. "I thought your grandpa lived in the USA?" Shoto questioned. "He flew over for a visit. He's leaving in an hour because he still has work to do." She explained. "I could walk you back if you wanted to say goodbye." Shoto offered. "No, it's okay. Let's just go to your place, okay?" She asked, already walking to the cash. Shoto sighed and followed her. (Y/N) quickly paid for her groceries and she began walking with Shoto over to his house.

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