Momo's Wrath (Fem Reader)

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Disclaimer: I don't own any MHA Characters. I found the image online. I own the plot. I tried to make it as if Momo finally snapped, so please enjoy! This one shot contains some intense bullying, so read at your own risk. Language warning too.


(Y/N) = Your Name

(H/C) = Hair Colour

(Y/L/N) = Your Last Name

"Have you had enough yet slut?!" A voice screamed before kicking the helpless girl again. (Y/N) had just been exiting U.A for lunch before she was tackled to the ground and was tied against the stairs. She lay helpless across the stairs unable to move or defend herself from another attack. "You know what you have to do to end this whore! Just break up with him and this will never happen again." Momo said while striking her again. (Y/N) suddenly realized what she wanted. She was jealous over the fact that (Y/N) was dating the Shoto Todoroki. Slowly, (Y/N) began to hold her head up, making it known that she wasn't giving in to the girls foolish request. "So, you are telling me that you decided to beat me against the stairs just because of stupid jealousy?!" She cried, trying to stop her voice from cracking. "He was supposed to be mine, until you showed up and ruined EVERYTHING!" Momo screamed, kicking her once more. With one powerful blow to the poor (H/C)'s stomach, some blood was seen being coughed out of her mouth. (Y/N) tried to use her quirk, but with her hands being tied extremely tight and her energy slowly depleting, she couldn't. Momo decided to get a bit more extreme, she grabbed a baseball bat that she must have hidden for this moment and decided to wack her countless times with it. "When... Will... You... Give... IN!" The black-haired student cried, striking her in several different places. (Y/N) couldn't control the tears spilling from her eyes as she took the beating. She would not give in just to stop the pain, he meant to much to her to do that. Momo had finally stopped hitting her with the bat just to chuck it at her. "Fine, you won't give in the easy way, so we can do this the hard way." Momo declared. She stepped with all her force onto (Y/N)'s ankle, a loud crack being heard throughout the quiet area. No students were around as everyone was still inside eating lunch. (Y/N) screeched in pain and couldn't stop the loud sobs from escaping. "Oh, you like that huh? How about we do that to your arm as well!" Momo shouted while stomping on her arm. Another crack echoed throughout the quiet afternoon. Another ear-piercing scream from the shaking (H/C). The only thought that kept her from giving in was the fact that she would lose Todoroki if she were to. She never would be able to defend him against his asshole of a father ever again, never cuddle, hug, or kiss him again, never be able comfort him after bad days, or never be able to make him feel loved again. Momo had realized she had zoned out so she decided to bring back the bat. "Pay attention when I'm beating you bitch!" Another strike to her head. She could see small black dots scattered across her vision. "Momo... This isn't you! What happened to the girl who helped me get adjust to our class. Where's the girl who would give me little pointers on how to impress my crush? Where's the girl who would never dream of hurting me?!" (Y/N) cried, desperate to end this. "She died a while ago, when you stole Todoroki from me!" This time it was a stomp to her stomach. More blood came out of the poor girl's mouth. (Y/N) could feel the pulsating pain in her ankle and arm, she could tell they were broken. Her head was pounding as if it were to explode. The black dots were beginning to increase. "I'll be right back whore, I'm just going to get a quick sip of water, beating a useless pig sure makes you thirsty!" She laughed even though it wasn't funny. "Don't go anywhere, not like you could anyways." She began laughing even harder and started walking away, leaving (Y/N) with just her thoughts. What if no one came to her rescue? Would she die here? Would she eventually have to agree to Momo's crazy terms? Her thoughts were interrupted as Momo came back laughing. "Alright, round two skank!" She exclaimed as she picked up the bat once more. A hit to her already broken ankle, three hits to her stomach, and five hits to her broken arm. "Had enough yet?" Momo asked. (Y/N) could only shake her head yes. "Ready to agree to my terms?" Momo added. (Y/N) shook her head no. "Wrong answer!" Three hits to her head. The (H/C) thought she was gonna pass out any moment now. She used all her might to look up just to see Momo preparing to swing once more. She braced herself for impact, but it never came. Instead, she felt the air grow cold. She slowly opened her eyes, looked up, and saw ice being shot towards them, freezing Momo's arm. She looked up to see All Might and Todoroki. "What is this? A student beating another student? Unacceptable! Yaoyorozu, my office RIGHT NOW!" All Might declared. "Todoroki, get (Y/L/N) to Recovery Girl quickly." All Might ordered while walking behind a frustrated Momo. "Oh my god, (Y/N)! What did she do to you?" Todoroki cried out loud, trying to hold back tears. (Y/N) was to weak to answer. She could barely keep her eyes open. "Do not worry my love, I've got you." Todoroki announced. He burned the rope that was keeping her tied to the stairs as he picked her up bridal style. A squeal of pain came from (Y/N) as tears streamed down her face. "Shhh, it's ok, you're safe now." He kissed the top of her head as he ran as fast as he could to Recovery Girl without hurting her further. He arrived and quickly placed her on a bed. "I need help, please!" Todoroki exclaimed, trying to keep his cool. "Todoroki please exit my office, I'll come get you when I'm done." Recovery girl explained. As much as Todoroki wanted to argue, he looked over to see his girlfriend in significant pain and he realized he wouldn't be much help. He nodded and left the room. Once outside, he just slid down the wall and put his head in his hands. He attempted to keep his tears in but failed anyways. He cried silently for god knows how long until a voice interrupted him. "Todoroki, I have healed her to the best of my ability. The bruises and minor cuts are gone, along with the minor concussion she had. Her left arm and right ankle remain broken. The breaks are far too severe to risk it. She will have to wear a walking boot, and a cast on her arm. She will be have to walk with the support of a crutch for the next 6 weeks." Recovery Girl declared. Shoto had stood up after hearing this, quickly wiping the tears from his face. He could only nod, feeling guilty and pain for his girlfriend. "She's sleeping right now but you may remain with her until I have dismissed her." Recovery Girl finished, leaving him in the hall. He was about to enter the infirmary when a hand was placed on his shoulder. Shoto had looked up to see All Might standing there. "Young Todoroki, I thought you would want to know that Yaoyorozu has been expelled for her actions against (Y/L/N). I have figured out her motive if you would like to know." All Might said. Shoto nodded, wanting to know why anyone would hurt his precious (Y/N). "Well from what she told me, she had this idea in her head that (Y/L/N) had stolen you from her so she decided to beat her up until she agreed to break up with you." All Might concluded. "I see, thank you sir." Todoroki bowed gratefully. "One more thing, I'm putting you in charge of helping (Y/L/N) until her broken bones have healed." All Might added. "Yes sir" Todoroki responded. "Alright then. OFF I GO TO DO HERO THINGS!" All Might declared zooming out of the school. Shoto had entered the infirmary only to see (Y/N) fast asleep, with a walking boot on her left leg and a cast on her right arm. She also had bandages around her head. He carefully walked over to her, kissing her temple and holding her hand on her good arm while she slept. "I promise, I will do a better job of protecting you from now on, I'll protect you with my life." Todoroki whispered, thinking no one would hear him. "That's sweet and all, but right now I just want you to climb in bed with me and hold me Shoto." (Y/N) whispered back, smirking ever so slightly. "Of course, anything for you my love." Shoto answered, carefully climbing into the bed with her. He placed his arms around her waist and she snuggled against his chest. "I love you..." She whispered, drifting off into sleep. "I love you too." He whispered back, only to join her shortly.

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