Confession (Fem Reader)

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 Disclaimer: I don't own image or any MHA characters. I do own the plot


(Y/N) = Your Name

(H/C) = Hair Colour

It all started on Monday. (Y/N) couldn't tell why, but her best friend since childhood, Shoto Todoroki had started ignoring her all of a sudden, leaving (Y/N) confused and hurt. Endeavour had only allowed (Y/N) to be around Shoto as children because of her quirk. She could manipulate water and summon water at will. He approved of her quirk because water and fire are polar opposites, so it would make for a challenging match. Monday morning, (Y/N) walked over to Shoto's desk to greet him, but as soon as she started getting close, he put on headphones. (Y/N)'s face fell and she slowly walked away from his desk. He felt extremely bad for doing that, but he just couldn't face her, not until he figured some personal thoughts out. (Y/N) arrived at her desk and sat down, sighing in the process. "Hey (Y/N)!" Uraraka greeted her (H/C) friend. Uraraka sat beside her, a smile plastered on her face. "Oh, hey Uraraka." (Y/N) responded. "What's wrong? You seem upset." Uraraka asked. (Y/N) quickly shook her head and gave a small smile. "Nothing's wrong, I'm just a bit tired." She responded, trying to believe it herself. "I understand, I was up pretty late last night too." Uraraka commented. The two girls shared a laugh before Aizawa walked in and began teaching.

Time skip to after class

As soon as class was over, (Y/N) began to make her way over to Shoto's desk. "Shoto, wanna go get some soba or something?" She asked. Shoto didn't respond as he just began walking away. As he was walking away, he could see her wipe her eyes out of the corner of his own eye, making him feel immense regret. He wanted to go over to her, console her, tell her how sorry he is, but he just couldn't. At least not yet anyways. (Y/N) kept wiping her eyes, trying to hide any evidence of crying before anyone noticed. "(Y/N)? Are you ok?" She heard a voice. She looked up to see Deku, Uraraka, and Iida standing there. "Huh, oh yeah. There's just something in my eyes. Don't worry about it." She answered. "Oh ok, wanna come hang out with us? We're going to get ice cream." Deku asked. "I'd like that." She said. With that, the four friends left the school.

Time skip to Thursday

For the last three days, Shoto had been ignoring (Y/N). Anytime she would walk up to him, he either quickly sped away in the opposite direction, or just ignored her in general. It was hurting him almost as much as it was hurting her. He took notice that (Y/N) hasn't been smiling as much as usual, her motivation for doing well in school had been slowly disappearing, and she was just overall less social. He knew that this was his doing, but he couldn't bring himself to see her until he was completely sure with his personal problems. "Hey (Y/N), wanna hang out with us?" Mina asked as she motioned to herself, Tsuyu, and Jirou. "I'm ok thanks, I was just going to head to my dorm and study." She answered quietly, voice cracking towards the end. "You sure? You seem like you could use something to distract yourself from whatever problem you're facing." Mina asked. "I'm ok, thanks anyway." She replied. After that quick conversation, she left the class with tears falling down her face. Shoto fought against the urge to go after her. In the end, he just decided to let her go. He sighed as he picked up his bag and began walking out the class. All of a sudden, he was forced to stop by the girls of 1-A. "Can I help you with something?" He asked, confusion laced his voice. "Yeah, you can tell us what's up with (Y/N)? She's been acting different since Monday morning." Uraraka explained. "You've been her best friend since childhood, you must have noticed something." Momo added. Shoto blinked in confusion as guilt began to eat away at him. "I'm sorry, but I haven't noticed anything." He lied. "You're lying. I've seen your face when you take glances at her during the day. You can tell something happened." Hagakure said. Shoto flinched and simply responded. "I have no idea what you're talking about." He began to walk away as the girls just looked at each other in confusion and sadness. When Shoto arrived at his dorm, he dropped his bag by the door and walked towards his bed. He flopped onto his bed, face squished in the pillow, and sighed loudly. "Why does this have to be so complicated?" He questioned as he sighed once again.

Time skip to Friday after school

Shoto began packing his bag as a note fell out of his notebook. "Meet outside in front of the school, please come." ~(Y/N)" He read aloud. He sighed as he made his way to the front of the school. When he got there, he saw a (H/C) standing there, tears flowing down her cheeks. "Shoto..." She whispered. He just nodded as he rocked back and forth on his feet. "Why have you been ignoring me?" She asked, her voice breaking. He just flinched and kept quiet. "Did your father say something? Did I do something?" She questioned. He flinched once again and just shook his head. "Then what?! Why have you been avoiding me?! Do you have any idea how much this hurts?!" She sobbed, not able to keep calm anymore. "Because..." He finally responded using words. "Because why?!" She shouted. "Please... I need an answer." She whispered. "Because I think I'm falling in love with you okay! That's why I've been avoiding you." He answered. (Y/N) stood there, too shocked to say anything. Shoto began to speed away but before he could, (Y/N) latched onto his back. "You idiot... why didn't you say anything." She cried into his back. "I love you. More than a friend." She whispered. He turned around so he was holding her. He quickly leaned in and kissed her softly. She kissed back after a second of shock. After what felt like an eternity, he pulled away. "I'm sorry, I just needed some time to think about things. I never meant to hurt you." He answered. (Y/N) gave a weak smile. "There's two things you can do to make it up to me." She said. "What would those be?" He questioned, a small smile forming on his lips. "1) You make me your girlfriend officially. 2) You take me out for ice cream." She explained. He quickly pecked her lips. "Of course, let's go now, my love."

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