8 Types of Kisses (Fem Reader)

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Disclaimer: I don't own any MHA Characters or the GIF. I own the plots

Warnings: Language


(Y/N) = Your Name

(Y/L/N) = Your Last Name

(H/C) = Hair Colour

1. First Kiss:

Shoto and (Y/N) were out on their very first date. He had confessed to her earlier that week and she had accepted it, saying she felt the same. Shoto still couldn't believe that she actually liked him back, even agreeing to go on a date with him. The two were walking and talking in a park, holding hands. (Y/N) was rambling on about something she had done with Uraraka earlier that week, when she felt Shoto's hand heat up more than usual. She smiled slightly and looked up at him with a teasing look. "Are you nervous?" She asked, gesturing to his left hand, which was a bit hotter than normal. Shoto's eyes widened and he quickly removed his hand from hers, moving to the other side of her. He grabbed her other hand with his right hand, clearing his throat. "Sorry, did I hurt you?" He asked, frowning slightly. (Y/N) shook her head, sending him a small smile. "No, don't worry! It just got a bit warme-" She began, but was cut off by something being placed on her lips. Her eyes widened, but slowly relaxed once she realized it was just Shoto. She closed her eyes and kissed back, pulling away after a few moments. She looked up at Shoto, blushing. "Sorry about that, you just looked really cute..." He explained, his own blush coating his cheeks.

2. Under The Mistletoe:

Kaminari was throwing a Christmas party and everyone from U.A. was invited. (Y/N) and Shoto arrived together, holding hands the entire way there. Shoto knocked on the door, waiting a few minutes before the door was swung open by Pikachu himself. "Hey, glad you guys made it! Come on in!" Denki greeted, opening the door wider. (Y/N) smiled at him, walking in with Shoto. Shoto walked over to the refreshments and grabbed some punch for him and (Y/N) while she greeted her friends. After a few hours, the couple was ready to leave. As they were walking out, Shoto suddenly stopped. "What's wrong?" (Y/N) asked, looking at her dual-haired boyfriend in concern. Shoto smirked slightly and pointed towards the ceiling slightly. "Mistletoe, my love." He declared, leaning in and placing a passionate kiss on the (H/C)'s lips.

3. Shut up Kiss:

Shoto felt like screaming. His girlfriend, (Y/N), kept going on about how she was awful compared to the other girls in her class. "My love, I don't see what you're saying." He exclaimed, causing the (H/C) to groan. "Everyone sees it, Shoto! I can't understand why you chose me to date!" She argued, her eyes filling with tears. "Why not?" He asked, genuinely confused. "Well, Momo clearly has a better body than me! Mina is 100% more entertaining! Tsu is more caring! Uraraka has a better personali-" She began, stopping when Shoto placed a passionate kiss on her lips. (Y/N) tried to pull away, but ultimately gave in when she felt his arms go around her waist. After a few minutes, Shoto pulled away. Both (Y/N) and Shoto were breathing heavily. "Please...stop. You are not inferior. I chose you because I love you. Not any of them." He explained. (Y/N) felt her eyes well with tears as she nodded, hugging him tightly.

4. Eskimo Kiss:

It was a cold day in December as (Y/N) walked to school. She buried her nose deeper into her scarf as she walked down the streets, eventually arriving at school. Once she dropped off all her winter gear into her locker, she grabbed her school bag and walked into class 1-A. She entered and was greeted by some of her closest friends. "Good morning, (Y/L/N)-chan!" Izuku greeted, offering a gentle smile. "Morning, Mido-kun!" She replied, waving slightly. "(Y/N), your cheeks are so red!" Uraraka exclaimed, rushing over and hugging her friend. (Y/N) giggled and returned the hug. "Yeah, it's fucking cold!" She exclaimed, earning a slight glare from Iida. "Watch your language. You're hanging out with Bakugo too much..." He explained, (Y/N) playfully rolling her eyes. "Okay, boomer." She said, noticing her candy cane boyfriend on his phone at his desk. She dropped her bag off at her desk and walked over to him, hugging him from behind. Shoto turned around and noticed the (H/C). He got up and hugged her properly, leaning down and rubbing his nose against hers. (Y/N) tilted her head in confusion, looking confused. Shoto just sent her a small smile and ruffled her hair.

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