Scars (Fem Reader)

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Disclaimer: I finally got a decent idea for a new one shot! I'm actually kind of proud of this one shot. This is sort of a contination of 'Meet the Parents'. The reader in this story is the same reader from 'Meet the Parents'. I hope that makes sense. I don't own any MHA characters. I found the image online and I own the plot.

Warnings: Language, mentions of child abuse, mention of Kiribaku, mention of Endeavor


(Y/N) = Your Name

(Y/L/N) = Your Last Name

(E/C) = Eye Colour

(H/C) = Hair Colour

 Scars. They can be mental and physical. It doesn't matter which you have, because they both can hurt like hell. There are some people who have both mental and physical scars. Shoto Todoroki was unfortunate enough to have both. Although, he wasn't alone in his struggles. He had his girlfriend and love of his life: (Y/N) (Y/L/N). Her scars were also both mental and physical. Her physical scar took the form of a deep curve that went down her entire left cheek. Her mental scars came from a past of child abuse, pressure, and bullying. Whenever either herself or Shoto needed support, they always had someone who understood how it felt. However, sometimes arrogant people decide to get involved, only making things worse.

It was just a normal Friday. Classes had just ended and everyone was packing up. Class 1-A had just moved into the dorms almost a week ago, so no one had to go far after classes. "Hey guys, let's do something as a class tonight!" Kirishima shouted. A bunch of murmurs and sounds of approval were heard throughout the classroom. "Alright, it's settled. Meet in the living section around 8:00!" Iida declared. The class agreed and everyone went back to doing their own things. (Y/N) finished packing up and headed towards her dual-haired boyfriend. She had noticed he was more quiet than usual. Once she reached him, she tapped his shoulder. He turned his head, only to be met with a pair of (E/C) eyes looking at him in concern. "Hey, are you okay?" (Y/N) asked, her hand now resting on his shoulder. Shoto just shrugged before sighing. "Not really." He answered, placing his bag on his other shoulder. "Do you wanna talk about it?" (Y/N) offered, removing her hand from his shoulder so she could grab her own bag. Shoto nodded and quickly grabbed her hand. (Y/N) smiled slightly and gripped his hand back. The two began to walk out of the class, until they were stopped by a familiar blonde. "You damn half-and-half bastard!" Bakugou yelled, stomping towards the pair. Shoto simply rolled his eyes and sighed. "Bakugou. What do you want?" He asked, just wanting to leave. "Why do you keep holding back?!" Bakugou shouted. Shoto was about to answer him before he was cut off by Bakugou. "Seriously! Everytime we spar, you hold back on using your flames. Just grow the fuck up and use them!" He yelled, now practically in Shoto's face. "Back up, Bakugou!" (Y/N) yelled, pushing him back slightly. She looked over her shoulder and saw Shoto's expression. It was a mix between anger and discomfort. "This doesn't concern you, Extra! This is between me and IcyHot!" He shouted, gently pushing (Y/N) aside. Before Bakugou could turn towards Shoto, Kirishima came to the rescue. "Knock it off, Bakubro! Come on, let's just go to the arcade or something. We've got time to kill before eight anyways." Kirishima explained, reaching out for Bakugou's hand. Bakugou sighed and let Kirishima grab his hand. "Whatever, this isn't over Canadian Flag!" Bakugou declared, walking out with Kirishima. (Y/N) sighed in relief and grab Shoto's hand. "Now then, shall we go?" She suggested. Shoto nodded and the two walked back to the dorms in silence.

When they arrived, (Y/N) headed towards the kitchen. "Want anything Shoto?" She asked, making herself a hot chocolate. Shoto nodded and looked around the kitchen. When he saw that they were the only people around, he quickly went up to (Y/N). He hugged her from behind and buried his head in her (H/C) hair. (Y/N) soon melted into the contact, continuing to make her hot chocolate. "Alright, what do you want?" She asked, turning her head and kissing the top of his. "Hot chocolate..." He mumbled into her neck. She nodded and began making him one. Once she was done, she tapped his head, signaling for him to let go. He reluctantly raised his head and she handed him the hot chocolate. "Thank you." He mumbled, kissing the top of her head. She smiled up at him. "It was no problem. Now then, do you wanna talk in my dorm or your dorm?" She asked, sipping her own hot chocolate. Shoto shrugged in response. "We can go to mine. Let's go." (Y/N) said, leading the way to her dorm room. While they were waiting at the elevator, they heard a voice. "Are you bringing those to your dorm? Iida is gonna freak!" Uraraka exclaimed. "It's fine. Let him." (Y/N) replied, walking into the now open elevator. Shoto followed close behind, pressing the button for the fifth floor. Once they reached the floor, the two headed towards (Y/N)'s dorm. She unlocked her door and the two scurried inside. They placed their drinks on her desk, and Shoto made a beeline for her bed. Once he was lying down, he made a motion with his arms, signaling for her to join him. (Y/N) smiled at him and walked over to her bed. She laid down next to him, placing her head on his chest. Shoto quickly wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer to him. She sighed in content and waited, allowing him to gather his thoughts. "It's just my father." He said, closing his eyes. (Y/N) nodded and snuggled closer to him. "I had a feeling. Do you want to tell me what happened?" She asked. Shoto nodded and took a breath. "He's... trying to set me up in a quirk marriage. He keeps sending me different pictures of different girls, claiming I would have a better future with them." He explained, his hold tightening. (Y/N) froze and looked up at him. "I'm sorry. How long has this been going on?" She asked. "About a week. I finally snapped last night and blocked him." Shoto answered. (Y/N) nodded and leaned into him more. "I hope you know I'd never agree. I'm not going to leave you, ever." He declared. (Y/N) smiled and nodded. "Of course I do, I hope you know it's the same for me. I'm never leaving you." She replied. The two spent the rest of their alone time watching Netflix and drinking hot chocolate.

Soon, it was finally 8:00. The couple left (Y/N)'s dorm and made their way to the living section. Most of their class was already, a few people were just arriving. Once their whole class was there, they began deciding what to do. They had finally decided on Truth or Dare. After a few turns, someone had finally asked (Y/N). "(Y/L/N). Truth or Dare?" Iida asked. (Y/N) smiled and said truth. "Okay, tell us about how you got the scar down your cheek." Iida declared. Shoto felt (Y/n) tense up beside him. "Dare!" She exclaimed, changing her answer. "That's not how the game works, (Y/L/N)." Mina teased. "Please, just let me do dare." She pleaded, looking away awkwardly. "Alright, fine. I dare you to tell us how you got your scar!" Iida dared. (Y/N) froze and her eyes widened. "Actually, I'm done for tonight." She declared, standing up. Once she was standing, she bolted to the elevator. She rushed into it, heading up to her floor. The class just watched as she fled from the game. Shoto stood up and began to follow after her. He stopped at the elevator doors and turned around, glaring at Iida. "You didn't stop to think that maybe she changed to dare because she wasn't comfortable answering, did you?" He asked harshly. Iida shook his head and Shoto rolled his eyes. "Trust me, I know better than anyone else. It's not comfortable talking about scars. The rest of you should learn from his mistake." Shoto scolded, entering the elevator and closing the doors.

He rushed down the halls and made his way to (Y/N)'s dorm room. He knocked on the door, waiting for her to open it. "My love, it's only me. Please, open up." He said, waiting patiently. A few moments passed before (Y/N) opened the door, revealing her puffy eyes and red cheeks to her boyfriend. She let him in and walked back over to her bed. Shoto quickly closed and locked her door, making his way to join her. He quickly laid down on her bed, allowing (Y/N) to put her chest against his. She buried her head in the crook of his neck and wrapped her arms around him, in need of comfort. "You don't have to tell them anything. None of them would judge you for it." He whispered, trying to calm her down. "The only people in our class I would ever tell are you and Kiri. Kiri already I should tell you." She explained, burying her face deeper into his neck. Shoto rubbed her back slowly. "You don't have to tell me anything. I'll wait as long as you need." He declared. "I want to tell you. So, here goes." She said, taking a deep breath before continuing. "Before my childhood went to shit, everything was great. I was five and I had just gotten my quirk. My bastard of a father was ecstatic to discover I had control of the four main elements, along with ice and metal. Although, that lead to intense training. If my mother tried to step in, he would beat her. If my mother comforted me, she would get beaten. Even if she tried to spend time with me, she would get beaten. After a few months, my mother decided she couldn't take it. In the middle of the night, she packed her bags and tried leaving before he woke up. She decided she was going to bring me with her, so she had stuff packed for me as well. When we were putting on our shoes, my father came stomping down the stairs, looking furious. He began screaming at my mother, who screamed back. My father then pulled out a throwing knife from behind him. He threw it at my mother, who dodge it in time. However, I was standing behind her, so the blade slashed my cheek. The cut was so deep that I passed out from blood loss. When I woke up, I was in a hospital bed. Only my father was in the room. He explained that my mother continued her escape, and left me to bleed out on the floor." She explained, tears now streaming down her face. Shoto's eyes widened and he held her closer, trying to soothe her. "After that, I hated my father even more. I went through almost a year of insane training before the night where Aizawa saved me." (Y/N) finished, smiling sadly. "I'm sorry. I can't say I understand how you feel completely, but I have an idea of how you feel. I'm here for you." Shoto comforted, holding her closer. "Thanks..." (Y/N) mumbled. "I'm tired, can we sleep?" She asked, looking up at him with puppy dog eyes. Shoto smiled and nodded. "Goodnight, I love you..." (Y/N) trailed off, falling asleep. "Goodnight, my love. I love you too..." Shoto mumbled, falling asleep himself. The two spent the rest of the night sound asleep in each other's arms. 

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