I Thought I Lost You (Fem Reader)

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Disclaimer: I don't own any MHA characters. I found the image online. I own the plot. The reader has a quirk that allows her to use the four main elements at will. Her hero name is 'Elemental'.

Warnings: Language, Sad Todoroki


(Y/N) = Your Name

(Y/H/C) = Hair Colour

 After U.A., Shoto and (Y/N) began their debut as Pro-Heroes. They quickly became known as a power couple, teaming up quite often for missions. On the night of their five year anniversary, Shoto proposed and a year later, they were officially married. Shoto quickly made his way to the top, ranking as the No.2 Pro Hero. Izuku had made it to the number one spot, and Bakugou was begrudgingly in the third spot. (Y/N) clocked in at number four, bumping Kirishima down to the fifth spot.

On the day of (Y/N) and Shoto's third wedding anniversary, a huge fight broke out in Hosu. The League of Villains were up to no good, as usual. Quickly, the five heroes suited up and made their way to the scene. "Of course, it had to be on our anniversary." (Y/N) said, her voice laced with annoyance. "I know, but we can celebrate afterwards." Shoto comforted, taking a quick glance at his wife. "Shut it, lovebirds. We're almost there!" Bakugou shouted, causing the couple to roll their eyes. "Kacchan, you can be a bit nicer." Izuku reasoned, rolling his eyes at his childhood friend's behaviour. Before Bakugou could rebuttal, a huge piece of debris came crashing towards them. The heroes dodge with ease, realizing they had made it to the fight. "No time to argue now, let's go!" Kirishima declared, rushing into battle. Bakugou followed close behind, Izuku leaving as well. Shoto gave (Y/N) a quick peck on the lips before the pair ran to catch up with their friends.

Once the couple had caught up to the others, they assessed the situation with Izuku. Blue flames were surrounding their location, along with some buildings that appeared to be on fire, most likely with civilians inside. "Blue flames... Dabi must be here." (Y/N) explained, the others nodding in agreement. "If he's here, then we can be sure to expect some fucking Nomu's!" Bakugou added. "The whole league could be here, we need to keep our guards up." Kirishima declared. Shoto was silent during the assessment and Izuku suddenly spoke up. "Alright, here's how we're gonna do this. Ground Zero, Red Riot, and Shoto, you three will be our heavy offense. Provide opportunities for civilians to escape by taking the villain's focus off of them. Mainly, immobilize villains." He explained. Bakugou nodded and ran off, leaving Kirishima and Shoto behind. "Got it Deku! We're on it!" Kirishima exclaimed. Shoto nodded and the pair ran off, most likely going after Bakugou. "Elemental, that means we're on defense. We're gonna go to the buildings that are surrounded by the flames and make sure no one is in harm's way. If we happen to find any villain's, we stand our ground and protect any nearby civilians at all costs. Understood?" Izuku questioned, already starting to run towards the first building. "Got it. Let's do it!" She exclaimed, maintaining the same pace as Izuku.

When Izuku and (Y/N) arrived at the first building, they searched all floors. No one was inside the building so they moved on to the next building. After searching four buildings, the two heroes were confused. "Why would four buildings be surrounded with blue flames, but not have any civilians inside or actually be on fire?" Izuku questioned aloud, sprinting to the next building. (Y/N) was silent for a few moments, before a realization dawned on her. "Maybe they were just a distraction! Distracting us from what's going on inside this building!" (Y/N) exclaimed. She could see that the building they just arrived at was actually on fire. "Elemental! Wait!" Izuku shouted, watching as the (H/C) sprinted inside. He sighed and quickly followed. After clearing the first five floors, they heard screams coming from the floor above them. The two quickly ran up the stairs, just to see some civilians surrounded by a circle of blue flames. Further into the room, stood Dabi. He was using his quirk to spread his flames around the area and keep the civilians in the circle. "Just what I was waiting for." He announced, shooting flames towards Izuku. (Y/N) quickly jumped into action and pushed Izuku out of the way, allowing the flames to hit her left leg. She quickly stood her ground and shot water at the circle of fire. "GO! LEAVE THE BUILDING!" She yelled to the civilians, who took her orders and ran. Izuku jumped towards Dabi, landing some good kicks on him. (Y/N) jumped into action and helped Izuku fight Dabi. Dabi countered the best he could and eventually split the pair apart. (Y/N) was shoved towards the balcony on the left side, while Izuku was shoved into the wall on the right side. Dabi blocked (Y/N)'s way to get back in, causing her to have to stand close to the edge to avoid being burned. Izuku stood up and got into a fighting stance, about to charge. "Not so fast, hero." Dabi declared. "You take anymore steps towards me, I'll push the flames closer to your colleague, causing her to fall. Izuku took a worried glance at (Y/N), assessing the situation. "Don't listen to him Deku! He's bluffing!" She shouted, preparing her own flames. "Are you sure about that?" Dabi taunted, pushing his flames closer to (Y/N), She took steps back until she felt the back of her feet hanging off the edge. Dabi stopped moving the flames and turned to look at Izuku. "Your call." Dabi declared, smirking. Izuku turned to (Y/N) and she shot him a nod. Izuku shook his head and she glared at him. Izuku sighed and got into a stance. "NOW!" She shouted, shooting her own flames towards Dabi. Izuku jumped and charged Dabi, who dodged with ease and pushed his flames back, causing (Y/N) to wobble and fall off the edge. "Elemental!" Izuku shouted, pinning Dabi to the ground. (Y/N) screamed and tried to manipulate the ground so she could have a somewhat soft landing. She didn't make it on time and hit the ground with a thump. Her vision went black as she lost consciousness.

After about a half hour, the whole fight was over. "Damn Bakubro, you really shut that Nomu up!" Kirishima exclaimed. "Of course I did, Shitty Hair." Bakugou retorted, rolling his eyes. "Anyways, this is the meet up spot. Where's Midoriya and (Y/N)?" Shoto questioned, beginning to feel uneasy. After the three shared a few confused glances, they saw a familiar green-haired man emerge from the smoke. The three had relieved faces before they realized what Midoriya was carrying. Shoto felt like throwing up at the sight. His beloved wife was covered in blood and bruises, and was unconscious in his best friend's arms. Shoto pushed past the other two and rushed to Midoriya. Izuku quickly handed her off to her husband and signaled for paramedics to help. Shoto held (Y/N) close and sank to the ground, trying not to sob in front of his friends. Paramedics picked (Y/N) up out of Shoto's arms, against his will, and carried her into the ambulance. After the ambulance left for the hospital, Shoto stood up and looked at Izuku in shock. Izuku flinched at the sight of his red and puffy eyes. "What...happened?" Shoto mumbled, a single tear streaming down his cheek. "We were cornered by Dabi. She...was stuck out on the balcony. He..pushed his flames close to her so she was standing on the edge. She shot flames at him and I used the opportunity to pin him down. Dabi pushed his flames closer to her, causing her to...to....fall off the ledge." Izuku explained, his own tears falling down his face. Shoto nodded his head and sprinted to the hospital.

After about four hours, (Y/N) slowly opened her eyes. She grunted in pain and got a look at her surroundings. She saw a lot of white and saw a machine to her right, signaling that she was in a hospital. She looked to her left and saw Shoto sitting in a chair. He was asleep and looked like shit. His hair was a mess and his cheeks were stained with tears. "Shoto..." She whispered, grunting in pain towards the end. Shoto's eyes shot open upon hearing his wife. "My love! You're awake!" He exclaimed, softly hugging her. "I'm awake. I'm here." She comforted, taking in the scent of her husband. Shoto quickly pressed his lips against hers, their foreheads touching. He pulled away a few seconds later and left his forehead resting against hers. "Don't ever scare me like that again love..." He whispered, closing his eyes in relief. She smiled slightly and closed hers as well. "I won't. I'm sorry." She whispered back. "I thought I lost you. I don't know what I would've done if you were gone." He explained. "You won't lose me, ever." She reassured. Shoto smiled and pecked her lips. "Happy anniversary, my love." 

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