Melody (Fem Reader)

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This was a request from Alyssa_Moore0919! Thank you so much for requesting!

Warning: Mention of Endeavor


(Y/N) = Your Name

(Y/L/N) = Your Last Name

(H/C) = Hair Colour

(E/C) = Eye Colour

'How did I allow myself to be dragged into this?!' Shoto thought, groaning quietly as he sat on the bullet train with his classmates. Iida had declared that everybody looked way too stressed, so he asked for suggestions for what they could do, as a class, to destress and forget about all the villains and training. Of course, many suggestions were brought up such as a movie night, going to the beach, and even a brawl. However, the suggestion that ultimately won out was from Mina...

'"All your suggestions are so lame!" the pink girl exclaimed, startling some of the more jumpy students. "Well if they're so lame, what do you think we should do?" Denki asked, absentmindedly playing with the tuft of fur on Ojirio's tail. "Well, I doubt any of you guys will care, but I know us girls will!" she claimed, the other girls in the class already catching on to what their classmate was referring to. "I'm down for whatever the girls want!" Mineta cried, beginning to sprint over to them. However, he was stopped by a block of ice appearing in front of him, "stay in place," Shoto demanded, rolling his eyes. He liked his classmates, he really did, but sometimes they just became way too much for him. "Just tell us your idea dammit!" Bakugo snapped, getting crankier than usual because it was past eight thirty and all he wanted to do was sleep. "(Y/N) (Y/L/N) is coming to town next weekend! We could get tickets to go and see her!" Mina shouted, the girls beginning to get really excited. "T-The idol?" Izuku squeaked, earning squeals in response. "It's settled! That's what we're doing!" Hagakure declared, jumping up from her seat on the couch. Momo was already on the phone, "I'll buy us tickets! Best seats in the house, of course."'

So now here he was, sitting in between Izuku and Iida, only paying half attention to whatever they were saying. He wasn't upset with the choice the girls had made; if anything, he really liked it. Something nobody knew about him, was that Shoto listened to idol music. (Y/N) (Y/L/N) was actually his favourite stand-alone idol; he was secretly a fanboy of her. However, he was distressed with their choice; he didn't want to accidentally let it slip that he was a fan of pop music because he knew he'd never get to live it down. The (H/C) idol was his favourite stand alone because she wasn't afraid to write and perform english songs unlike her competition. After another hour and a half on the train, they were finally outside the concert hall. As Shoto got off the train and stood outside with his classmates, his blue and grey eyes widened at the sight of the line up. "We're going to be waiting forever!" Kirishima shouted, his shoulders slumping. Momo just smiled and patted his shoulder, "no we won't. My parents called in a few favours and we're able to skip the line. When you get to the door, just make sure you say you're in Class 1-A."

Meanwhile, in the dressing room, (Y/N) was panicking slightly. Musutafu was her hometown, which meant the concert hall was always packed and she was on edge; she was afraid of letting down the place where she grew up. She was not only very popular, but also a tad controversial; most of her songs were in english and she was still a high school student. People in the media would shame her for putting effort in her idol work rather than focusing solely on school work. Truth is, she always wanted to become a hero when she was younger, but then her hobby of singing took off as an actual career; it doesn't help that she was born quirkless, so it's not like she could be a hero anyways. Suddenly, a knock on her door took her out of her thoughts, making her jump. "Y-Yeah?!" she called out, placing a hand over her fluttering chest as her manager entered the room. "Miss (Y/L/N)?" he asked, "are you ready to go on?" "Are we starting now?!" she asked, standing up from her chair quickly. Her manager laughed and shook his head, "in about twenty minutes. I wanted to make sure you were set though." The (H/C) took a deep breath and nodded her head, "that's kind of you. I still need to change from my school uniform and into tonight's outfit, but I won't be long," she explained, her manager nodding and leaving with a wave.

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