Meet The Parents (Part 1) (Fem Reader)

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Disclaimer: Hey guys, this is a reupload because my friend thought it would be funny to delete random things of my one shots. Sorry for the problems lately. I don't own any MHA characters or the image.

Warnings: Language, Mentions of Kiribaku, Mentions of Endeavor


(Y/N) = Your Name

(Y/L/N) = Your Last Name

(H/C) = Hair Colour

Shoto and (Y/N) had been dating for a few months. Everything was going great. Shoto had finally accepted his flames after the Sports Festival, and both of them were getting stronger with their quirks. The couple was out on a date at a local cafe when something randomly popped into her mind. "Hey Shoto?" She asked, breaking the comfortable silence they were sharing. Shoto looked up from his drink and raised an eyebrow. "Everything alright love?" He asked, his eyes showing slight concern. "Yes, but I was just wondering. When are we gonna meet each other's parents?" She asked, causing Shoto to choke on his drink. "Meet...each other's...parents?" He repeated, words spaced out. (Y/N) flushed slightly and looked down at her own drink. "Yeah. I'm sorry if you think it's too soon, It just popped into my mind." She explained, not meeting his gaze. Shoto sighed and grabbed her hand, rubbing the back of it with his thumb. "You didn't upset me. Don't worry." He said. (Y/N) nodded and finally looked up at him. "It's just... I don't know if I want you to meet them. Not because of you, it's just a lot." He explained, looking away. He sighed before continuing. "My parents are both part of the side of myself I only recently accepted, I just don't know if I'm ready to bring you into that." He finished, not daring to meet her gaze. (Y/N)'s eyes softened and she softly grabbed his chin, making him look at her. Once he was facing her, she quickly leaned in. He met her halfway, where they shared a gentle kiss. Once she pulled away, she had a slight smile. "I understand. I'm not gonna rush you, I'll wait as long as you need." She explained. Shoto smiled slightly and kissed the back of her hand as a thank you. "Although, if you are ready, you could always meet my dad." She offered after taking a long sip of her drink. Shoto's eyes widened and he looked at her in disbelief. (Y/N) flushed in embarrassment and looked away. "You don't have to if you don't want to." She mumbled, still looking away. Shoto snapped out of his initial shock and quickly spoke up. "No, I want to. I was just shocked, that's all." He explained. (Y/N) snapped her head back to him, eyes wide with excitement. "Really?! Thank you!" She exclaimed, kissing his cheek. Shoto smiled at her excitement, getting up from his seat. "Well on that note, shall we continue our date?" He asked, holding his hand out to her. (Y/N) nodded and grabbed his hand. "We shall." She answered, smiling. Shoto nodded and led her out of the cafe.

Time Skip To After School The Next Day

The final bell had rung, the long day finally over. Shoto was packing up when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He looked over and saw a familiar (H/C). "Hey love." He greeted, kissing her cheek. "Hey Shoto!" She exclaimed. "Ready to go?" He asked. "I actually need to speak with Mr.Aizawa about my quirk. I'll meet up with you after, okay?" She explained. Shoto nodded and kissed her temple. "Alright, I'll wait outside the classroom for you." He declared, heading to the door. "Thanks Shoto!" She called after him. He raised his hand while walking to show that he heard her. Once he left, (Y/N) looked around to make sure no other students were in the class. As soon as she realized she was alone, she walked up to Aizawa. She looked down and saw that Aizawa was fast asleep in his sleeping bag. "Seriously?" She complained. She lightly kicked the sleeping bag, waking up Aizawa. "Go away..." He mumbled, not looking at who it was. "No. I need to ask you something, dad." She explained, looking down sternly. Aizawa's head snapped up to see (Y/N) standing there, not looking impressed. He sighed and got out of his sleeping bag, now standing up. He looked around the classroom, noticing they were alone. "Alright, what do you need (Y/N)?" He asked, sounding tired. "I asked Shoto if he wanted to meet my father, meaning you. I wanted to know if that was okay with you." She explained, looking away. Aizawa rolled his eyes, but smiled slightly. "Does he know you're my daughter?" He asked. (Y/N) shook her head. "It might be funny to see how he will react. Please dad." She replied, showing puppy dog eyes. Aizawa rolled his eyes and sighed. "Fine. Dinner tomorrow night." He said, returning to his sleeping bag. "Thanks dad!" She exclaimed, rushing to grab her bag. "Yeah, yeah. I have patrol tonight, so I'm not home." He explained, zipping up his bag. "Okay, see you later!" She replied, sliding open the classroom door. She closed it and looked over to see Shoto on his phone. She tapped his shoulder, getting his attention. He snapped his head up to see his girlfriend. "That took longer than I expected. Everything alright?" He asked, grabbing her hand. She gripped it back and the two began walking out of the school. "Yeah! After I asked Aizawa my question, I got a call from my dad. He asked if you were okay with meeting him tomorrow. You would come to my house for dinner." She explained, suddenly feeling nervous. Shoto tensed up, but immediately calmed down. "That's...sudden, but alright. It's fine with me." He explained, squeezing her hand gently. (Y/N) looked up at him, and quickly kissed his cheek. "Thank you so much! I love you!" She exclaimed. "I love you too. Now, let's go study for our test on Friday." He declared. (Y/N) nodded and the two headed to the library.

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