Secret (Fem Reader)

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Disclaimer: I don't own any MHA characters or the image. I own the plot.

Warnings: Langauge, Kiribaku, Momo (Idk I just don't like her)


(Y/N) = Your Name

(Y/L/N) = Your Last Name

 A week has passed since class 1-A has moved into the dorms, and things couldn't be harder. Something no one from class 1-A knew, was dangerously close to being exposed. Shoto and (Y/N) had been dating since one year before they started at U.A. and they couldn't have been happier. Hiding their relationship while in class was easy, because all they had to do was focus on their studies or the task at hand. During lunch, they would sit beside each other and hold hands under the table so no one would notice. Once they moved into the dorms, it got harder and harder to just act like friends. Most of their class would go out and do stuff on the weekends, leaving them alone at the dorms. The temptation to be together was hard to deny, but they had to out of fear of being exposed. In any other circumstance, Shoto and (Y/N) wouldn't care about revealing their relationship, but there was one obstacle in their way: Momo Yaoyorozu. It was a well-known fact in their class that she had strong feelings for Shoto, and would do anything to get him.

It was early on Saturday morning, most of class 1-A was still asleep. (Y/N) laid on her bed, snuggling deeper into her icyhot boyfriend's arms. The night before, Shoto had been hanging out with (Y/N), just watching movies and having a good time. Momo had gone to her parents' place, meaning as long as (Y/N) and Shoto were able to sneak around their classmates, they would be fine. Shoto sighed in content as he felt his girlfriend snuggle closer, causing him to unconsciously tighten his hold on her. (Y/N) woke up slowly, squinting at the light coming from the opened curtains. "Morning..." She mumbled, moving her head from his chest to the crook of his neck. Shoto smiled at her groggy voice and moved his head slightly, placing a soft kiss on her forehead. "Good morning, my love..." He whispered, his voice groggy as well. (Y/N) smiled and sat up, her boyfriend whining in protest. "Relax, I'm checking my phone." She explained, giggling at her clingy boyfriend. She reached over and unplugged her phone, looking at the time. "It's 8:12am, any idea when Momo is supposed to be back?" She asked, putting her phone down and returning to her boyfriend's arms. Shoto sighed and thought for a moment, groaning when he remembered. "She told me and I quote: 'I'll only be gone until 8:30 tomorrow morning. Don't miss me too much, Todo!'" He said, rolling his eyes. "Noooooooo!" She whined, getting even closer to Shoto. Shoto sighed and sat up. "I should probably leave before we get caught, I'm gonna head downstairs for breakfast. Just head down in 5 or 10 minutes, then we can just say we ran into each other." He explained, kissing her forehead one last time. "Okay..." She mumbled, sitting up and hugging her boyfriend. Shoto hugged back and placed a chaste kiss on her lips before getting off the bed. "See you soon, my love." He said, opening the door and looked down the hall before leaving and closing it. (Y/N) sighed and got up, heading to the bathroom to freshen up a bit before heading downstairs.

When (Y/N) arrived downstairs, she saw Kirishima and Bakugo heading out of the building, training clothes on. She also saw Iida standing at the toaster, Jirou relaxing on the couch, and her boyfriend sitting at the table, eating some cereal. She smiled but just as she was about to make her way over, a black ponytail zoomed past her and sat beside him. "Hello, Todo! Did you miss me?" She asked, leaning really close to him. "You were only gone a night, Yaoyorozu." He retorted, returning his focus to his cereal. (Y/N) smirked at Momo's pout and headed into the kitchen, making her own breakfast. After she finished eating, she decided to head back to her room, not wanting to deal with her crazy classmates today. Just as she was about to go up the stairs, she saw Todoroki looking at his phone with a disgusted expression. She raised a brow at this and quickly sent him a text, asking if he was okay. Once she was up the stairs, she went into her dorm room, which happened to be on the same floor as her boyfriend. She sat on her bed and grabbed her headphones, about to shut out the world when her text tone went off. She opened the text and saw it was her boyfriend. He said he was fine and it was just the fact that Yaoyorozu had been spamming him. (Y/N) groaned in annoyance and sent another text to her boyfriend, asking him if he wanted to join her in drowning out the world. He accepted and said he would head up when the coast was clear.

Shoto put his phone in his pocket and looked around the room. He saw Iida and Midoriya chatting quietly, Mineta and Kaminari chatting in the corner, perverted expressions on their faces, and Yaoyorozu talking with Uraraka, Jirou, Mina, and Hagakure. He began to make his way towards the stairs when Mina gathered everyone's attention. "Alright everyone! We are playing Truth or Dare! No one is aloud to skip out!" She exclaimed, moving to the middle of the room. "Come sit in a circle! I'll text the others to join us." Uraraka exclaimed, quickly pulling out her phone. A few minutes passed and soon everybody was sitting in a circle. "For the first round only, I will spin this bottle and whoever it lands on will be the first to ask someone." Hagakure explained. She spun the bottle and it landed on Uraraka. "Okay! Iida, truth or dare?" She asked, smiling brightly. Iida thought for a moment and answered truth. "How many pairs of glasses do you actually own?" She asked. "Let's see, last time I counted, I had around 245 pairs." He answered, blushing slightly. The class gasped at this new found information, some laughing slightly. "Anyways, Kirishima, truth or dare?" Iida asked. Kirishima smiled brightly before shouting truth. "Is it true you like Bakugo?" He asked, a small smirk on his face. Kirishima's face exploded into a blush, one that rivaled his hair. He nodded his head slowly, not daring to look at anybody. The blond beside him gaped in shock before standing up suddenly. He grabbed Kirishima's arm and pulled him up. "Come with me, shitty hair." He said, heading towards the stairs with a blush on his face. The class was silent for a few minutes before Jirou spoke up. "I guess we need to spin the bottle again." She said. She quickly leaned down and spun the bottle. It spun for a few moments before it landed on Mina. "Alright! Momo! Truth or dare?" She asked, bouncing up and down in excitement. Momo smirked before answering dare. "I dare you to sit next to your crush!" Mina exclaimed. Momo smiled and got up, walking across the circle and glaring at (Y/N). "Sorry (Y/L/N), you're gonna need to switch spots with me." She said, using a fake innocent tone. (Y/N) nodded and switched places with Momo. Shoto sighed, shifting uncomfortably and sending a glance towards (Y/N), who looked just as uncomfortable. "Oh, my turn! Todo, truth or dare?" She asked, leaning closer to his face. Shoto shifted once again before quickly answering dare. "Kiss me." She said, leaning forward and closing her eyes. The girls quickly pulled out their phones as the guys sat in suspense. (Y/N) sat there, eyes tearing up. Shoto quickly stood up, causing Momo to fall over. "I'm sorry, but I can't." He said, keeping his distance from her. "Why not?!" She exclaimed, rushing to stand up. "Because...." He started, looking over at (Y/N). She gave him a small smile, letting him know it was okay to say. "Because why?! I've seen the signs you give off! You want me!" She exclaimed, stepping closer to him and grabbing his shirt. Shoto sighed and moved her hands off of him, walking towards (Y/N). He held out his left hand to her and she accepted it. She stood beside him, his hand holding hers tightly. "I've been dating (Y/N) for about a year and a half now. Any signs you've seen are nonexistent." He explained. The class gasped in shock and Momo ran off, tears streaming down her face. Shoto smiled slightly and lead (Y/N) out of the room and up to his dorm.

Once they arrived at his dorm, he unlocked the door and led her inside. He shut the door behind them and sat with her on his bed, kissing her forehead quickly. "I'm glad we aren't keeping this a secret anymore, my love." He said, hugging her tightly. (Y/N) hugged back just as tight, sighing in content. "Me too. I love you." She whispered, resting her head against his chest. Shoto smiled and placed his chin on top of her head. "I love you too, so much."

Shoto Todoroki x Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now