Elsa's Daughter (Fem Reader)

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Sorry for the technical dificulties! This one shot is actually a mix of two requests! The users who asked for the individual ideas were Emilywantstopanic and kendouwu . Just to make the one shot more interesting, I decided to combine their two requests! I hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own any MHA Characters or the image. I own the plot. If you couldn't tell, Reader is Elsa's Daughter


(Y/N) = Your Name

(H/C) = Hair Colour

(E/C) = Eye Colour

(F/C/D) = Favourite Cold Drink

Five Years Prior:

A young girl with soft, (H/C) hair and vibrant (E/C) eyes ran around The Enchanted Forest. Giggles escaped her mouth as she chased after the fire-producing lizard. Although she enjoyed her peaceful life in the forest with her mother, she couldn't help feeling like she was missing something. Like she hadn't discovered her purpose in life. Her mother and former Queen of Arendelle, Elsa, was currently on a ride with her horse. As she chased Bruni deeper into the forest, she came across a cliff. She slowed her pace and looked beyond, smiling as the sun shined on the ice her mother created a few months ago. "Bruni, let's rest for a moment." She declared, walking to the edge and sitting down, kicking her legs gently as they hung off the edge. The girl sighed in content and raised her left hand, creating a small ice tornado. She had inherited her mother's powers, but was taught to embrace them rather than fear them. That led to her learning to harness them instead of being controlled by them. She jumped as she felt something hot land on her hand, causing her to accidentally shoot ice out in all directions. 'I guess I still have issues with controlling them when I can't keep my emotions intact. Or startled.' She thought, this time sighing in disappointment. The ten year old looked down at her hand, seeing it was just Bruni looking for a source of cold. She smiled and before she could say anything, she heard someone shout. "Elsa has returned!" The Northuldren declared, making the (H/C) smile. She shared a glance with the fire creating lizard and quickly stood up from the cliff, stopping her powers in the process. "Race you!" She exclaimed, beginning to sprint towards the village.

(Y/N) soon realized Bruni was catching up to her faster than she would've hoped. 'Guess I gotta put Plan B into motion!' She thought, smirking to herself. "You won't win, Bruni!" She declared, activating her ice powers. She used the force from her ice blast to push herself forward, practically flying through the air at this point. Bruni stopped his running and watched in amazement before setting himself on fire, going even faster than he ever had before. (Y/N) giggled as she continued pushing forward, becoming one with the birds in the sky. However, the young girl didn't account for the fact that she was in a forest, surrounded by trees. The (H/C) barely had time to dodge the incoming tree, making her lose her momentum. She began to fall to the ground, letting out an ear-piercing shriek and bracing herself for impact. However, she felt nothing but warm arms pulling her into an embrace. "I've got you, (Y/N)." A familiar voice said, quickly hugging her tighter. "Mom!" She cried, returning the hug immediately. After a few moments, the two pulled away and Elsa lowered her daughter to the ground. "May I ask what on earth you were doing in the sky?" She asked, brushing some of her blonde hair out of her face. "Oh! I was chasing Bruni and before we knew it, someone announced you were back. I challenged him to a race, but he began catching up, so I activated Plan B!" (Y/N) explained, giving her mother a bright smile. "Did you at least win?" Elsa asked, ruffling her daughter's fluffy hair. "I think? I'm not sure." She replied, looking around the village before shrugging. "Anyways, how was Arendelle? How's Aunt Anna, Uncle Kristoff, and Olaf?" The (H/C) asked, walking back to her home with her mother. "Anna and Kristoff are doing fine. I just went to check up on the new King and Queen of Arendelle. Olaf seems to be getting along just fine with the residents of Arendelle, Sven too." Elsa declared, shutting their wooden door behind them.

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