Chance (Fem Reader)

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Disclaimer: I don't own any MHA characters or the image. I own the plot. There is a reference to another anime in here, see if you can find it! :3

Warnings: Langauge


(Y/N) = Your Name

(H/C) = Hair Colour

Shoto knew it was wrong, but he didn't care. He had fallen deeply in love with the daughter of Endeavor's rival, All Might. (Y/N) Yagi was in class 1-A along with him, and no matter what he did, he couldn't stop the fall. Due to the fact that he was so damn dense, he didn't even bother trying to keep it a secret.

Shoto and Izuku were hanging out during lunch when Ashido and Uraraka came running up to the pair. A certain (H/C) was standing across the cafeteria, yelling at them to not tell. "Todoroki! We need to tell you something!" Mina shouted, causing the (H/C) to gasp in betrayal and shock. Shoto looked confused, but nodded. "Yagi-chan has a crush on you!" Uraraka exclaimed. (Y/N)'s eyes welled with tears and she ran out of the cafeteria. Shoto noticed her run out and decided to chase after her, thanking the two girls.

After running for about five minutes, Shoto finally found (Y/N) behind the school, attempting to catch her breath. "(Y/N)." He said, catching her attention. She looked up and met his gaze, her face instantly blushing so red that it put Kirishima's hair to shame. "S-shoto!" She exclaimed, looking anywhere but him. "Is it true? What those two said?" He asked, getting straight to the point. (Y/N) shyly nodded, a sad smile on her face. "That's...great! I really like you too." He declared, smiling softly. He walked over and pulled (Y/N) into a hug, who accepted it gratefully. "That's wonderful Shoto, but we...we can't make this into something more." She mumbled softly.

Shoto's eyes widened as he pulled away. "What do you mean?" He asked, voice low. "Your dad hates mine, it would never work." She said, taking a step back. "What does that have to do with anything? I want to make this work, we can make this work." He pleaded, stepping towards her. "What if your dad caught us? Then what?" She snapped, eyes filling with tears. Shoto opened his mouth to speak, but before he could, (Y/N) spoke up. "He would tear us apart. He would be sure to keep you as far away from me as humanly possible! I can't have that happen! I can't lose you!" She cried, tears streaming down her face. Shoto quickly pulled her into a hug, trying to calm her down. (Y/N) sobbed into his chest for a few more minutes before calming down. "Will you let me talk now?" He asked, smiling gently down at her. She nodded weakly, getting more comfortable in the hug. "First of all, I don't give a shit what my father thinks about anything. Second of all, I would never let anything keep me away from you. So please, give me a chance. Give us a chance." He pleaded, silently praying for a yes. (Y/N) looked up at him and nodded slowly. "Yes, let's try this out."

After about four months of dating in secret, (Y/N) thought it would be time to at least tell her father. After a small date at the local cafe, (Y/N) brought up the question. Her hand was intertwined with Shoto's as he walked her back to her house. About half way there, she stopped. "Hey, Shoto?" She began, sighing softly. Shoto stopped walking and turned to face her, confusion on his face. "Yes, love? Something wrong?" He asked, worry spreading within his chest. (Y/N) panicked silently for a few seconds before gaining the courage. "IwantedtoknowifyouwantedtofinallytellmyfatheraboutourrelationshipbecauseI'mready!" She exclaimed, catching her breath afterwards. Shoto chuckled softly at his girlfriend's outburst before walking over to her. He raised his hand and stroked her cheek softly. "My love, I didn't understand a word of that." He admitted, smiling gently. (Y/N)'s face exploded into a blush from embarrassment. "Wanna try that again?" He asked, amusement in his tone. She nodded slowly before taking a deep breath, bracing herself once again. "I...wanted to know wanted to finally tell my father...about our relationship...because I'm ready." She repeated, taking deep breaths in between every few words. Shoto's eyes widened as he felt a sudden wave of nerve and dizziness fall over him. He swayed back and forth before beginning to fall over. "Shoto!" was the last thing he heard before everything went black.

Shoto woke up with a groan, wincing at the bright light. He sat up slowly, keeping his right hand on his head. When he got a good look at his surroundings, he noticed he was no longer outside, but inside a house. He was on a black leather couch, across from a huge flatscreen TV. He looked behind him and saw an entrance to a huge kitchen, and a staircase leading to the second floor. He swung his legs off the couch, stopping when he felt something underneath them. He looked down and saw a fluffy, black cat. Forgetting his pounding head, he slowly picked up the cat. He saw the cat had green eyes, a vibrant pink nose, and long, sliver whiskers. He smiled gently and pet the cat, gasping at how fluffy it really was. He looked at the name tag, seeing it said 'Iwa-chan'. "Hey, Iwa-chan. You're so soft." He whispered, pressing a small kiss to the cat's forehead. While in the middle of this small moment of peace, a voice was heard. "Iwa-chan! Lunch!" The voice called, the cat's head perking up and jumping off Shoto's lap. He looked up when he saw a familair (H/C) walking into the room. "Shoto! You're awake!" (Y/N) exclaimed, rushing over to his side. Shoto smiled sheepishly and nodded, accepting the sudden hug from his girlfriend. "Hey, love. Sorry know, passing out." He said, pulling out of the hug and scratching the back of his neck. "It's okay, but you do realize where you are, right?" She asked, smiling gently. "Well, if you're here, and you know the cat, then...." He began, trailing off when he realized where she was going. "Surprise." She said, kissing his cheek quickly. "I'm in your house, which means I'm in All Might's house!" He exclaimed, shooting up from the couch. "Hey! Calm down! You're gonna faint again!" She exclaimed, gently forcing him to sit back down. " he home?" Shoto asked, feeling dizzy again. "Yeah... How else was I going to get you off the sidewalk?" She explained, giggling softly. Shoto took a deep breath, attempting to calm himself. "I'm going to get you some water, I'll be right back." (Y/N) declared, ruffling his soft red and white hair before walking into the kitchen. Shoto kept taking deep breaths, and he was beginning to calm down. That was, until All Might walked into the room, sporting his Small Might form. "Ahh, young Todoroki. You're awake!" All Might exclaimed, walking over to him. "Hello, sir. Thank you for helping me." Shoto thanked, trying not to screw up his chance with (Y/N). All Might chuckled at his nervous state. Even if he didn't look it, he could tell Shoto was extremely nervous. "Young Todoroki, there's no need to be nervous. I would never tear you and (Y/N) apart." He reassured. "Really?" Shoto questioned, relief following through him. "Of course not, you make her happy. That's all that matters to me." All Might, explained, ruffling Shoto's candy cane hair. A squeal was heard coming from the kitchen, before a quiet curse. "I know you're there, (Y/N)." All Might declared, showing off his famous smile. The door opened and in walked an embarassed (Y/N), holding a glass of ice water. She smiled sheepishly and sat down beside Shoto, quickly kissing his cheek. "I'm glad you accept him, dad. It means a lot." She said. All Might just chuckled and ruffled his daughter's hair. "Now then, OFF I GO, TO DO HERO THINGS!" All Might shouted, changing back into his hero form before zooming out of the house. "He's crazy, I swear." (Y/N) giggled, kissing her boyfriend's cheek one last time.

Bonus (Just After Todoroki Fainted) :

"Shoto!" (Y/N) exclaimed, rushing over to stop his head from hitting the ground. She made it just in time, catching his head quickly. "Shit! What do I do now?" She exclaimed, trying to think of a solution. Once she got one, she gently placed Shoto's head in her lap and pulled out her phone. She dialed the number and waited for the person to pick up. "I AM HERE!!" The voice answered, almost blowing out (Y/N)'s ear drums. "Dad, it's me. I need help, asap!" She exclaimed. "Where are you?!" All Might exclaimed. "The cafe by our house, hurry!" She exclaimed, hanging up. Not even three minutes later, All Might came swooping down. "What's wrong?!" He shouted, looking down and seeing a distressed (Y/N) and an unconscious Shoto. "I've been dating Shoto for four months now. I asked him if he was ready to tell you and he kinda fainted. Help me get him back to our home?" She asked, flashing him puppy eyes. All Might nodded and picked up Shoto with ease. "AHAHAHAHA, YOUNG TODOROKI IS SLEEPING LIKE A BABY IN MY ARMS!" All Might shouted, zooming down the street. (Y/N) rolled her eyes at her father's loud nature, and began to sprint after her father and boyfriend.

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