My Hero (Fem Reader)

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Disclaimer: I don't own any MHA characters. I don't own the image, but I own the plot. Reader is Aizawa's adopted daughter (#Dadzawa for the win :D)

Warnings: Language (I think), Endeavor, Kinda angsty (Not really though)


(Y/N) = Your Name

(Y/L/N) = Your Last Name

(H/C) = Hair Colour

"The pain will go away after a few weeks." "Just give it time." "Everything is going to be alright." Those were just some of the phrases Shoto Todoroki had heard daily. He was sick and tired of being lied to. His girlfriend, (Y/N) (Y/L/N) was kidnapped by the League of Villains three months ago. She was walking from the dorms to U.A when she was grabbed by Shigaraki himself. How he got onto the campus was a mystery to everyone.

Shoto was slowly going crazy without his love. His father kept going on about how this was a good thing, that she was only a distraction. "Shoto, stop looking so glum. I can set you up with someone much better than that (Y/L/N) girl." Endeavor boasted, causing Shoto to shake with anger. Shoto turned around and faced his dad. "Would you just shut up?! How dare you talk about her like that! I love her! The pros are going to find her, they promised! So, just stop talking!" He shouted, angry tears spilling out of his eyes. He grabbed his bag and stormed out of his house, ignoring the shouts to return from his father.

Nights at the dorms were cold and lonely. All of his classmates looked at him with such pity and worry that it made him sick to his stomach. He ended up returning to how he was back at the beginning of the year, quiet and reserved. The only person he let see his vulnerable self was Midoriya, who was currently in his dorm with the dual-haired teen. "I can't do this anymore, Midoriya." Shoto confessed, a single tear slipping down his cheek. Midoriya gave a worried glance at his best friend and sighed. "I probably shouldn't tell you this, but here goes." Midoriya began, catching Shoto's attention. Midoriya played with his fingers for a few minutes before speaking up. "All Might told me that the pros have an idea where the League of Villains is hiding." Midoriya mumbled. Shoto's eyes widened before he jumped off of his bed. "Are you serious?! Please don't be joking with me!" Shoto exclaimed. Midoriya nodded. "I'm serious. They might have found (Y/L/N)."

The next day, Shoto ran to the faculty office after classes had ended. He knocked on the door, breathing heavily. His breath was coming out in puffs, his ice quirk making it visible. A few moments passed before Vlad King opened the door. He allowed Shoto to enter before returning to his spot next to Aizawa. Aizawa looked up from his coffee cup and saw Shoto standing there, distressed. "What is it, Todoroki? We're kind of busy at the moment." Aizawa declared, returning his focus back to his coffee. "I learned something from a friend. I'd like to confirm whether or not it's true." Shoto explained, hands shaking. Aizawa raised a brow and nodded at him, gesturing for him to continue. "Sir, is it true that the Pro Heroes have an idea where (Y/L/N) is?" He asked, his gaze serious and cold. Aizawa's eyes widened and he quickly looked to Vlad for help. Vlad just shrugged his shoulders and sighed. Aizawa rolled his eyes and returned his gaze back to Shoto. "Yes, we have an idea. It's not guaranteed, so we didn't want to get your hopes up." Aizawa explained. Shoto's eyes widened and he felt them tear up, a slight sense of hope filling his chest. "R-right. Thank you sir." He said, bowing to his teacher. He walked out of the faculty office and closed the door, sliding down it after. He put his head in his hands and felt some strong emotions flow through him. Through tears, he let out a small smile. "Please be okay, my love." He mumbled, beginning to calm himself down.

For the next week, Shoto would constantly ask Aizawa for updates on the Pro Heroes progress on tracking down the League of Villains. One day, while he was in the middle of chatting with Midoriya and Iida during lunch, Present Mic burst into the cafeteria. He had attempted to get everyone's attention, but had failed. "HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY!!!!" He shouted, using his quirk to project his voice louder. Everyone in the cafeteria quickly covered their ears at the loud scream. After he stopped, he looked around and saw he had everyone's attention. "Sorry about that, yo! I need Todoroki Shoto ASAP, bros!" He explained, large smile on his face. Shoto quickly stood up from his spot and made his way over to Present Mic. "ALRIIIIIGHT!! Let's go Shoto-bro!" He shouted, turning to leave the cafeteria. Shoto took one glance behind him and followed his teacher.

After a quick walk, the two had made it to the faculty lounge. Once Shoto walked in, he noticed that Aizawa, Endeavor, All Might, Midnight, Vlad King, Best Jeanist, and Gang Orca were standing there, watching the pair closely. Present Mic stepped away from Shoto and moved to stand beside Aizawa. "What's...going on?" Shoto asked, caution in his voice. The room was silent before Aizawa spoke up. "We have the location of the League of Villains. They are planning to move tomorrow night, so we need to act tonight." Aizawa explained. Shoto felt his heart beating insanely fast. " found them?" He repeated, his voice sounding hopeful. Aizawa nodded and Endeavor stepped forward. "Even though I'm completely against the idea, the other Pro Heroes want to bring you along." Endeavor declared, glaring at his son. All Might placed a hand on Shoto's shoulder and began speaking. "If we find (Y/L/N) there, she's going to need someone she trusts there, to help keep her calm. You are her boyfriend, so it makes sense for it to be you." All Might finished. Shoto looked up from the floor and looked around at the other pros, who were all nodding in agreement. Shoto looked back to All Might and nodded. "I'll do it."

A few hours later, and the Pro Heroes plus Shoto were getting into position. "Alright, here's the plan, Todoroki." Aizawa began. "All Might, Endeavor, Best Jeanist, and Gang Orca are going in as our heavy defense. They will be taking to focus off of Midnight, Present Mic, Vlad King, you, and I while we search for (Y/L/N)." He finished. Shoto nodded and felt his hands begin to shake. "If you find (Y/L/N) before any of us, let us know using your walkie talkie. That way, we know when we retreat." Aizawa declared. "Alright, I got it." Shoto said, moving to stand with the others. The heavy offense rushed into the building, ready for a fight. After a few minutes, Endeavor gave the signal, which meant it was time for the other group to head inside. "Stay safe, Shoto." Aizawa mumbled, rushing into the building. Shoto nodded and rushed inside, a new feeling of determination spreading within him. Shoto, Aizawa, Midnight, Present Mic, and Vlad King split up and searched all seven floors, only having to fight a few times. Sounds of the chaos on the first floor could be heard on every floor, but Shoto ignored it and kept searching. After about a half hour of searching, Shoto heard his walkie talkie. "(Y/L/N) has been found. I repeat, (Y/L/N) has been found." Midnight's sultry voice declared. Shoto felt relief as his eyes teared up. "How is she?" Aizawa exclaimed, trying to keep his cool. "Calm down, your daughter will be fine. She's injured, not terribly though. She's also malnourished. I'm not sure how she's made it this long." Midnight explained. "Get her out of here! Rendezvous outside. I'll alert the group downstairs." Vlad King exclaimed. Shoto rushed out of the building, almost being caught by Toga twice. Once he was outside, the chaos inside had finally come to an end. The police showed up along with an ambulance. Shoto felt a stinging sensation on his face so he wiped his cheek, only to notice there was blood on his hand. "Shit, must have got cut while getting out." He deduced to himself. He was grabbed by paramedics, who bandaged him up inside the ambulance. Once he was done, they sent him to head back with the other Pro Heroes. When he got back, All Might pointed to (Y/N), who was being hugged by her father. Shoto thanked All Might and rushed over to the (H/C), despite his father's orders not to.

"(Y/N)!" He exclaimed, slowing his sprint down to a walk. Aizawa pulled away from his daughter and let the young couple have some space. "Shoto..." She mumbled, tears streaming down her face. Shoto rushed over and pulled her into a tight hug, crying softly into her neck. (Y/N) brought a hand up to stroke his red and white hair. "I missed you so much..." Shoto whispered. (Y/N) smiled sadly and hugged him tighter. "I knew you would save me...My hero."

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