Jealous Todo (Fem Reader)

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Disclaimer: I don't own the image or any MHA characters. I own the plot.


(Y/N) = Your Name

(Y/L/N) = Your Last Name

(H/C) = Hair Colour

It was a normal day for the students of U.A. Bakugou was yelling about murdering people, Denki was flirting with Jirou, who proceeded to ignore him, and Mineta was attempting to look up Momo's skirt, which earned him a slap. It was still early, meaning very few people were actually in the class. The only other two people with the others were Shoto and (Y/N), who were sitting together, away from the others. "Hey Shoto, do you wanna come to my place after school?" (Y/N) asked him, leaning her head against his shoulder. Shoto smiled and kissed her forehead before responding. "Sure, it would be nice to get away from my father for a while." He said. (Y/N) smiled before nodding, practically falling asleep against her boyfriend's shoulder. Shoto smiled at this and turned his attention back to his phone. All of a sudden, Mineta comes running up to (Y/N), drooling at the sight of her. "Hey (Y/L/N)? Can you come help me with our homework?" He asked, smirking a perverted smirk. "We didn't have any homework Mineta, nice try." She responded, rolling her eyes. He thought for a moment before trying again. "Quick come help! Kaminari is going to do something stupid!" He shouted, still trying to get her to walk away with him. "When does he not do something stupid?" She questioned. Mineta pouted before trying one more thing. "(Y/L/N)! Uraraka is injured!" He shouted, making (Y/N) snap her head towards him. "Fine, let's go." She replied, kissing Shoto's cheek before walking with Mineta. Mineta began to laugh devilishly before quickly jumping over a puddle. "Hurry (Y/L/N)!" He shouted, making (Y/N) pick up the pace. She didn't notice the puddle, and fell down. Her white blouse now wet, making her bra visible. Mineta drooled as he took pictures, with the rest of the guys staring. Minus Izuku, Kirishima, and Bakugou. Bakugou was threatening Izuku while Kirishima defused the situation. "Oh god, (Y/L/N) is hot!" Kaminari exclaimed, his nose beginning to bleed. "(Y/L/N), what else can you show us?" Mineta yelled, making Todoroki turn his head. What he saw was his girlfriend on the ground, shirt soaking wet, with Mineta talking pictures and the guys staring. Momo saw what was happening, smacked Mineta, and took (Y/N) with her to get a new shirt. While Mineta was drooling over the photos with the guys, he felt a cold and scary presence behind him. "You better delete those photos. Right. Now." Shoto said, barely able to keep his cool. Mineta gulped as he quickly deleted all the photos. "Anyone who has any photos better delete them right now. If I found out, nothing, not even the Pro Heros, will be able to protect you." He explained, making all the boys in the class shake with fear. Shoto returned to his desk, trying to keep his anger inside. Moments passed, and (Y/N) returned with a dry shirt. She made her way over to her boyfriend, but before she could, the bell rang. She frowned and made her way over to her desk, ready to listen to Aizawa.

Time skip to Lunch

During lunch, (Y/N) sat with her boyfriend, Deku, Uraraka, and Iida. Iida was ranting about people not giving their full attention to Aizawa, Uraraka was chatting with Deku, and (Y/N) and Shoto were chatting, sharing a bento box. "Hey (Y/N), can you come with me for a minute, I need help with something." Izuku asked nervously. "Yeah sure, I'll be right back Shoto." The (H/C) replied, kissing her boyfriend's cheek before leaving. Shoto felt a disgusting emotion developing inside him: Jealousy. He felt so angry that every guy in their class had distracted her from him, and he hated that he felt like this. Meanwhile, Deku had pulled (Y/N) to outside the cafeteria, where he began shaking with a blush. "Deku, is this a confession? I mean I'm flattered but you know I'm with Sho-" She began, but was cut off by Izuku laughing. "Sorry, I didn't mean to laugh, but trust me, this isn't a confession. I just need some advice." He said. (Y/N) sighed in relief. "Ok, good. Anyways, advice on what?" She asked. Izuku's blush deepend as he cleared his throat. "I... wanted some advice on how I should confess to someone..." He explained, awkwardly scratching his neck. (Y/N)'s eyes widened as she hugged her childhood friend. "Oh my god Deku! That's incredible! Who is it?!" She exclaimed, jumping up and down with excitement. Deku blushed even more if possible, and hid his face in his hands. "Wait, don't tell me, I'm sorry. I won't ask again." She said, making Deku calm down a bit. "Anyways, I would say to just tell them how you feel. If they feel the same, then everything will be fine. If not, everything will be fine as well, just move on because it clearly wasn't meant to be. Just be yourself!" (Y/N) explained. Deku nodded and thanked the (H/C), making her smile. The two walked back into the cafeteria, where Shoto saw (Y/N)'s smile and Deku's blush. He felt his jealousy level rising. "What happened out there?" Shoto questioned, feeling unbelievably angry. "Oh nothing important! Anyways, where were we?" (Y/N) answered, making Shoto more jealous. He quickly pushed away those feelings and tried to endure the rest of the day.

Time skip to After school, at (Y/N)'s house

(Y/N) and Shoto were now hanging out in her room, Shoto staring up at the ceiling while (Y/N) was on her phone. Shoto looked over to see her texting Kirishima. He couldn't hold back his anger, this incident pushing him over the edge. "Can you not text other guys while I'm right here?!" He exclaimed, too overwhelmed by jealousy to notice. (Y/N)'s eyes widened at her boyfriend's sudden outburst. "Sorry, but it was just about a project we have. Can you calm down and tell me what's wrong?" She asked calmly, now concerned for her boyfriend's well being. "You, you're what's wrong!" He snapped. (Y/N)'s face turned from an expression of concern to an expression of confusion. "Me? I'm sorry, but can you explain?" She questioned. Shoto just scoffed and continued his rant. "You have been flirting with guys all day! First, there was the wet shirt incident this morning, and now you're texting another guy while I'm right here! Hell, Midoriya confessed to you at lunch!" He shouted. (Y/N)'s eyes widened as she started to get mad herself. "Are you serious Shoto?! The wet shirt thing was a dumb trick set up by Mineta! I'm texting Kirishima about a project! Deku was just asking for advice on how to confess to someone for fucks sake!" She yelled back. Shoto looked taken aback before he replied. "You're lying! You're just trying to cover stuff up!" Hew responded. "You don't trust me Shoto?!" She cried, feeling more hurt then angry at this point. Shoto stayed quiet, keeping his intense gaze at the floor. "You know what? I'm going downstairs. Feel free to leave, or come and talk to me when you've cooled down!" She shouted, slamming the door shut as she left the room. She ran downstairs and huddled on the couch, feeling a few tears slide down her cheeks. Meanwhile, Shoto spent 30 minutes calming down, now realizing he was acting out of jealousy. He immediately regretted his actions as he left the room, going to see his girlfriend. When he arrived to the living room, he saw the (H/C) huddled up on the couch. He sighed and walked over to her. He sat beside her and picked up her smaller form, placing her on his lap so he could hold her. "I'm sorry love, I acted using jealousy rather than my brain. I do trust you, it's everyone else I don't trust." Shoto whispered to (Y/N), stroking her hair. She quickly looked up at him and kissed his lips. He kissed back as they shared a loving moment. "I'll never leave you ok? You have nothing to fear. No one can say or do anything to make me leave." She whispered back. He kissed the top of her head, as they enjoyed the peaceful moment. 

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