Ember Inc. (Office AU) (Fem Reader)

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This was a request from avaniii4303! Thank you so much for requesting! Thoughts are in italics.

Disclaimer: I don't own any MHA Characters or the image. I own the plot.

Warnings: Language, Slight Mature Content, Kiribaku, Mention of Endeavor


(Y/N) = Your Name

(Y/L/N) = Your Last Name

(H/C) = Hair Colour

(E/C) = Eye Colour

(F/C) = Favourite Colour

Working in a tech firm was not always easy, but the pay was great and the people were incredible. At least, that's how (Y/N) (Y/L/N) felt. When she was younger, she'd always talk about how she wanted to be a princess or a vet or sometimes even a police officer; she never thought she'd be the secretary for the most influential and highest ranking technology based company in all of Japan. Being a secretary was not always the most amazing job or where she wanted to be in life, but she was happy at the moment. At the end of day, that's all that really matters.

In a small apartment bedroom lay a sleeping (H/C), a thin stream of drool flowing down her soft chin and onto her fluffy pillows. The grey curtains were slightly out of place, allowing the blinding, warm light of the sun to slip inside. Just as she nuzzled her face deeper into the inviting bed sheets, the familiar sound of her alarm began to play, meaning she had to get up; she had already pressed snooze three times. Letting out a deep sigh, she sat up, "alright...I'm up..." Her left hand flew up to her face, rubbing the sleep from her eyes as much as possible as she slowly got out of her warm, addicting bed and towards the cold bathroom. She managed to slip out of her pajamas from the night before and woke herself up completely with the hot water. Once done, she got changed into a fairly common outfit for work; a white button up short-sleeve with a dark blue blazer over top and a lower thigh-high, black skirt with black tights. She slipped on her black flats instead of heels because she made that mistake on her first day; never before had her feet been so sore.

After getting dressed, the (H/C) grabbed her phone that was sitting on the end table charging, checking the time and her notifications. She sighed in relief after realizing her snoozing didn't make her late; in fact she was actually a little early. Considering she had the time, she made a quick breakfast of eggs and toast. 'Do I do my dishes now?' she asked herself, gently tapping her chin in thought. (Y/N) shook her head, 'I won't have time to get coffee if I do. A single pan, plate, and fork can wait until this evening.' She smiled and walked towards the front door to her cozy apartment and grabbed her keys off the hook, simultaneously making sure she had her phone. The (H/C) was about to head out the door when she froze, "shit!" She ran back into her bedroom, approaching her desk and packing her laptop and some binders into a work bag. "Mr. Todoroki would've killed me; he needs these for his meetings today..." she mumbled, her heart still pounding from the initial scare.

Not only did she work for the largest tech firm in Japan, but her boss was none other than the famous Shoto Todoroki. His father, Enji Todoroki, was the CEO of Ember Inc. The legend has since retired and handed the position of CEO to his son, making Shoto the youngest successful business man to ever live. After securing her necessary work supplies, she finally left her apartment and made her way to the elevator, arriving in the lobby. The (H/C) flashed her doorman a smile and gave a quick greeting before exiting the complex, heading to the parking garage. She got in her car, which was a (F/C) sedan, and pulled out her phone, going onto her office's text chain:

                                                                                      (Y/N) (Y/L/N)

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