All I Need (Fem Reader)

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Disclaimer: Hey guys, this is a reupload because my friend is an asshole and decided to delete some of my oneshots. I hope you understand. I don't own any MHA characters or the image.

Warnings: Language, Mentions of Endeavor


(Y/N) = Your Name

(Y/L/N) = Your Last Name

(H/C) = Hair Colour

To Shoto Todoroki, the world has always been gray. He suffered more when he was a young child than most people ever will in their entire lives. His father was ruthless, forcing him to train just so he could surpass the number one hero, and he hated every minute of it. He could never spend time with his siblings, everything was about training. The one person who tried to help him ended up leaving a life long scar on him. He eventually closed himself off from everyone. 'If you don't let people in, no one can hurt you.' He would tell himself, ignoring the emotions inside him. Eventually, it became easier to bottle up his feelings. It became easier to focus on his training and academics. It became easier to live in a gray world. That was, until he met her, (Y/N) (Y/L/N). The one person who had the ability to turn his gray world into one full of colour.

It all started on the first day of classes at U.A. Their first time meeting each other. Everyone had already introduced themselves and were now sitting at various spots in the class. Aizawa had given them some time to get to know each other better. However, Shoto had no interest in getting to know his classmates. He sat at his desk, scrolling on his phone. Every now and then, someone would come up to him. He would either ignore them, or straight up tell them he wasn't interested. He eventually put in headphones and completely tuned out everyone. He excused himself from the classroom and got up, swiftly evading everyone and leaving the room. While he was walking in the hall, he felt his body ram into something, knocking it over. He flinched and looked down, only to see a (H/C) on the ground. She was rubbing the back of her head, books now scattered on the ground. Shoto held out his hand, offering her help. She accepted and he helped pull her up. While doing so, he felt a slight burning sensation. 'What the hell? That's my right arm. I shouldn't feel burning.' He thought to himself before quickly shaking it off. He assumed the girl must have felt it too, due to the fact that she was staring at her wrist with wide eyes. Shoto cleared his throat and bent down, helping her pick up her books. "Thank you, I'm (Y/L/N) (Y/N). I'm trying to find class 1-A." She explained, offering him a shy smile. "It's no problem. I'm Todoroki Shoto. I'm in class 1-A. I could bring you back if you wanted." He replied, staring at the ground. "I'd like that, thank you!" She exclaimed, readjusting her books. Shoto nodded and lead her back to the class. Before they walked in, she turned to him. "Before I have to introduce myself, I just wanted to say thank you one last time. I hope to get to know you better." She said, bowing to him. Shoto blushed slightly and nodded, entering the class. (Y/N) paced around for a few moments before entering, apologizing to Aizawa for being late. She quickly introduced herself and took a seat at her assigned seat, which was on the left side of Tokoyami. (No Mineta in this class :D) Throughout the day, Shoto would take glances at (Y/N), wondering why he felt a burning sensation when he held her wrist.

Next came their first time hanging out as friends. Throughout the first month of school, Shoto stayed pretty reserved. He would only talk to people when needed. The only exception was (Y/N). Everyday, she made and effort to talk to him, whether it was during lunch or before classes. At first, he would just ignore her or give her blunt answers, but she wouldn't give up. Eventually, he started actually responding to her, sometimes even initiating the conversation. Slowly, but surely, they became friends. It was a Saturday afternoon and Shoto was bored out of his mind. Endeavor was out of town on business, Fuyumi was our running errands, Natsuo was with friends, and he had finished his homework. Instead of just lounging on his bed, he decided to see if (Y/N) was busy. He picked up his phone and quickly dialed your number. After three rings, she picked up. "Hey Todo, what's up?" She asked. Shoto smiled slightly at hearing her nickname. "Hey (Y/L/N), I was wondering if you were busy." He replied. "Really? Well, I'm not. What were you thinking?" "Maybe we could go get some food? Or we could go to the shopping district." "Food sounds like heaven, I haven't eaten all day. Anything in mind?" "Soba?" Shoto suggested, no hesitation. (Y/N) giggled slightly at his suggestion. "Sure, I'll meet you at the noodle place, okay?" "Alright, see you soon." Shoto said, hanging up. 'Why does my stomach feel weird? It's probably nothing.' He thought. He quickly slipped on his shoes and left, going to meet up with the (H/C)

During the Sports Festival was the first time he saw her cry. It was before his fight with Midoriya, and she was standing with Shoto. "You're gonna do great! I know it!" She exclaimed, encouraging her dual-haired friend. Over the last few months, (Y/N) and Shoto had grown really close. Shoto had eventually realized that the butterflies in his stomach and the burning feeling was due to the fact that he had feelings for her. He couldn't explain why he felt it the first time he met her, but that was the only explanation. Shoto smiled slightly at her encouragement, nodding his head to show he agreed. (Y/N) smiled even wider at the sight of him smiling. She knew she was one of the few people who got to see him smile, which made her feel important. Soon, Shoto had to leave and go to the fight. She quickly hugged him, the burning sensation being felt by both of them. Shoto sighed and walked away while (Y/N) walked over to the stands. The fight had begun and it was brutal. Todoroki was refusing to use his flames, causing his right arm to be covered in ice. Midoriya kept using his quirk, damaging his already broken bones further. Todoroki was kneeling on the ground, slowly getting up. "I refuse to use my left side..." He mumbled. "IT'S YOURS! YOUR QUIRK, NOT HIS!!" Midoriya screamed, causing Todoroki to freeze. His eyes widened as flash backs played in his mind. He heard his mother's voice and looked over into the crowd, searching for a (H/C). His eyes widened even more at what he saw. (Y/N) was shaking, tears streaming down her face. "IT'S OKAY SHOTO! USE IT!" She shouted. He heard her and suddenly, flames sprouted out of his left side. Shoto easily won the fight and moved on to the next round. After he left the field, a (H/C) came sprinting towards him. She latched onto him, hugging him tight. "I know that wasn't easy, I'm proud of you." She whispered. Shoto hugged her back just as tight, feeling the burning sensation stronger than ever. "(Y/N), I need to say something, please don't interrupt." He whispered, pulling away. She nodded and allowed him to speak. "Everytime we touch, I feel this burning sensation. I'm pretty sure you feel it too, due to the fact that I've caught you staring in awe after we hug. Everytime you laugh or smile, I feel like knots are twisting in my stomach. I've come to the realization that I like you, a lot." He confessed, looking down. (Y/N)'s eyes widened and she smiled, brighter than ever. "Shoto... " She whispered. He looked up, eyes meeting hers and he felt something on his lips. She had leaned in, her lips touching his. Shoto kissed her back as the burning sensation spread across his whole body, making him feel warm and tingly. She pulled away and looked at the ground, embarrassed. "Be mine?" He whispered, grabbing her hand. She nodded and held his back.

A few months into dating was their first "I love you". They were just lounging around (Y/N)'s house, watching movies. They snuggled up on the couch when a ringing interrupted their peace. Shoto sighed and got up, looking at who was calling. He saw the caller ID and cursed. "Hello?" He said, answering the call. "SHOTOOOOOOOO! YOU NEED TO GET HOME NOW!" His father yelled. "Why?" He asked. "Because I said so! Now move it!" His father yelled, hanging up. Shoto sighed and put his phone is his pocket. "I'm sorry, but I need to get going." He said, annoyance in his voice. "I understand. I'll walk you back." (Y/N) declared, standing up. Shoto nodded and the two left her house. On the walk to Shoto's house, the ground began to shake. Shoto quickly turned his head and saw a villain running away from a bunch of cops. While running, he grabbed a random hand and dragged the person with him. A scream was heard and Shoto quickly realized it was (Y/N) who was grabbed. He joined the cops with running after the villain. After about ten minutes of running, the villain had himself cornered. He quickly picked up (Y/N) and held a gun to her head. "Nobody move, or this girl gets her brains blown out!" The villain shouted. (Y/N) began to cry as she struggled to get free. The cops put their hands up in defense. "Now lower your guns!" The villain ordered. The cops nodded and slowly lowered their guns to the ground. However, one cop decided to take a risk. He quickly held up his gun and shot the villain's hand, causing him to drop the gun and (Y/N). (Y/N) fell to her knees, rushing to get up. While the villain was clutching his hand, (Y/N) kicked the gun towards the police and rushed over to Shoto, who welcomed her with open arms. She latched onto him, falling to her knees. She ended up bringing Shoto down with her and she began sobbing into his chest. "Shhh, you're okay." He whispered, trying to comfort her. "I was so scared. I..." She began, now clutching onto his shirt. Shoto smiled slightly, encouraging her to finish her sentence. " you." She mumbled, burying her face into his shirt. Shoto's eyes widened before he smiled wider, kissing the top of her head. "I love you too. Thank you for bringing colour to my life." He whispered, holding her close.

A/N: I'm so sorry for all the shit that's been happening over the last two days. I've restored everything I needed to, and I'll be uploading this Sunday. Thanks for your patience <3


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