🔥:Prompt Seventeen:🔥

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Reader loose her virginity to Opie.
(A/N: This is based in high school around Gr. 12. You are also, Clay's daughter in this one again. Thanks!)

"Opie." I moaned. "We can't do this..." I whispered as he stopped kissing my neck and looked at me. "You're with Donna..." I said sadly.

Opie sighed and looked down as we stood in small grove of trees at the park we always hang out at. "(y/n)..." He pleaded. "I don't love her... Not like I do you." He told me.

"Then why are you with her Ope?" I asked pushing him away.

"Because I can't be with you! You're dad would have me killed for touching his precious baby!" He yelled running his hands through his hair in a frustrated manner. "I want to so badly be with you (y/n)... I just don't want Clay to ruin this for us. So for tonight I just want to be yours. Just for tonight let's pretend we're together. Please." He pleaded.

I let out a flustered sigh but nodded. "Okay." I whispered.

"Okay." He replied as he placed his hands on my waist.

He leaned in pressing a fiery kiss to my lips that I gladly returned. For tonight I would pretend my dad wasn't Clay Morrow. I would pretend Opie didn't have a girlfriend waiting on him. I would pretend like I wasn't leaving first thing in the morning...

His hands moved up my back pulling me closer to him as our lips molded to one another, moving in perfect sync. He moved his lips to my jaw kissing his way up to my ear. I moved my hands down to rest on his chest and hummed in satisfaction.

His lips touched my sweet spot and I took a sharp intake of breath. He played on that by sucking on it gently. I moaned softly and moved my hands to run through his hair. "Opie." I moaned softly.

He growled low in his throat moving to grip my hips tightly he pulled me closer. He moved back to my lips nipping my bottom one gently. His hands wandering down to grip my ass tightly in his palms. He pulled away and took a deep breath but left his hands where they were. "If we keep going (y/n)... I don't think I can stop baby." He told me looking into my eyes.

"Then don't Opie... If we're going to pretend like we have nothing to hold us back, then let's not hold back." I whispered.

He nodded in agreement as he began to lift his shirt over his head. Following his lead I did too and piece by piece we made a makeshift bed on the ground where Opie laid me down. I caught a glimpse of him and wondered how he was going to fit.

His eyes met mine as if asking me if I was sure. Instead of answering him I reached up pulling his lips to mine in a slow and sensual kiss. "I don't have anything with me..." He muttered against my lips.

"It's okay Ope. If anything comes of this we'll figure it out then." I muttered.

He agreed still our brains to hazy with love and lust to properly think of the consequences. He slowly began to push into my tight soaked core.

He moved slowly taking his time I felt him hit something then a sharp pop and I hissed in pain. Opie stopped moving amd stared at me. I shook my head and pulled him closer telling him to keep going.

He seemed to get the hint and continued to push into me. When he got to the hilt he still. I was still tender but relished in the feeling of us being so intimately connected. "I love you (y/n)." He whispered kissing my lips.

"I love you too Opie." I told him honestly.

He began to move slowly and soon the pain I felt turned to pleasure and I was unable to stop the moan that fell from my lips. That seemed to spur Ope on even more as he began to move faster leaning in to nip at my sweet spot send me spiralling.

He fell into a fast rythm and my name escaped his lips in ecstacy. Hearing my name fall from his mouth in such an intimate way was the most incredible sound. The way his body covered mine and surrounded me felt like heaven.

Soon his thrusts became sporadic and jerky and I felt a ball tightening low in my gut. I tried to hold it back as long as I could but soon I felt that ball snap and begin to unravel. Opie followed not far behind me as he gave three last hard thrusts spilling himself within me.

When he pulled away we dressed ourselves and I sat myself down on a nearby log I pulled my crushed cigarette package from my sweater and lit one, Opie following in suit as he sat beside me. "I don't care about your dad or Donna anymore (y/n)... I need you. I'll talk to your dad tomorrow, we'll figure this out just please let me be with you." He begged.

"Ope..." I started as a tear slid down my face. "I'm leaving tomorrow... I won't be coming home for a couple years at least." I let out my big secret and began to sob hysterically.

Ope sat silently beside me. Not a word was spoken nor did he move whilst I bawled. Eventually I slowed down to a small hiccup. "Don't leave." He said quietly.

"What?" I asked.

"Don't leave. Please (y/n). I want to be with you. You have to be able to back out just please don't leave me." He pleaded kneeling in front of me as he took my hands in his.

"I... Opie... I..." I stuttered out shocked. I looked to the sincerity in his eyes and knew he was right. I couldn't leave now. "Okay." I said.

"Really?" He asked hope lighting up his eyes.

"Really. I'll stay. As long as we come out to everyone about us." I said sternly.

"Deal." He grinned lifting me into his arms and holding me tightly. "Fuck I love you (y/n)." He smiled setting my down and brushing some stray hair behind my ear.

"I love you too Opie." I smiled before he crashed his lips to mine.

There was no way I could leave him after that, I knew then and there this is where I belonged. In charming with my dad. With Opie.

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