:Prompt Two:

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Drunken Love confession to Opie from Reader.

"Opie!" I squealed giggling drunkenly as I saw my bestfriend walk into the clubhouse.

I was sitting at the bar with Jax and Piney who weren't quite as drunk as me but I needed it.

Too much stress isn't good on me so I let go the one way I knew how was to drink it away. "(y/n). You're drunk." He frowned.

I frowned back at him. He was ruining my happy buzz. "You're killin' my buzz Ope." I huffed and slammed a hand on the bar for another glass of J.D.

"No (y/n). You don't need anymore." He said taking my hands trying to pull me away.

Jax and Piney merely watched on at the scene before them. I just glared at the large man before ripping my hands away.

I poked a finger into his chest. "You are not the boss of my Harry Winston and I'll be damned if you think you can tell me what to do." I snarled.

"(y/n)." He warned.

"No Opie. I'm sick of doing everything you ask of me when you ask it, all because of this stupid infatuation with you, that is obviously not reciprocated. I'm allowed to do whatever the fuck I want since I am a grown ass free and single woman." I snarled.

It took me less than two seconds to realize what I said by the look on Ope's face and I was about to rescind my words when I shook my head. There was no point now and I may as well finish this. "I've been in love with you for almost six years now Opie and not once have you EVER made it seem like you felt the same way. You think you can just strut around and tell me what I can and can't do, when I don't belong to you! I don't belong to anyone in fact. So fuck off Opie. I'm not doing this anymore." I stated before sitting back down between a laughing Jax and Piney.

They both already knew about my feelings for Ope. How could they not? Piney has seen me pine after his son for the last six years and so has Jax. Not to mention I've told both of them how I felt when I needed to vent because I knew I could trust them.

The whole bar was silent as we all waited for Ope's reaction. It was a few moments before I was lifted from my seat by a pair of huge arms and carried back to one of the rooms in the back. "Ope! What are you doing put me down damnit!" I yelled.

"Can't do that. We need to talk." He grumbled as he set me down closing the door behind us.

"No we don't Opie. I already know. It's okay. I figured it out a while ago." I told him with a sad sigh.

My happy drunken buzz turned sour rather quickly. "Apparently you don't already know (y/n)." He mumbled.

I didn't have a chance to respond before his took my face in his huge palms and his lips captured my own. His lips were warm and soft and they moved against mine. The sparks and electricity running through my veins made me feel like I was on fire as I moved my arms up to wind them around his neck.

He pulled away and rested his forehead against mine. "If you only knew..." Opie whispered.

"Knew what?" I asked pulling back to look into his eyes.

"That I've been in love with you since the day we met (y/n). I just don't want to drag you into this mess... I have two kids (y/n), I'm gone a lot. You deserve better than this life (y/n)..." He explained.

"Oh Ope..." I said quietly kissing his lips and his hands rested on my hips. "I don't care about all of that Harry. All I ever wanted was just you. I don't care that you have two kids. I love those kids. Just as much as I love you Ope. Sure the idea of you never coming home is horrifying... All I want is to spend what time with you that I can Opie."

"Are you sure about this (y/n)? I don't want you to regret this. I don't wanna fight with you like I did with Donna about the club." He explained.

"I won't make you choose Ope. I know how much this club means to you. As much as I hate the idea of some things about it, I won't tell you to choose..." I promised him.

"I love you (y/n)..." He told me moving one hand to my face to caress my cheek.

"I love you too Harry." I told him. "Please let me call you mine." I pleaded.

"I'm all yours baby girl. I have been for six years." He grinned.

I returned his smile happily and kissed him again. When we pulled away Ope took my hand and we walked back out in the bar area of the club house. Everyone was still there and Ope led me back over to the bar. Piney saw our intertwined hands and grinned. "Woo Hoo! That's my boy! He finally straightened his shit out!" Piney hollered.

I laughed and hugged Piney. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Opie's grin as I hugged his dad. Jax clapped him on the back. "Man, I'm glad you two finally admitted it. You know how long I've wanted to just tell you both about each other?" Jax laughed.

Both Ope and I looked at him. "What are you talking about?" I asked.

"I've had Ope telling me for the last four years and you for the last five but I promised I wouldb't say anything." He shrugged.

Opie and I both blushed before laughing. He pulled me into his arms and kissed the top of my head. I tipped my head back and smiled up at him. He brushed some strands of my (h/t), (h/c) behind my ear. I smiled then laid my head against his chest. I could hear his heartbeat thump in his chest. "Let's go back to my place for a while." He suggested.

I nodded and allowed him to lead me out to his truck waving goodbye to everyone as we left. I couldn't wipe the smile from my face now that I knew I had the man I loved. I definitely don't plan on letting him go anytime soon.

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