🚫:Prompt Twenty-One:🚫

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(A/N: This One-Shot will contain graphic depictions of childbirth and a post-partum hemorrhage. I ask that you proceed with caution if things like this will upset/trigger you. I have personally experienced this trauma and nearly lost my own life after the birth of my youngest daughter so I understand if you cannot read this. Please just skip this entire chapter if you don't think you can read this. Thank you and I apologize if you cannot read this.)

Reader almost dies.

"How are my girls?" Opie asked grinning as he walked through the door.

"I want her out Ope." I grumbled pouting.

He chuckled a little. "Awe baby. Just a couple more days. You're due date was yesterday and if she isn't here by Monday next week they're inducing you."

"I don't wanna be induced Ope!" I shouted upset.

Tears began to fall down my face and Opie wrapped his arms around me. "Shh baby. I know you don't but your body can't handle going farther than that." He whispered.

"Can we go for a walk Ope?" I asked.

"Yeah of course we can baby. Just let me call the kids and give them an update." He smiled.

I nodded and agreement and he leaned down to press a kiss to my forehead. I went to our bedroom and changed into some basketball shorts while Ope let the kids know there's still no baby. She's being stubborn and I don't like it. I was due yesterday with her, of course only five percent of babies actually come on their due dates but I was really hoping she would be one of them.

Ope reentered the room and smiled at me. "What are you smiling at?" I asked.

"You look gorgeous when your pregnant baby." He grinned and leaned in to capture my lips.

"No I don't." I said when he pulled away. "I look gigantic." I pouted.

"No baby. You're body is creating a life. That alone is amazing enough." He told me.

I blushed and smiled a little. "I love you Ope."

"I love you too baby." He told me.

Later That Night

Ope and I were cuddled up in bed and I was FINALLY having some contractions. They were still quite far apart and not super intense so I was okay to stay home for a while. Ope helped me through every single one, holding me and rubbing my back. He was amazing.

I took a Gravol and allowed myself to get a bit of sleep. I awoke at four AM to some intense contractions and began timing them. They finally hit about seven minutes apart and were lasting about a minute. I shook Ope awake and told him. His eyes widened and he got excited.

"I'm pretty sure this is it Ope. I think today's the day." I said excitedly.

"You can do this baby. I know you can." He grinned happily.

I nodded but just as I began to smile a contraction hit me and I groaned. Ope held me and rubbed my back softly. "I wanna try the shower. Get some hot water on the pressure points in my back." I told him.

He nodded and kissed my head before heading into the bathroom. I heard the water turn on then he came back out to get me. He helped me strip down and into the shower. He undressed himself quickly before stepping in behind me. I leaned my forehead against Opie's chest as he rubbed my back soothingly.

We stood there for a good hour before we realized my contractions were about five minutes apart, lasting a full minute. Ope helped me get dressed again and once we had got our last few items together into a bag we headed to the hospital.

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