:Prompt Eighteen:

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Opie and the boys come home from Stockton.

I pulled into the lot of TM and parked my SUV. Bobby and Piney headed toward me immediately as Ellie and Kenny jump out and head for the play area. Bobby opened up my trunk and took out my stroller as Piney reached into to the back to remove mine and Ope's two month old son. Alex.

Opie and the guys got locked up when I was only sixteen weeks pregnant with Alex. I had only told Ope two weeks prior that he was going to be a dad again and he was thrilled. The only other time I'd ever seen him so happy was on our wedding day. Opie was so happy he just held me as he let a few tears slip away, I remember it like it was yesterday.

Every time I got a chance the kids and I would head to Stockton to visit Ope. I'd show him ultrasound photos, play him recordings of the baby's heart beat. I remember telling him we were gonna have another boy. Ellie wanted to do something crazy to tell him so Kenny, Ellie and I all put blue temporary dye in our hair the day we went to see him. He loved it, thought it was the perfect way to tell him.

Every visit we would toy with different names until we finally settled on Alex. We both agreed it just felt right so there it was. Alexander Piermont Winston. He was born on the fifth of June at six thirty seven in the afternoon, weighing seven pounds ten ounces, he was twenty-two inches long and had a head full of soft brown hair to match his daddy.

Today would be the day he finally gets to meet his son. I wasn't allowed nor was I comfortable bringing Alex to visit Opie in Stockton, but I called him just after he was born, and brought photos everytime I did see him. But today. Today would be the best. I get to see my husband hold our son in his arms for the very first time.

I strolled behind Piney as he pushed his grandson in the stroller. He sat down at the picnic table and opened his arms to me for a hug. "You ready to see your man?" He asked.

"More than. I'm more excited for him to finally meet Alex, and I know Kenny and Ellie stayed in bed with me all night and barely slept a wink they were so excited for Ope to come home." I laughed.

Just at that moment I could hear the faint rumble of a motorcycle engine in the distance, I couldn't stop the grin that spread across my lips as I waved the two older kids toward us. When they reached us I felt Gemma's hand on my shoulder as she looked at Tara and I. "They're home." She grinned.

The kids squealed excitedly and began to bounce on the spot and I laughed. Hearing the engines growing closer my grin widened. Eventually I saw all the bikes pulling into the lot and they came to a stop. I watched Opie flip out his kickstand and pull his helmet off. I ran directly for him and jumped into his awaiting arms.

He buried his head in my shoulder and hugged me so tight I could barely breathe but I didn't care. My husband was back in my arms. I got back to my feet but kept my arms around him as he moved to brush some hair from my face. He cupped my cheek in his palm and leaned down capturing my lips in a beautiful kiss, one that I'd missed so much.

Our moment was soon interrupted by Kenny and Ellie clutching at their father. I stepped back and let the two eldest children held their father tightly telling him how much we all missed him.

We walked over toward Piney who had since removed little Alex from his seat and Opie stopped just staring at the tiny boy in his father's arms. He stared for a few moments before stepping forward and taking him into his own arms. He stared down at the face of his youngest son before looking up at me, the brightest smile on his face and tears welled up in his warm eyes.

I pulled my phone out and snapped a bunch of photos as Alex reached out and wrapped his tiny hand and his fathers index finger. Opie just stared, Ellie and Kenny stood next to me with wide grins on their faces.

Unexpectedly they both wrapped their arms around me. "Thank you (y/n)." They told me.

I wrapped an arm around each of them. "For what?" I asked squeezing them gently.

"For making our dad happy again." Kenny told me.

"And we want to know if it's okay if we call you Mom?" Ellie asked.

I looked up to Opie who was just watching a wide grin plastered on his face he nodded at me telling me.it was okay with him. I felt tears welling on my own eyes as I got to my knees and hugged them. "Of course you can." I told them both holding them tight.

They squealed happily before taking off back to the play area. Opie stepped over to me and wrapped a free arm around me. "I love you (y/n)." He told me kissing me.

"I love you too Ope." I smiled when we parted.

He sat down next to his dad holding Alex nestled tightly to his chest. Occasionally he would look down at him and just smile. It warmed my heart to watch. He was an amazing father and I was so happy and proud to be able to give him another child.

My thoughts were interrupted my Jax slinging an arm over my shoulder. "You did good darlin'." He told me grinning.

"Thanks Jax." I smiled smacking a hand to his chest.

"Go take your man and kids home. We don't need him tonight." Jax told me.

"Oh thank you Jax." I said hugging him.

I turned to Opie and we got Alex back into his seat and called the kids over. Once I had all the kids situated in my SUV, Opie hopped on his bike and we headed for home.

By the time we arrived Alex was hangry so I got him a bottle of breastmilk and warmed it up as soon as we walked in the door. The kids went to put a movie on and Opie removed Alex from his carseat.

I walked back to the living room and handed Opie the bottle so he could feed his son. We all watched some sort of kids movie and the kids fell asleep on the couch. I took Alex putting him to bed in the nursery as Opie took both kids and laid them in their beds.

Once everyone was situated I found myself being lifted up into a pair of large strong arms and whisked away to the bedroom. Opie threw me onto our bed and I landed laughing. He smirked down at me before coming to flop down next to me.

He pulled me into his arms and I laid one across his chest and hooked my leg around his. "It feels so good to be home. Know my kids are so close to me and my wife is in my arms again. Fuck this feels good." He told me. I tipped my head back to look at his handsome face and grinned. "I've missed you so much baby." He whispered rolling up onto his side to look me in the eyes.

"I missed you too Ope. It was so hard to do all of this without you." I told him honestly.

"I know baby but you did amazing. I always knew you could but I promise I'm gonna do my best not to put you through this again." He told me lifting his hand to stroke my cheek.

"I know what I signed up for Opie I appreciate it but I know the risks. I can do this. I had Bobby, Pop, Tara and Gemma to help me." I told him with a soft smile.

"You really are an amazing woman. I'm so happy I got to marry you baby." He grinned and leaned forward.

He captured my lips in a breathtaking kiss, our lips moving perfectly together. Our innocent kiss began to form into a needy one as Opie gripped and grabbed at me. I returned it by tugging at his shirt.

Our night was filled with slow and passionate love making and fast and hard sex before Alex's cries disrupted our fun. "Let me get him baby you get some rest." He kissed my forehead and got out of bed throwing his boxers back on.

I smiled as I listened to Opie talk to our son lovingly hushing him as he lulled him back to sleep. Opie soon returned to me and wrapped me up in his arms cradling my body close to him. I listened to his heartbeat as it lulled me into a peaceful deep slumber.

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