My Best Friend : Part 1

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"LAYLA!" Tara screamed from downstairs.

"GO AWAY!" I screamed still laying in my bed.

She stepped into my bedroom and sighed. "You've gotta get out of bed. They wouldn't want to see you like this Layla..." She whispered sitting on the edge of my bed.

"No." I mumbled burying my face in my pillow.

She sighed and got up going downstairs. I ignored her and sunk further into my bed. I have no idea how long I laid there but eventually the bed sunk in front of me from a heavy body sitting down on my bed. "Let's go for a ride Lay." His gruff voice met my ears.

I sighed softly but looked up to his face. His eyes were soft and warm as he looked at me. I sat up and he opened his arms to me. I bolted up into his lap wrapping my arms around him as best I could. His huge arms engulfed my small frame as he held me to his chest. "Opie." I whispered softly.

He hugged me tightly for a short time before standing up and setting me on my feet. "Go get dressed." He told me before stepping out of the room.

I got myself dressed and headed downstairs throwing my long blonde hair into a low braid. I met him and Tara downstairs and Tara sighed. "Go with him and just let go a little Layla. You need it." She told me gently.

I nodded and hugged her softly before he took my hand and led me out to his bike. Ope got on handing his helmet back to me. I climbed on behind him once I had the helmet on and wrapped my arms around him.

We took off just cruising along. I finally felt at peace sitting behind him as he drove. He took me to our secret spot which was an alcove of trees just off a side street on the outskirts of Charming. He stopped the bike and we both climbed off and I hung his helmet over the handle bars. He took my hand and led me over to the log we used as a bench and sat down patting the spot beside him.

"What's wrong Layla?" He asked.

"It's mom and dad's anniversary today..." I explained.

He nodded beside me. "You think they'd want you curled up in bed ignoring the world all day?" He asked giving me a questioning look.

"No..." I mumbled.

"Then lets make the most of the day for them. You and me." He offered.

"What would we do all day?" I asked.

"I haven't thought that far yet." He laughed.

I let a small one slip past my lips and he grinned down at me. "Was that a laugh?" He grinned deviously at me.

I shook my head quickly and put my serious face on. "Nope. You're hearing things." I denied.

"Is that right?" He asked before starting to tickle me.

I squealed and began to laugh so hard I fell back to the ground. His assault didn't stop as I laughed and laughed. Eventually he stopped looking down at me. In this moment I wish so badly he would just close the distance between us and kiss me. I've been in love with Opie for years but I just can't tell him that. There's no way he could feel lile that about me. Not with the business of SAMCRO being involved with Nero and all the crow eaters and sweet butts around the clubhouse. He could choose any of them, I wasn't anything special.

His eyes were clouded with emotions as he looked down at me. "Ope?" I asked confused.

He seemed to snap out of it and got up helping me to my feet. He cleared his throat and shook his head. "Is everything okay?" I asked him placing my hand on his bicep.

I felt that jolt of electrcity that had become all too familiar the moment my open palm met his skin. He seemed to freeze for a moment before looking down at me. "I... It's nothing. Don't worry about it." He brushed off.

"Bullshit. What's bugging you Opie?" I asked concerned.

"I- I-" He stuttered. I could see a faint dusting of pink colouring his cheeks as he looked away.

"Hey. You can tell me anything. You know that." I told him softly.

He nodded and met my eyes again. His eyes held uncertainty and confusion and I could see the wheels turning in his head. "I'm just trying to figure something out for us to do today." He said shrugging, his whole demeanor changing.

"Let's head to the clubhouse. Clay and I have a tradition to continue." I told him, he nodded and we got back on his bike and we were off.

Opie's P.O.V

I rode back into Charming with her chest pressed against my back and her thighs gripping at my hips. I attempted to push the dirty thoughts from my head of how incredible this would be in a much different position. How erotic it would be to hear my name fall from her plump pink lips in a moan.

I knew I was in love with her. I have been for a while now. Everything about her drove me crazy, I always wanted to be around her. But, she is my best friend. I don't want to tell her how I feel only to have our friendship ruined because of it.

When we were at our spot, it took everything in me not to kiss her. The way she looked at me, I felt whole. I haven't felt like that since Donna died. When Layla's around I feel alive again. I know her parents would be okay with it of they were alive. They both have tried pushing us together since we were little.

I want to be with her, I just can't ruin what we have. I won't loose my bestfriend over this.

When we got to the clubhouse she got off my bike and handed the helmet to me. I didn't move just watched as her ass swayed back and forth as she strode into the clubhouse. When she was out of sight I groaned and ducked my head.

I heard a laugh from beside me and looked up to glare at Jax. "Bro, you gotta tell her." He chuckled.

"I can't." I groaned.

"No. You won't. Bro you don't see it, but that girl is so in love with you. And you're just as mushy as her. Tell her, you won't be disappointed by her response." He told me.

"You better be right about this Jax." I told him sighing.

"I know I am." He patted my shoulder and walked away just as Layla walked out.

She had a happy smile on her lips as she came walking back over to me. "Come on." I said handing her the helmet. "I wanna show you something." I told her.

She nodded and climbed on behind me. Time to talk. Time to grow a pair and just tell her. Even if she doesn't feel the same way I won't let it ruin the way things are between us.

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