Chapter Three/ Jealous

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School’s over for the day and I’m waiting for Medina and Sarina to come out. The boys are also waiting with me but are play fighting amongst themselves whilst we wait. I see Medina coming out with her friends Natasha and Sophie. The girls are talking and laughing. I stare at Medina and my heart beats faster when I see her laugh wholeheartedly at something Sophie has said. Damn, I feel jealous. Why won’t she laugh like that with me. All I get If I’m lucky is a smile that I have to practically force out off her. Oh ,I guess I am lucky as she always shower me with words. Idiot being her most favourite.

Suddenly I feel someone wrap their arms around me from behind and I’m engulfed with a strong smell of flowery perfume. Only one person has the scent and my stomach dips. I try to loosen the grip but it tightens further as she plasters the rest of her body against me.

‘’Jakey. Have you been avoiding me?’’ God that voice. Its low and gravelly as she trying to sound sexy but fails miserably.  And yes she's right I am avoiding her. Like the plague. I seek help from the guys but they are way too amused and just stand there encouraging her even further.

‘’Hey Julie.’’ I finally manage to escape her grasp and turn around to face her. Jeez. What she's wearing leaves nothing and I mean nothing to the imagination. I don't know how she gets away with it. Her school blouse is plastered against her body like second skin giving her assets an added boost not that she needs it but that girls gives the meaning ‘’if you got it, flaunt it’’ a whole new meaning. Her skirt is a few inches above the school regulations.. She's wearing thigh high leather boots. She has hair out loose and her face is professionally done.

She's not a bad looking girl. It's just that she tries to hard and that makes her look desperate in turn which makes her unattractive to me. Not to the rest of the boys though. That's ok if you like the typical popular high school bitch kind of girl. A bitch she definitely is and I don’t happen to like bitches. I like girls who are like Me….’’.

Shit.I turn around to scan for Medina. She is nowhere in sight. I quickly follow the path out of school and see her walking down the street with Sarina in tow. Dammit,I must have missed them when Julie pounced on me. I forget about the boys and ran after them calling out their name. Sarina is the only one who turns  and slows down whilst Medina is continuing walking further quickening her pace.

‘’Medina!. Wait for us. What’s the matter? Are your pants on fire.?’’ Sarina shouts out after her. I look at her and we both smile at her joke.

‘’Sarina!. Watch your mouth or I'll tell Abu about your manners outside the home’’. She throws over her shoulder not slowing down.

Once we finally catch up with her I walk  beside whilst still staring at her. I can tell she's pissed for her nostrils are flared. It's so cute. I don’t know what has rattled her cage. She refuses to even glance my way. I continue staring and I see a ghost of a smile then WHAM. It takes me a while to register the pain. Ouch, that shit  hurts I just collided with a lamp post. I rub my left cheek and I wince.

Sarina rushes to my side, consoling me. At least someone is. Medina just looks at me for a sec and then continues going her  merry way. What the hell! What is wrong with that girl?. A little compassion would have gone a long way. Then It dawns on me that she could have given me a heads up about the lamp post. Oh shit. She wanted me to hit it. That small smile before the collision.

I should be pissed but I have a feeling that she wanted to get back at me. I think she saw me with Julie. She despises Julie. The feelings mutual. Medina has told me on a few occasions that she doesn't like her flirting with me.  When I probe her why. She just says that she is a vile creature who is only after one thing from boys like me. I tell her to elaborate for poor me haven't a clue what she’s on about.  She then rolls her eyes and screams ‘’forget it’’ and walks off.

Jealous Medina. I like the ring of that. I forget the pain I’m in and tell Sarina to hurry up as we chase up to her sister.

‘’Happy’’. I smirk.

‘’I don't know what you are talking about’’ she replies ,lips twitching.

‘’Oh don't you now?’’ I fire back cockly.

‘’Want do you want JW?’’ she continues walking not looking at me.

I start  walking backwards so I can see her face. She still has her nostrils flared but she seems more at ease.

‘’I want to know why are you are acting like this. I waited for you and then you…’’

Waiting for me!’’ she scoffs.’’ Was that what you were doing earlier,''waiting for me’’ she cocks up one  eyebrow. Damn even that's cute. I need to get a bloody grip. This girl is driving rings around me and I let her.

‘’She means that you were NOT waiting for us but you were to busy chatting up that cow Julie…’’

‘’Sarina! Watch your mouth and no I was not …’’

‘’Woah! I  cut her off.’’I was NOT chatting  up ….’’ pointedly looking at Sarina ,’’ Julie, she was practically mauling me’’. I finish off looking offended.

‘’Mhhhmm. I guess you must have really  enjoyed her mauling you as you still have her lipstick mark on your ear. ‘’She replies sarcastically.

I quickly rub at both ears. How that hell did she manage to sneak that in. That Girl has no shame. I guess I was to busy ogling at you. I wanted to scream at Medina but that sounds creepy and she's already more than pissed. I like it though. Her pissed means only one thing. Seeing Julie with me has gotten under her skin. She is jealous.

‘’Are we jealous Medina. Is that what this is?’’ I motion the tension between me and her with my hand.

We have reached home and Sarina is the first to enter their house. Walking up the path together only the four foot walls separates our houses. We both stop and she looks up at me.  It’s the first time in a long while that she maintains eye contact. My heart gives a lurch as I stare back.

‘’Jw. You are so full of shit. ‘’ She rushes inside but not before I see a glimpse of tears.

I should be saddened at her reaction but I find myself elated. It just confirms what I have been waiting for. Medina Jahan feels something in return. She feels the same way that I feel about her. She's too much of a stubborn fool to realise it. My happiness is short lived though. My stomach recoils. Even if she does there's no hope for us. Her parents will never permit for us to see each other. They don't do the typical girlfriend and boyfriend thing that we do here. It's forbidden in their religion.

I enter my home with a heavy heart. I guess I have to curb my feelings. I hate the idea of that. Wait a minute. First I need to confirm whether or  not Medina feels the same. What if is just wishful thinking on my part. What if I'm just seeing something that is not there.

But what for the sake of it, if she does feel the same. Why would I want her to admit those feelings when we can't act up on them. I know I would never have a problem. Medina however will be the one feeling the worst of. I can't do that to her.  I love her way to much for her to go through that. I guess I have to face the awful reality of loving her from afar. That's the most considerate thing I can do for the girl I love. Keep her at arm's length from now on.

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