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"What is it with that man and women throwing themselves at him?" I mumble miserably as I glare at the interaction between Jake and the very obvious, slutty ,P.E Teacher of the opposing team.

"Medina..The color green does not suit you, especially in your condition." Sarina throws me an amused look.

"I'm not jealous..I just hate the way she is practically forcing herself on my husband" I Reply sharply..whilst throwing daggers at the stupid woman who was totally oblivious.

"Medina...Take it easy darling..You know that Jakey loves you and only you..plus all this negative energy is not good for my poor nephew or niece you're carrying," She throws a hand over me and kisses me on the cheek.

I look down at my humongous tummy and smile. I'm due but this little terror is not making his/her appearance anytime soon. This is my second pregnancy, I look across at my beautiful One and a half year old daughter Maymoona who is sleeping in Kelly's arms.

She has light brown hair and has Jakes and Kelly's beautiful eyes. A dark emerald green. Her cute button nose and her small pouty mouth takes after me. Her personality is all Jake though. She grabs hold of your heart and will not let you go until you fall in love with her. Pretty hard not to..Alhumdulillah..I feel so blessed.

My God..We've only been married for well over two and a half years and I'm already having my second child.

I blush when I think about how I got in this condition in the first place. Jake and I can't seem to keep our hands of each other. So contraception goes out the window the moment we touch.

Crap...I need to stop as I can feel my face heating up and being pregnant has made me extra horny ..very horny...much to Jake's pleasure.

"Medinaaaaaaa!! I hate it when you do that.!!" Sarina nudges me gently.

"Sorry ..I was just thinking ab......"

"Er..We all know what you have been thinking about..your face says it all ..you dirty little woman." Kelly chuckles and Sarina joins in.

"Oh my God!...Seriously guys!!!. I am never confiding in you two ever again" I blush even more and try to hide behind my hijab.

"Ohhh look who's coming over..and the shameless man is looking at you as if he wants to eat you."Sarina whispers dramatically.

I look up to see Jake making his way towards us. Sarina is right he seems to be focused solely on me and again heat crawls up my face but I then remember the slutty teacher and him from earlier and flare my nostrils.

He stops and glance at our sleeping daughter. He lightly touches her hair then turns his attention to me.

"Mrs Al Karim..How are we doing?" He glanced at my tummy and back up again.

"We are doing fine..How are you and that bimbo doing?" I reply back with a serious tone.

I ignore the snickering of Kelly and Sarina. Jake's grin falters when he sees my flared nostrils.

"Medina..Love you know how she's like..She can't seem to get it through her head that I'm a happily married man and a father almost two children." He rolls his eyes and steps closer to take my hand in his.

I look across at the Maneater in question and find her looking back at us with a scowl.

What the hell..bitch!!

What is her problem? I know I look like a huge balloon these days but Jake is my husband and I will not let that bimbo intimidate me with her fake boobs and skimpy attire.

My Hijab,Jake and I.Where stories live. Discover now