Chapter Forty/Feelings

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The evening has come to an end and the girls are having a sleepover. We’re all cramped into my bedroom. Since separating from Qumar I’m back living with my folks. He wanted me to stay in the home we shared which he happens to own but I know I couldn't. It wouldn't have felt right. 

“Girl..your father is something else..The way he introduced Jake...Damn...I will not forget that moment in a hurry.” Natasha bounces on my bed laughing at me.

“Oh my Allah...don't remind me “.I groan out loud covering my face with my hands.

“Did you see Jake's face..He looked as if he had won the lottery”. Sophie giggles at me.

“No I didn’t...I mean how could I enter the room after that. I was absoultley mortified.” I peek over my fingers.

“Medina girl what am I going to do with you?.” Natasha sighs, rolling her eyes.


“Oh leave her alone Tasha..she can’t help it that she goes all haywire around Jake.” Sarina joins in after finishing scrolling through her photos on her phone.

“Er Missy.. At Least I have some on the other hand are so besharam (shameless)”. I stick out my tongue

“Er...Sister dear’s 2019 men like girls who are more forward and who likes to take charge..isn't that right Tasha babe”? My sister smirks

“Uh, why the hell are you asking me that.? “ Natasha turns to Sarina with an arched brow.

“’re the only one in all of us who have more experience when it comes to men.”Sarina throws her a patronising look.

“Ouch. That's not very nice Sar. Are you implying that I sleep around”. Natasha is getting riled up. Sarina seriously needs to shut up right now.

“Well, come on , tell Medina what men want.” My lord she needs to stop as I can tell that Natasha is getting upset.

“Sarina stop!!” my voice is quick and sharp

“What am only s…”

“Sar..Sometimes I feel like taping your mouth shut permanently”. Sophie gets up and throw  an arm around Natasha.

“Or she shouldn’t speak at all.” I spit out and sit by Natasha. 

When Sarina realises that Natsha has stopped talking, she finally realise she has gone too far. Quickly apologising she comes and kneels before her and grabs her hands.

“I’m sorry Tasha. I didn't mean to offend you. I just thought…”

“You thought that I sleep around, that I’m a slut who loves to drink and party”. Natsha looks at Sarina with tears in her eyes.

“Natasha ..I'm so sorry..please I didn't mean it that know that my mouth runs off before me..Please don't cry..I'm really sorry”. Sarina grasps both of Natasha hands and brings it up to her lips.

Sniffling Natsha looks at us all and a tear escapes her left eye. Her smile is forced.

“Its okay.. I know you don't mean anything by know what the funny thing is guys?”.

“What”. All three of us reply in unison.

“I’m still a virgin.”. She lets go of Sarina and wipes away the tears. Laughing at our reaction.

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