Chapter twenty nine/upping the game.

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I take a deep breath and knock on the door. Her muffled voice gives me permission to enter. Turning the knob I walk in, the smile on her face falters slightly when her eyes meet mine and a blush slowly appears on both her cheeks. Fuck. That  gives me hope. The fact that she shares them with her husband is not something I want to think about. I’m just glad that she still reacts to me the way she does.

“Mr White, what can I do for you”. She asks whilst motioning for me to sit.

How about divorcing your so called husband and becoming my wife.

“Uh Mrs Abbassi, I just came to give you this”. Sitting I hand her over the plans for the annual fair.

She takes it and opens the file. Her lips she continues flicking the pages.

“I see you haven't lost your sense of humour over the years”. Her lips form a smile and my stupid heart starts fluttering like crazy.

“Well gotta keep it these days are so damn hard to get off their backsides”. I reply with a smile of my own, which causes her to avert her eyes.

‘’Yes. I especially like “dunk the punk”.. Er  it’s very creative”. She fiddles with her pen. She’s nervous and flustered and It’s so damn attractive. I’ll never get tired of it..ever.

Whipped!!.. I Don't care.

“Yeah. I’m especially looking forward to that one. Remember it from our school fair. You used to get me every single time.”. I laugh at the memory.

“Well you were so cocky and somebody had do bring you down a notch”. She replies biting her lips from laughing. Damn..she still does that.

“Medina , I think you mistake confidence for cockiness.’’. I quickly fire back.

“Er I don't think so..You took cockyness to a whole new level..especially when you  got older and the girls start flocking around you..oh my God you got worse and worse after that.” She rolls her eyes dramatically and boy was that  a punch to the gut. so much memories from a simple eye roll.

Boy..I have it bad.

“Girls! What girls. You knew that I had eyes only for you Medina Jahan.”Her blushes deepen and she averts her eyes again.  I smile inwardly..that felt good.

“Er Ja..Mr White I …”

“Medina, I’m sick of all this formality. I can't pretend no more. I hate Calling you Mrs Abbassi. So If you don't mind I think I prefer calling you Medina or Ms Jahan ‘’.

Soon to be My wife actually and then I can call you, love, sexy, baby, ……

“Mr White I…. “

“Jake. I would prefer it that you call me Jake, Medina’’. She’s getting even more flustered and I know I’m a bastard but I can't help myself. I love it. I feel like a fool around her so it's only fair that she loses some of her cool.

‘’Listen Mr white. We are working in a professional environment so can you please act accordingly.’’ she emphasises my Name. Her nostrils flare up and bingo the old Medina Jahan shows herself. Damn I've missed her like crazy. 

My plan is working. Baby steps. I’m a patient man. Well I bloody have to be where Medina is concerned. But she’s  fucking worth it. I just need to keep on pushing her buttons until she finally cracks. 

“Medina darling I  told you that I’m …”

“Did you just called me darling?’’ She looks at me shocked.

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