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Taylor's POV

"No, no, no..." This can't be happening right now. I can't be pregnant right? I could've sworn the pill didn't wear off for another four days. Let's see.. July 24 was when I took it, and it works for two weeks. What day is it? Oh yeah August 11. Shit That's almost three weeks. I need to take a test.

I looked in Jase's cabinet for some odd reason hoping to find Plan-B or something. Just as I thought, it wasn't there.

"Taylor are you alright?" I heard Jase from the other side if the door.

I flushed the toilet and turned on the water. "Yea I'm fine. Just had to go pee really bad." I slapped my head right after I said that. So stupid. I got some mouthwash from under the sink and gave myself a quick check as I glanced at the mirror before I walked out.

I noticed Michael was still here and was just staring at me, then my stomach, then back at me with a knowing look. What did he know?

"Jase? Will you please give me and Michael a minute please?" I asked. Jase stood there for a moment probably debating with himself.

"You have five minutes. I'll be in the car. Don't harm her, Blackwell, or else-"

"Yea yea yea, or else you'll behead me like you did to other vampires. I won't hurt her." Michael interrupted. Jase gave a warning growl and left the apartment.

"So. Why did you want to talk to me?" Michael leaned back on the couch and put his hands behind his head.

"I don't know. You tell me." I shot back.

"Listen, I may be very experienced with women, but their body not the mind. So again, please tell me what you wanted to talk about." Michael replied.

"Do you think I'm pregnant? Because I'm not and won't be for a long time."

"You know, life has a funny way of proving you wrong. That is what humans say right?" He looked at his watch, "Let's head downstairs before Jase throws a fit."

"I'm not done talking to you!" He was already out the door. I raced downstairs to see he was already in the parking garage.

Jase grabbed my hand, "C'mon." And started pulling me towards his car. I looked at Michael who was just staring at me, smirking. God he is annoying.

"I'll follow you there." Michael said. Jase immediately stopped and glared at Michael. "The hell you are! You will go nowhere near King Nikolai you bloodsucker! I don't trust you. Just go home and be the snob that you are." Jase growled. Damn I need to remember never to get on his bad side.

Michael put his hands up in surrender. "Fine. I don't mean any harm." He started to get into his car then paused, "Taylor just a word of advice, it doesn't hurt to check." with that said, he drove off.

Jase looked at me. "What was he talking about, Taylor?"

"N-nothing. Let's just go. But I need to stop at Walgreens before we head to Nikolai's" Jase gave me a skeptical look then sighed and got into the car.

"So what do you need to get here?" Me and Jase had been arguing for quite a while about me not wanting him to go in with me. Eventually I gave up and here we are in the feminine care aisle. Very awkward. My eyes scan the shelves for birth-control and I had to get a whole bunch of un-needed stuff to distract him from the one thing really needed. Once I found it I had to find a way to distract him.

"Hey Jase, I think I forgot to get some ice cream. Can you go get me some? Cookie dough please." He nodded his head and walked off.

As quick as I could, I grabbed the Plan-B and buried it in the contents of the cart. Just as quick as I put it there, Jase came back and put the pint into the cart.

"Is that everything?" Jase asked.

"Yea I'll go checkout and you can wait in the car."

"I'm not leaving you alone, Taylor." With that said, he grabbed the cart and went to the cash register.

Well, I'm royally screwed. And no pun intended. As the lady was ringing up everything. I was just staring at Jase waiting for his reaction when the birth control was taken out of its hiding spot. When I saw her go to it, I didn't dare look at him. I just stared at the box. I knew Jase saw it, but he didn't say anything. He just swiped his card and got the bags.

Even on the car ride to Nikolai's house he didn't utter a single word. I was getting a little irritated.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Jase asked as if he did not see the Plan-B.

"Aren't you going to ask me why the pregnancy tests were in the pile?" I yelled. He pulled the car over and turned towards me.

"Look, it's none of my business. If you want to tell me you can. If you don't, then don't." Jase said simply. He would always be so calm, its annoying. I took in a deep breath.

"Fine I'll tell you. So about a week ago I took two tests and one of them said I was pregnant and one of them said I wasn't. So I need to take another test but I'm really scared and Michael thinks I'm pregnant too, I think. I just don't know. Maybe I am, maybe I-"

"Woah woah woah. Slow down. Answer this: do you want to be pregnant?" Jase asked. I closed my eyes.

"Yes," Memories come rushing back "but you know what happens when I get pregnant." Jase gave me a questioning look. "I lose them."

"Taylor. You have only been pregnant once. And the early months are the hardest months. Don't let the past stop you from having a future."

"But I'm scared, Jase. I wouldn't be able to look at myself if I lost another one. Xavier will probably leave me and I would be all alone with my infertile self." I was in tears now. Jase growled.

"He told you he would leave you if you couldn't have a baby?!" Jase seemed enraged. He was gripping the steering wheel so hard his knuckles were white.

"No." He let out a deep breath. It was weird seeing him like this. He's usually relaxed, it's like seeing a different side of him. "But I bet he would" I added.

"I know Xavier, he would never leave you. You are his and he is yours. You need to understand that soon." He started the car again and started driving to Nikolai's home.

As I looked out of the window I could've sworn I saw someone running hidden in the trees. I kept looking to see if I was crazy, or if there was actually someone there. When I wasn't able to see the figure anymore, I concluded I was imagining things due to lack of sleep so I took a well deserved nap. Yet my mind was still on if there was a bun in the oven.

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