🌸 Chapter 1 🌸

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During UA combat training
Tamaki's pov~

I pealed open my eyes letting soft white light block my vision. A strong voice sounded throughout my mind, yet the words were jumbled and ever so distant.

Where am I?

I felt a firm grip settle on my shoulders shaking me back and fourth like a limp rag doll.  I winced, a sharp pain overwhelming me.

"Tamaki, hey Tamaki can you here me?!" The soft echo chorused.

The bright lights began to fade being replaced with concerned faces and outstretched hands, a wave of panic struck me and I desperately tried to scramble away but another pair of hands locked me down in place. My breathing became rasped and I pulled my legs up to my chest in a pathetic attempt to calm my nerves. Breathe.

The same strong hand barring me down left it's place at my hip and forcefully grabbed my chin tilting it up from were it rested nestled in my knees. A tuneful laugh filled my senses and I finally relaxed into the grip as Mirio's beaming face obscured the rest of my view.

"Hey! I'ts okay, you're alright." He reassured me, his arms tightening around me as he pulled me closer to his chest, his hand snaking around my neck to caress my scalp. I struggled in his grip feeling my cheeks warm up at the suggestive position we had been caught in. He cocked an eyebrow but released me none the less, noticing the sudden change in mood. It's not that I didn't want to be close to him but I didn't want to be lead on to the unrealistic expectation that anything could ever happen between us.

"Damn, Tamaki!" Hadou bounced up to me an excited smile plastered to her face, as usual "You took one hell of a hit!"

"Trust me he's tougher than he looks" Mirio chimed in, his grin simmering down to a broad smile.

"Yeah! I know right, he was all like BAM, CRASH, HYA!-" she exaggerated with her hands, performing a karate like sequence within the air, "and he was like ZAP, CRACK, BOOOOOM!" She drew out the last word, miming a large explosion.

Mirio side glanced me, eyeing me up and down. "You okay?"

I turned my still steaming face downcast mumbling out a small "Y-yeah."

He seemed unconvinced by my meek attempt at responding and within seconds he was on his feet striding towards my form still resting on the ground. One of his arms slipped under my thighs and the other cradled my back as he lifted me of the ground, eliciting a pathetic yelp from me. Unsure, he glanced at the teacher, for confirmation, who only waved his hand dismissively, humming "Take him to recovery girl, she'll fix him up good as new".

Ahh! So cute!!! (This art isn't mine)

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Ahh! So cute!!! (This art isn't mine)

The silence as Mirio carried me down the corridor was suffocating, I found myself missing his a occasional jabs and stupid commentary, but I wasn't about to say anything, he seemed preoccupied with his own deep thoughts.

꧁༒𝒯𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓎𝑜𝓊༒꧂ ~𝓜𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓪𝓶𝓪Where stories live. Discover now