🌸 Chapter 2 🌸

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Mirio's pov~


"M-m-mirio!" Tamaki stuttered in utter shock. I felt my face grow warm, despite his height Tamaki was extremely well built damn... since when was Tamaki this... By now Tamaki was starting to panic and I could tell he felt uncomfortable.

I covered my face with my hand in an attempt to hide my steaming face "I... uhh... s-sorry I wanted to see how you where doing..."I mentally slapped myself smooth Mirio, real smooth.

Tamaki seemed to calm down after that, though his cheeks were dusted with a permanent pink hue. He excused himself to change so in the meantime I lay down on the crumpled hospital bed sheets and let my thoughts wander. God he looked so cute when he got all flustered.

Tamaki came back in a pair of long navy blue shorts and an All Might hoodie that was a few two many sizes big for him, which was extremely out of character for his usual emo look. He blushed when he caught me staring before mumbling "It's all they had" his eyes diverting my gaze. I chuckled a bit he was too cute.

He moved to sit next to me and I shone him a smile handing him a bowl of warm curry from earlier "You haven't had dinner yet have you?". He took the bowl out of my hands, his face lit up at the prospect of food and his lips curved into a perfect smile, like he was a little kid again.

Some more beautiful artwork XD

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Some more beautiful artwork XD

"Thanks Mirio" Tamaki said warmly and for a second I felt a warm fluttering sensation in my chest but as quickly as it came it left.

There was comfortable silence as Tamaki stuffed his have full of rice and curry, until my stomach made a low grumbling noise drawing Tamaki's attention away from his food. I rubbed the back of my neck smiling awkwardly "Yeah, I didn't have dinner"

He sighed taking a spoonful of curry and, blowing on it slightly, he offered it to me, his face burning a crimson red.

Tamaki's pov~

Oh god what did i just do!? He must think i'm weird! My hearts racing at a hundred miles an hour!  Ahh!

Mirio looks taken aback by my bold actions and I look anywhere but his face my gaze eventually settling on his parted lips. he takes hold of my wrist and I visibly flinch at his touch daring to take a quick glance at his face. He gently pulls my wrist towards him and takes a bite of the curry, slowly i pull the spoon from his mouth and i'm suddenly aware of how close he is to me, i can feel the warmth of his breath on my neck. He lets go of my wrist, his hand falling to his side, and i quickly shuffle to the end of the bed feeling my face burn.

He shines a bright smile that reaches his eyes "Thanks Tamaki!"

how can he still act normal after that, i feel like my whole body's turned to jelly. I know we've been friends since middle school and i should probably be used to him getting close to me but lately I've just been getting so flustered.

We spent the rest of the evening together, chatting, and before i knew it night had fallen. The sky was a deep blue ocean of stars scattered across the abyss and a pale moon was barely visible, hiding in the clouds.

I felt a slight tap on my shoulder and I looked around "did you listen to anything I just said?" Mirio questioned.

"Umm... sorry I was distracted" I mumbled.

He sighed "I said do you mind if I stay here tonight it's kind of a bit late to walk home"

"B-but Mirio..."


"There's only one bed..."

Omg eight reads you guys are spoiling me! 😊if you guys have any recommendations for what should happen to Mirio and Tamaki in the future then let me know in the comments! I'll update as soon as possible. Thank you!

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