🌸 Chapter 4 🌸

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Thank you so much for over 100 reads it means a lot to me considering this is my first book! I was thinking about doing a hundred read special but I'm not sure what to write about so if you have any ideas you want me to try out please let me know!

⚠️ Warning ⚠️:  this chapter contains slight swearing.


I walked out to where everyone else were waiting, not making eye contact. My face red with embarrassment. This is why i don't do sleepovers...

Hadou started to giggle uncontrollably when she saw me "i'm sorry Tamaki"  she said between laughs "but it honestly doesn't look to bad"

I grimaced only fueling everyone's laughter more. Mirio looked me up and down before giving me a thumbs up "You look so cute!"

"yeah you should stay that way" Kirishima agreed while struggling to hold back a laugh.

Mirio's pov~

I couldn't keep the amusement out of my voice as I spoke, Tamaki's face was a deep shade of ruby and his eyes where glued to the floor, the embarrassment he was feeling was plain to see. Hadou snapped a picture of him before nudging me in the ribs, whispering "don't worry I'll send it to you" I rolled my eyes before, to her dismay, snatching the phone out of her hands. She puffed up her cheeks in annoyance, reaching her arm up for her phone. I simply leaned back, to avoid her outstretched hand, lifting the phone out of reach and deleting the picture, not before sending it to my phone of course.

Tamaki had changed out of the dress and was complaining about Hadou's poor choice in clothing, when we decided we would make our way back to my apartment.

The rest of the evening was fairly uneventful, until, that is, we decided to play a game of truth or dare. I thought nothing of it at first, we sat down in a circle and Hadou decided to start it of...

"Kirishima, truth or dare!?" She said adding intense sound effects.

Kirishima didn't hesitate to choose dare stating it was the manliest option.

"Hmmm..." she thought over the possibility's "Prank call Bakugou katsuki"

"H-Hadou" Kirishima trembled slightly at the thought "Have you EVER met Bakagou?"

"Nope" she stated "but there's a first time for everything" she proceeded to pick up Kirishima's phone, scrolling through his contacts before stopping at 'bae'. She smirked at the nickname before tapping on it and throwing the phone over to Kirishima.

We all watched intently as the phone buzzed softly in Kirishima's hand. A sudden loud voice screeching out the phone broke the silence "WHO THE FUCK IS THIS?!!!" Bakagou growled.

Kirishima readied himself putting on a cheerful voice "CONGRATULATIONS! You've won a one way ticket to.... uh..." he paused.

"TO WHERE!" Bakugou said in a dangerously low voice.

"My heart" Kirishima replied.

Cringeeeee. Sorry I just wanted to write a little Kiribaka.👌

"SHITTY HAIR I KNOW THAT'S YOU! Come to my room in five..." the phone beeped indicating the call had ended.

"Ooooh! Kiri's gonna get some!" Hadou shouted.

Kirishima rubbed the nape of his neck slightly before saying he should probably go, he was halfway out the door when I called back.

"Don't have to much fun!"

He smiled brightly before heading to Bakagou's room. I turned my attention back to Hadou, who's lips had curved up into a devilish grin. 

"Tamaki!" She screamed loudly at him causing him to jump back in fright. "Truth or dare" she said, inching closer to his face.

"Uh-d-dare" he stuttered, shying away from Hadou.

"You have too...." she paused giving it some thought "cuddle Mirio!"

"What?!" I yelped clutching my bag of popcorn with a death grip, Tamaki looked equally suprised.

"Well i mean you've cuddled before haven't you? You guys have been friends since, like, third grade"

"I guess but-"

"But nothing! i'll leave you two in peace now!" she explained, waving a hand innocently as she exited the room, leaving them in an awkward silence.

I went to sit on the bed, watching Tamaki intently as he shuffled on the floor. Tamaki was the first to brake the silence "we don't have to do this" he stated blankly, making his way to the door.

A sudden playfulness came over me, I strode over to Tamaki and, before he could turn around, rapped my arms around his waist. He let out a shocked yelp at my touch and I slowly walked us backwards, managing to trip on an upturned piece of carpet sending us both plummeting down onto the bed.

Lmao this sounds like the start of a 🍋lemon🍋.Sorry to all you sinners out there. There will be no lemons.

Soft fluffed up cushions broke our fall; I felt Tamaki's every muscle stiffen in my embrace.

Tamaki's pov~

Since we had fallen backward I ended up lying on top of Mirio, facing the ceiling, using him like a human lifeboat. I felt his arms tighten around my waist, my heart felt like dead weight in my chest and my breathing hitched.

"M-Mirio we d-don't have to do this H-Hadou won't know..." I stammered.

"What if I want to" he replied.

I didn't know what to do or say to that, just laying limp in his arms. After a while my eyelids began to droop and I let the sweet bliss of sleep wash over me.

Mirio's pov~

Tamaki's head rested against my chest, his soft indigo hair tickling my cheek. I felt a warmth blossom from within me, something i only seemed to feel around him. I let my hands travel freely up his body, feeling the indents and grooves between the muscles in his back. How long had we stayed like this for? Twenty minutes maybe? He let out a soft snore ahh he was asleep.

I decided i'd let him rest, he looked so peaceful like this, it wouldn't be fair to wake him up. Gently i lifted Tamaki of of me, tucking him under the covers of my bed and returning back to the living room.

When i entered the living room i was met by Hadou, who was sitting smugly in an armchair, a villainous grin plagued her features.

"Tell me everything" 


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