🌸 Chapter 16 🌸

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Tamaki's Pov~

A breezy sigh slipped from my lips as I clawed my way into the convenient store. I had woken up an hour prior, starved to the bone and aching.

This wasn't stealing, I reassured myself as I tore open a can of crab meat with bloody ripped nails, reaching in and ravenously satisfying my craving to quell the pain that lingered in my abdomen. I could barely differentiate between the salty meat and the tears that were steadily flowing down my cheeks and mixing with my meal as I shoveled it in with bare hands. I stood up, trembling like a deer in headlights, and stumbled past the counter to the medicine cabinet; my hands were infested with tremors and quivered violently as I fumbled though the cupboard, pills spilling over the bare marble floor.

Bottle of antiseptic in hand, I gushed the entirety of the liquid over the gangrenous wound on my thigh. The pain was spontaneous, igniting a sizzling pain in my flesh as I thrashed manically on the floor. Bottles rained from their shelves as I repeatedly bashed my writhing body against it; glass and blood dabbled the floor.

I panted, gasping breathlessly for air that didn't quite fill my lungs, leaning the full extent of my weight against the counter top.

Mirio's pov~

A searing pain rippled throughout me like I had been ripped open and doused in Hydrofluoric acid, being left to melt into nothing but a bloody stain on the the floor; no, that would be preferable. I ceased to move, a chilling wave leaching my heart and draining my sanity. A wrangled choke left my throat as I crumpled to the ground, muffling my sobs with his tainted hero suit, to the satisfaction of the unhinged villain towering in front of me. If there was any remaining spark of determination left in me it had quickly been snuffed out by his next words "You should have seen his face as I tore him limb from limb, his terror was absolutely delicious!". The man licked his lips, a devilish blush seeping across his cheeks "You can call me Tei" he extended a hand towards me, pouting as I shuffled further into the corner "Aw, no hand shake?".

"W..why would you d..do this? He did nothing to you!" I chocked out, smashing my balled fist against the ground. My body was quivering erratically, my hand twitching ever so slightly, in spasm. My heart, that once felt so dead and numb, was consumed by an unwavering rage; eating away at the numbness leaving only despair and hatred.

An imaginary force prised his lips into an all to wide, devilish grin "You want to join him?"

I activated my quirk, slipping through the floor and leaving nothing but my clothes to remind him of where I once was. My bare ass hit the ground bellow, an audible crunch leaving me praying my booty was still in tact.

I cradled the ash grey cube in my hand, bringing it up to my mouth "Y..you heard all that, right?"

The receiver flared to life firing back with a "What, you braking your ass or..."

"Then where the h..hell are you?" My voice came out wavered and broken like a child calling for their mother; desperate.

"Right here", the voice didn't come from the puny box I clasped in my hand instead it came from the doorway, where Fatgum was fighting a losing battle, struggling profusely to squeeze his bulbas body through the door frame.

I eyed him skeptically as he hunched over in the cramped room, his head knocked against the ceiling and his sides brushed against the walls. "He said..d that... that he. He k..ki.... and... that w..we were next".

"And here I was thinking you wanted to be with your sweetheart." A sing-song voice echoed down the corridor, until a peep of mustard hair and enlarged amber eyes peaked from behind the doorframe. He entered the room and ran his tongue over his lower lip, letting it hang out of his mouth so that a pool of saliva gathered on the concrete floor, between his feet. "I thought you actually cared" he flicked his salivating muscle once over his lips before sliding it back into his mouth, "Guess not".

I lurched forward, my hand curled into a tight fist, my nails digging painfully into my enclosed palm, but before any punches could be thrown colossal arms wrapped around my middle and I was secured into Fatgums death grip which had me flailing my limbs and thrashing like a beetle flipped on it's back. "Control yourself Mirio", his pointed gaze fell on the man who went by Tei, "Come quietly and we'll have no need to resort to violence, let me remind you we are heroes".

"I am aware" the villain grumbled under his breath, "You really think I'd just hand myself over?"

The grip around my abdomen loosened and I slipped out his once tight embrace "Save yourself the embarrassment of being beaten by a high-schooler, villain.", Fatgum spat, taking a daring step closer to the wild-eyed villain.

The wobbly grin inscribed into his face turned a darker shade of menacing "YOU REALLY THINK I'D JUST SIT ON MY ASS WHILE YOU BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF ME, YOU THINK I DON'T HAVE REASONING FOR WHAT I!-"

With the vague go ahead from Fatgum I sprang forward launching myself at the crazed man "YOU DON'T GET TO HAVE REASONING FOR WHAT YOU DID, HE'S INNOCENT IN ALL THIS!"

My clenched fist barely grazed his cheek, yet it was sure to leave an unsightly bruise, he scooted out the way narrowly avoiding the brunt of the hit. "Fatgum, block the exit!", From the corner of my eye, Fatgum obliged, awkwardly shuffling in front of the door, the room seemed to majorly restricted his movement. I spun on my heel delivering a swift kick to his head that left him stumbling and disoriented, he dropped back a few steps, grimacing as he gently rubbed at his head. He grinned wickedly as he examined his fingers, now decorated in a thick coat of carmine blood. He glanced up at me, the grin pulled uncomfortably at his cheeks showing two sets of pearly teeth squeezed in between soft gum "He made the same mistake too".

My eyebrows tied together in a tight frown and I bit back a gasp as a thick neon yellow putty oozed from the gash in his head, dripping down the right side of his body and pooling at his feet. Still squeezed in front of the doorway, Fatgum made a grab at Tei, a string of curses flowing from his mouth when the man easily avoided the attack. "My fights not with you Fatty" The man snarled baring his teeth like a rabid animal backed into a corner. My teeth grazed at my lower lip and my nose crinkled in disgust as the overly strong scent of chemicals wafted through the air. My eyes narrowed but I made no sign of surprise as the neon gloop dribbling down the mans side began to erode the floor around him. He walked, agonisingly slow, towards me; a trail of eroded concrete, or more so lack of it, left in his wake.

꧁༒𝒯𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓎𝑜𝓊༒꧂ ~𝓜𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓪𝓶𝓪Where stories live. Discover now