🌸 Chapter 13 🌸

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I feel like y'all are shook after last chapter.

Mirio's pov~

We stayed in each others arms for a while basking in the warmth of the simple act of company. No words were exchanged, none were needed. In it's own twisted way, this night had been comforting. The anguish and grief I once carried on my shoulders had been lifted and although my heart still pined for him, I felt lighter now; no longer bound by the chains of desolation. It's not like I had forgotten or didn't care, the fierce unfamiliar determination to pulverise anyone who dared to lay a finger on him still burned passionately in my gut. I would find him in the end, but if all I did was dwell on the thought he might never return then I'd never get him back.

I felt the familiar vibration of my phone through the cotton covers, rapping my bed up like a present, I blindly felt around until my fingertips brushed against the smooth plastic shell of my phone. I accepted the oncoming call and placed the shattered screen against my ear, humming idly as the other end of the line crackled and spluttered to life.

I wasn't expecting anything important, I wasn't expecting this.

"H... have I... reached M-Mirio Togata?" A scratchy slightly shaken voice spoke, his breathing was rapid and irregular; most likely in a state of shock.

"Sir", I raised my hand to scratch at a bugging itch lurking on the bridge of my nose, a bored expression adorning my face. Normally I would've been more than happy to assist the community, but this wasn't normal me. " If you are looking for the emergency services the number to call is 110" I stated flatly.

The line went silent, and, assuming they were finished, I yanked the phone away from my ear, my thumb hovering over the vibrant red decline button when the line flared back to life again; in the same rasped, warped voice, the question was repeated yet this time there was no denying the utter urgency laced into the trembling tone.

"Is this... Mirio Togata?".

Winding a lock of Hadou's sapphire hair around my finger I decided to humour the terror-stricken man; confirming his assumption. My interest was peaked now, what did he want with me? Was he from the hero commission? Was it related to Tamaki? I threaded my fingers through Hadou's hair, mesmerised by it's silky texture, it was a needed distraction from the feral questions infecting my mind.

"I work for-" the line went static, angry fizzles and pops of the broken line assaulted my ears "- I'm calling about Suneater, maybe you'd know him as Tamaki". My body went slack, the grasp on my phone loosening to the point were it slipped through my lax fingers and onto the duvet, a small thump filling the silence as the fabric crinkled around it. The thundering of my heart pounded heavily in my ears and my breathing hitched as I desperately fought to regain control of my body. I urged myself to pick it up, slamming it forcefully against my ear to the point were it stung and flushed pink at the tips. Hadou stirred next to me, her head now resting on my shoulder in an awkward uncomfortable manner. I held my breath and rapidly blinked back the succession of tears that began to brim in my eyes; I was a god damn emotional mess.

"Sir, are you still there?"


The other man cleared his throat although it was border lining a hoarse whimper.

"Tamaki Amajiki, the lost hero, has been... re, re-located. I've been told to assign you to the case, considering your knowledge of the young student. You'll be joining the recon group belonging to Fatgum but-" a pause, then a sigh "I'm aware you feel... strongly, about Amajiki. Don't let your feelings interfere with your mission, or your 'friend', could end up getting seriously injured. Right, that will be all. Please meet at the agency so we can discuss matters ASAP... oh... and please don't bring the blue chick." The last line came in the form of a muffled whimper "She scares me".

And like that the call had ended and I was plunged back into silence. A flurry of thoughts raced around in my head like a rabid dogs, was he alive? Who took him? Why didn't they take me? I felt so overwhelmingly agitated, so distressed, so... useless.

Carefully, I pried myself from Hadou's tight grip, laying her horizontally on my bed, muffled, jumbled words left her parted lips and for the first time since Tamaki had first disappeared, I chuckled.

I gaped at the tattered man staring back at me in the mirror, his cheeks were hollow and his once golden hair was deflated and straggly. Although you could still see the remains of the bulging muscles in his frame, his figure looked gaunt and malnourished. How could I let things get this far?

I stepped into the shower, my skin immediately soaking in the warmth of the water that ran soothingly across my chest, I relished in the moment of peace before I got to work on scrubbing the grime and sweat free from my body.

I gently rested my forehead against the cool porcelain tiles, loving the chill temperature that quenched my fiery hot skin. I weaved my fingers through my matted hair, roughly rubbing the gel into my scalp until my hair stuck up in a bubbly mohawk.

After rinsing, I got out the shower, bringing with me some of my lost confidence. My skin had been cleansed from the build up of sweat and dead skin particles and my hair once again poofed up into my signature blond quiff. My face was still deprived of my gummy smile but that would come in due time; baby steps, Mirio.

Fully clothed and with a burning hellfire of determination flourishing within I shut my apartment door, striding through the apartment complex and down a blur of colourful winding high streets. It was almost frightening how quickly society moved on from the loss of their favourite shy boy Suneater, within a week the bullet hole left in our hearts had been filled with the latest juicy gossip and the name Tamaki Amajiki was soon forgotten, discarded to the long list of heroes MIA.

I stood before Fatgums odd looking agency, the building closely resembling the sweet-toothed hero. I wasted no time in bursting through the main entrance, fists balled and eyes flaming, I marched through the building. Despite not having a clue were I was going I sprinted through the labyrinth of corridors, much to the dismay of just about every single worker.

A dainty hand hooked into the back of my shirt collar and suddenly the world around me was contorting in a flush of colours, my vision bending and coiling around me with the vigour of a bullwhip. My vision began to morph and rebuild itself threading together each tiny building block of my sight until the world had fully reconstructed around me.

I staggered forward, my legs threatening to fail me, and shielded my eyes from the blaring white lights that fed my already searing eyes with another dose of red hot pain.

As the lights dimmed I became aware of a large hand present on my shoulder, steadying me; It was probably the only thing keeping me upright. I was dragged up by my armpits and when the mysterious hand man seemed certain I was stable, the hand disappeared altogether.

I spun on my heels, the familiar overwhelming aroma of   sweet, sweet sugar drowning my senses in a comforting nostalgia.

"Mirio, I knew you'd come".

Personally, although I ship Miritama I actually see Mirio as being either Asexual, Pansexual, straight, Bisexual or Gay.

Wow it hasn't even been a week and I updated, guys, I think this is a record.

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