🌸 Chapter 10 🌸

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Tamaki's Pov~

The click of a switch broke me from the well needed brake of sleep and white streams of light illuminated the small area surrounding the fold-up chair I was bound to. Darkness ate up half of the table in front of me and I was well aware of piercing amber eyes burning holes in my back from a good distance away.

Two hands slammed down on the table as a face peered into the light, azure eyes starring me down. Mitsu's gaze didn't hold the ferocity of his comrade, Tei, nor were they dark or intimidating, instead they were filled with energy and determination, giving him a rather soft look. "So" he spoke, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Where were you at the crime scene?".


I narrowed my eyes slightly as confusion bubbled up inside of me. He wasn't stupid, was he? I guess there's always a stupid one. Gingerly I pointed my finger into the darkness, where I assumed Tei, my kidnapper, stood.

"Can you conform this?!" The man swivelled around on his chair like a child, pointing a finger accusingly at his now slightly ticked of companion.  

These people are crackheads.

"Yes" the other male confirmed through gritted teeth, he looked almost as confused as I was.

"Ah, so you-" Mitsu began but, to his dismay, was rudely interrupted by a certain short-tempered male . "You're a crap Villain, Mitsu. And a crap bad-cop, just walk yourself the fuck back to the bomb site you call a bedroom, and let me deal with this one". The amber haired male paused at Tei's sudden outburst, leaning back in the spiny chair and gazing up at him through lidded eyes.

"Well that was rude", the male huffed, pushing himself out the chair and sliding his way to the exit. Pausing, he took a breath, swivelling his body round to face me. "See ya around, Tamaki" he finger gunned, but the smile plastered on his face looked strained, more like a grimace. Finally exiting the room while muttering a short "I hope- doesn't kill y- like the last one", although it was only a fraction of his sentence it was enough to send my blood pumping. I sure as hell didn't want to be alone with Tei.

The relaxed vibe that had once been present in the room dropped as soon as Tei grabbed a chair, being replaced with a darker more sinister aura. The male seated himself opposite me his fingers edging into the light as he drummed them idly against the table, a soft thumping noise filling the silence.

"So" he finally spoke, droning out the last syllable, tasting the word on his tongue as though it were aged wine.

"Tell me, Pretty birdie, how badly do y-"

"No, nothing you say or do will change m-my mind, I'm not spilling a single word about U.A" My voice called out in a trembling squeak and I hated it, I hated this whole situation.

"Oh" The male cooed, a smug smile twisting his lips up into a crooked line, "So he finally speaks, how... intriguing".

The man opposite me pulled out a worn leather satchel traced with a fine line of silver stitching, tossing it haphazardly across the table, he glanced up at me scanning for any trace of fear that he could latch onto. He ripped open the satchel, three pristine photos spilling out it's mouth onto the bare surface in front of me. Two of the three photos were faced down whilst the other was bent out of shape and folded in on itself, concealing the picture within. Tentatively my hand reached out on its own accord, wrapping around the crumpled photo and unfolding it.

My heart stuttered in my chest as I gazed down at the wrinkled picture of Mirio, my grip on the photo tightening. I didn't like where this was going.

Another pale hand reached out flipping the other photos so that I could clearly view both Hadou and Kiri's smiling figures. I physically recoiled, still clutching the flimsy Polaroid of Mirio in my quivering hands. It's not that I didn't like them, they're my best friends, it's just there aren't many reasons a psychotic villain shows you pictures of your best friends and i'm pretty sure it's not to gossip over my painfully obvious school crush.

I won't tell them anything. I'm not weak. I'm not pathetic.

"I presume you know these people" the male stated, his voice cutting through the silence like a knife through butter.

I nodded solemnly, there was no point in hiding it, it's not like it was a secret. My muscles stiffened in anticipation, I knew the questions coming, I knew the answers too, but that didn't quench the dread that was slowly sapping away at my will to push through.

"I want you to tell me everything you know, from their quirks and weaknesses to their personality types and ambitions, leave nothing out."

"And If I don't?" My voice trembled like a leaf in the wind, but I was genuinely curious how the man planned to force it out from me.

He mulled over the question taking his time to formulate a suitable answer before deciding to ignore it and just get to the point.

"Do you know why I kidnapped you, Tamaki Amajiki?" His eerie voice drawled, as he drew small complex shapes into the table surface with the pad of his index finger. His fierce amber gaze met my stoic one, receiving only a shake of the head and icy glare in return. He mumbled something about 'you heroes, such a nuisance' before answering his own question.

"Mirio Togata, the closest man to being number one hero and the strongest student in U.A" He stuffed his face into the palm of his hands, repressing the urge to sigh as he half shouted, half cried out, "He makes to many fucking grandpa jokes, Ejirou Kirishima has a scary ass boyfriend and Nejire Hadou has the attention span of a god damn walnut!" he paused, massaging small circles into his temples, his amber hues finding mine. "You're the only fucking sane one out of the entire group".

I certainly wasn't expecting that explanation, nor the sudden change in mood.

"They're not grandpa jokes" I insisted, a pout pulling at my parched lips, "They make people smile".

The male propped his chin up on whitening knuckles, pulling his lip in between two sets of his snowy white teeth, "Is that so" he whispered, his gaze trailing down my face to my lips.

He extended his hand, lean fingers cupping my face. I flinched, failing to pull my face out of his iron tight grip, "Of course", the male murmured, "There were other reasons I kidnapped you".

He smoothed his thumb over my cracked lips, a malicious grin itching it's way across his face.

Maybe it was terror, or fatigue finally settling in, but in a burst of ferocity and angsty teenage hormones, I lashed out. I couldn't, I wouldn't, let him touch me.

I promise there will be no rape or any sexual harassment other than face touching, I know this story is getting a little dark but stay with me. I'm just waiting on more Tei hate comments.

This was supposed to be a crack-fic.😰

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