🌸Chapter 5🌸

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Ahhh! i'm sorry this took so long! i had writers block.

Mirio's pov~

"Tell me everything."

"What's there to tell?" I questioned.

"Well you cuddled didn't you!?" She squealed, rising out of the armchair.

I nodded blankly in response. "Yep".

"Aww! You guys should get together ya know!" (Hadou is like every Miritama shipper out there!) She paused, her face turning serious. "Mirio... do you like Tamaki?"

Do I like Tamaki? I mean, I've always thought of him as my best friend, but never even considered that I might have feelings for him... I would know wouldn't I? Yeah, sometimes I feel slightly strange when I'm around him, but that's only because we're friends... I don't feel like that around Hadou though... This is all new to me. I-I don't like Tamaki like that.... right?

Hadou waved a hand in front of my eyes. "Hellooo? Earth to Mirio?"

"Sorry guess I was lost in thought," I replied meekly.

"Yeah... so?" She asked, sinking back into the armchair; inquiring for me to sit next to her.

I flopped onto the sofa, burying my face in the soft cushions, feeling a sense of comfort in holding them. "I-I don't know..." I said flatly. "I've never liked someone before"

"Not even like... a school crush?" Hadou raised an eyebrow.

"None that I can recall," I replied dryly.

"Man, you have a heart of stone!" she exclaimed.

I finally looked up from the pillow, meeting her curious blue eyes. A frown passing over my features. "Thanks, Hadou, really helps"

She laughed heartily. "It's fine, Mirio. You'll figure out your feelings."

"Yeah, I hope your right," I agreed, a smile pulling at my lips.

"How do you feel when your around him?" her voice was soft, contrasting with her usual energetic tone.

I paused thinking over what to say next. "I feel warm..."

"Mm hmm..." she nodded slowly, her lips curving into a smile. "I think you already know the answer to your question, Mirio."


Tamaki's pov~

I strolled through the large open gates of UA, taking in the buildings tall stature and translucent glass panes. I felt a sense of foreboding for the coming events; my heart ached with anticipation,  reassuring myself that it would be fine. I stepped into UA.

Last class of the day~

My cheek rested in the palm of my hand as I gazed out the window, lazily studying the outside scenery. I leisurely took a glance at Mirio who had his head laid to one side on the desk, his eyes screwed shut; apparently sleeping through English was the only way Mirio survived President Mic's earsplitting shouts.

I pulled a crumpled piece of paper from my pocket, quickly scribbling down a short message. I stared at the note, feeling slightly uneasy, unanswered questions raced through my mind but it was all cut short by the quick chime of the school bell.

Mirio's sleeping figure lay lifeless on his desk. His blond hair sticking out in all directions. I looked back down at the note, starting to feel slightly giddy as I read it over.

I stood in front of him. Noticing he had quite charming features. I placed the note In his line of sight, and tapped him lightly on the shoulder. I watched as his weight shifted and his eyes fluttered open, taking this as an opportunity to leave; I opened the classroom door and without a second glance, I left.

Mirio's pov~

My eyes fluttered open, my vision was blurry and the world seemed to spin around me. I forced my eyes to focus, making out the silhouette of Tamaki as he closed the classroom door behind him.

My eyes instantly fell to the small crumpled note on my desk, I smoothed the paper with the palm of my hand, studying the slightly scruffy handwriting sprawled upon it.

'Meet me under the cherry blossom trees at 4:00'

It was 4:03.

I stood a good distance away from Tamaki, my shoulders rising and falling due to running here. His eyes were wide with surprise as though he didn't expect me to come, and a harsh wind tugged loose strands of hair into his face.

Wind whipped at the cherry blossom trees, sending soft pink petals dancing to the ground. Nothing was spoken between us. Tamaki's mellow gaze hovered over my eyes, making my heart melt.

"Mirio." His voice was quite, barely louder than a whisper and I strained my ears to hear it.

"I love you."


Had to leave this chapter on a cliff hanger


Till next time


Fish Sticks

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