🌸 Chapter 14 🌸

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This is a bit of a short chapter but it's mainly just a filler for what's upcoming.

Mirio's pov~

"Mirio, I knew you'd come".

Fatgums gravely voice spoke as I glanced around in a foggy daze, not quite processing the words spilling from his mouth. His voice was grounding, of sorts, despite the crisis we had been torpedoed into his voice stayed calm and even.

The room was dim, the only light source spilling out of multiple flat screened computers that covered the entirety of one wall. Slouched lazily in a wheely-chair before the entourage of screens, one hand scratching irritably at his scalp, was a young man. Complex computer code reflected onto his thick lenses which sat snugly on the bridge of his nose and a pool of blue light illuminated his features in a soft whimsical glow.

"Ah!" Fatgum followed my stare lingering on the youthful man, "This is Yuuto Hiroto, technicians and computer genius". The male in question spun in the chair giving us both a soft smile, revealing a large dimple sitting at the bottom right corner of his cheek. A faint blush coloured his cheeks at his boss's forward compliment. "Hi" he gave a limp wave, his voice was rich with wisdom cured by the undeniable shock of sweetness, instantaneously I was hit with a wave of deja vu prickling at the stump of my neck. That voice had a unmistakable resemblance to the man on the phone.

"How old are you?" I questioned, his voice mismatched his face, not necessarily in a bad sense but... strange none the less. "Like aren't you a little young to already be a techno mastermind".

"Ah well... I'm actually forty-one, so, not as young as you think".

"Hiroto here has applied for a trial, if everything runs smoothly in the test run then he'll be transferring to my agency" Fatgum slung a protective arm over the mans shoulder an amusing look of terror streaking his soft features as he was dragged into a bear hug that engulfed his entire body. "And isn't he adorable!" His overly excited boss sung.

"S-Sir shouldn't we get started on the case" the male muffled through Fatgum's blueberry resembling stomach.

His attention was quickly snapped back on task, the Cheshire grin pulling at his cheeks softening into a wistful grimace, his clutch on his poor assistant loosening. "Right. We installed a tracking device into the U.A students hero suits, only a select few were informed of this new decision as not to spark distrust" he gently rubbed at his temples trying to sooth the pain that came hand in hand with loosing a dear friend. "At first we assumed the villains had found and destroyed the chip, but his signal is back online and-" he finally freed his assistant, rummaging through his back pockets until he whipped out a crinkled map; coffee stain spreading like the plague over the foremost of the paper. "We tracked it back to an abandoned region of Kyushu".

I snatched the flimsy sheet out of Fatgums' chubby hands, scanning over it thoroughly. Although the chocolate brown splurge obscured the details, a clear crimson circle prevailed through it's midst, circling what seemed to be an apartment block. "We should leave now the sooner we find Ta...Tamaki the better. We gather a small squad and head out." I stumbled over his name.

Playing idly with the pristine cuff of his dress shirt Hiroto looked up quizzically "You do have a plan in mind, right?" 

At that, a toothy grin played at Fatgums features as he slammed open the secured metal door and I couldn't help but cringe at the irritable sound of the metal raking against the concrete floor. The light that spilled in from the now open door framed his circular face perfectly and he wore a look that could only be described as determined as he pulled out a pair of shaded bouncer glasses from seemingly no ware, slipping them on casually.

"Yeah, bust in there and kick. Some. Ass".

Man, I've been watching to much Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

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